
  • Octopath Traveler 2 Banters Transcript
    octopath 2024. 1. 31. 22:31

    feel free to inform me @satsumikan on twitter if you find any typos or mistakes! typos that are present in the game were fixed.



    Chapter 2 Cateracta

    Ochette + Agnea: Agnea the Chef

    Agnea: Wow! Look at all this fresh fish!

    Agnea: I wish I could share this with the folks back home.

    Agnea: Should we stew it with some tomatoes? Or just salt and grill them?

    Agnea: What do you think, Ochette?

    Ochette: *munch munch* I think it’s fine like this?

    Ochette: A little funky, but definitely worth it!

    Agnea: …Ochette, I want to show you something. One moment!

    Ochette: Wh-what is this!?

    Agnea: Hehe! I just gave it a light sauté. Try it with this sauce.

    Ochette: Down the hatch!

    Ochette: Th-this food… It’s unbelievable!

    Ochette: It’s so light and fluffy! The funky smell is completely gone!

    Agnea: I’m glad you like it.

    Ochette: I had no idea today’s catch could taste this good. Maybe you should be the hunter, Aggie!

    Agnea: Oh, Ochette!

    Ochette + Partitio: The Value of Money

    Ochette: Hey Parti. How come humans are so obsessed with money?

    Partitio: It’s not the money itself they want.

    Partitio: Everyone’s got their own dreams ‘n’ desires.

    Partitio: Medicine, books, passage on a ship, you name it…

    Partitio: Money’s just a way of gettin’ those things.

    Ochette: Huh… I’m happy enough with a tasty meal, myself.

    Partitio: Heh! Maybe if we were all like you, we wouldn’t need money.

    Ochette: I bet everyone would understand if they tried my jerky.

    Partitio: It’s that good, eh? Would you sell me a bit to try?

    Ochette: I’ll give you some! No money required!

    Ochette: Food always tastes better when you share it!

    Partitio: Hoo-ey! That’s mighty kind of you.

    Partitio: But please take the money. Humor me.

    Ochette: If you say so!

    Ochette + Throné: The Scent of Danger

    Throné: ……

    Throné: ……

    Throné: Almost…there…

    Ochette: Hm?

    Throné: Tch… You caught me.

    Ochette: What’s up, Néné? Why were you sneaking up on me?

    Throné: “Néné”...? That name aside, how did you know I was there?

    Ochette: Heh heh! You smell so good, how could I not?

    Ochette: Even when you’re hiding, I know you’re there. And that you’re up to something!

    Throné: Your nose is that sensitive?

    Throné: I’ll be honest, then. The truth is, I… Well…

    Throné: I was hoping to…touch…your tail.

    Ochette: …Say what?

    Throné: That fluffy tail of yours… I’ve had my eye on it for some time.

    Ochette: Uh…sure?

    Throné: Really!?

    Ochette: Don’t overdo it, though. It gets ticklish.

    Ochette + Hikari: The Dark Hunter

    Hikari: “The Dark Hunter”...? I wonder what they look like…

    Ochette: Hmm…

    Ochette: I bet they’re dressed all in black, from head to toe.

    Ochette: With a black bow and pitch-black arrows!

    Hikari: Yes… Perhaps astride a black horse.

    Ochette: And when they cook their meat, they probably sear it to a crisp.

    Hikari: Uh… Yes… Maybe so.

    Ochette: They probably have special words for everything, too.

    Ochette: Like, instead of “marketplace,” maybe they say “darketplace.”

    Hikari: I’m…not so sure about that one…

    Ochette: Yep, that Dark Hunter sure is a mystery…

    Ochette + Temenos: A History Lesson for Acta

    Temenos: O-Ochette… What are you doing with Acta?

    Ochette: Oh, Acta was grizzling, so it’s cuddle time. Isn’t it, Acta!?

    Temenos: Are you perhaps overdoing it? Acta seems rather…constricted.

    Ochette: Whoops! Sorry, Acta.

    Temenos: One cannot soothe through force…

    Ochette: How do humans soothe their babies?

    Temenos: We sing songs or read them stories.

    Ochette: Oh, yeah? In that case, would you read Acta one of your histories?

    Temenos: My histories are for proselytizing purposes.

    Ochette: Aw, come on. Do it for Acta.

    Temenos: Oh, very well. But just one.

    Temenos: …And thus the people continued to live in light and warmth.

    Temenos: For the Sacred Flame ever shines upon… Hm?

    Ochette: Zzz…zzz…

    Temenos: My goodness. They both fell asleep.

    Temenos: The scriptures speak in a universal language…tedium.

    Chapter 2 Tera

    Ochette + Partitio: Ochette’s Fortune Telling

    Partitio: Did you hear? You can use coins to tell your fortune.

    Ochette: Tell your fortune?

    Partitio: If you wanna know whether a wish will come true, just toss a coin into the air.

    Partitio: If it lands on head, the wish’ll come true. Tails, it won’t. See?

    Ochette: Wow! How do coins know that!?

    Partitio: Heh. You got a wish, Ochette?

    Ochette: I wish to have a king iguana for dinner tomorrow!

    Partitio: Right! Let’s consult the coin. Go ahead and toss this baby.

    Ochette: Got it.

    Ochette: Aaand… GRAAGH!

    Partitio: What the—!?

    Ochette: Hmm? I lost sight of it.

    Ochette: So…what’s the answer?

    Partitio: ……

    Partitio: I guess this means…you gotta make your wish come true yourself.

    Ochette + Temenos: The Case of the Missing Jerky

    Ochette: I need a detective!

    Temenos: What’s the matter, Ochette?

    Ochette: The jerky I was saving for later…has vanished!

    Ochette: That’s a mystery, right, Temenos?

    Temenos: Indeed, and the stakes could not be higher. We must investigate.

    Temenos: This jerky… When did you see it last?

    Ochette: Hmm… This morning, maybe?

    Temenos: And when did you realize it was gone?

    Ochette: Just now!

    Temenos: …When your stomach was rumbling very loudly. I see.

    Temenos: Just one more thing… How did the jerky taste?

    Ochette: Oh, it was delicious!

    Temenos: ……

    Temenos: The truth…lies in your stomach.

    Ochette: Nice work, Mr. Detective!

    Ochette + Castti: Ochette’s Ears

    Castti: Say, Ochette. Your ears are on the top of your head, right?

    Castti: What do you have down where human ears go?

    Ochette: Hmmm… You mean here?

    Castti: …!

    Castti: I see… Under your hair, there’s nothing there at all!

    Ochette: Heh heh! Castti, you sure are dedicated to your work.

    Ochette: You’re studying beastling anatomy to become a better apothecary, right?

    Castti: Y-yes… Exactly…

    Castti: (How can I tell her that I was just curious…?)

    Ochette + Agnea: Worrying About Pala

    Agnea: ……

    Ochette: What’s up, Aggie?

    Agnea: Seeing how hungry Pom is made me think of Pala.

    Agnea: I hope she’s eating well…

    Ochette: Oh, your little sister?

    Agnea: Pala might seem carefree, but she gets lonely easily.

    Agnea: When our mother died, she cried for so long…

    Agnea: I could barely even get her to eat.

    Agnea: I hope she’s doing all right without me…

    Ochette: I’m sure she’s fine, Aggie.

    Ochette: Everyone eats when they get hungry enough!

    Agnea: Hehe. You’re right. I’m overthinking it.

    Agnea: Thank you, Ochette.

    Ochette + Throné: Daggers vs. Bows

    Ochette: Hey, are daggers really useful? They seem so short.

    Throné: They’re useful all right. A dagger in darkness slides right into an enemy’s heart.

    Throné: I bet your bow can’t do that.

    Ochette: Well, no… Because with a bow, I don’t need to get that close.

    Ochette: I sniff ‘em out from a distance and make the shot by smell!

    Throné: But a dagger is faster and surer.

    Ochette: I mean, with a bow I can hunt animals across a whole canyon.

    Throné: Well, with a dagger…

    Ochette: Yeah, but a bow can…

    Throné: ……

    Ochette: ……

    Ochette: You know… If we teamed up, we’d be unbeatable!

    Throné: Hah… This could be the beginning of a beautiful partnership.

    Ochette + Osvald: Osvald Smiles

    Ochette: Hey, Pops. What’s got you so grumpy?

    Osvald: This is my normal face.

    Ochette: Now that you mention it, I’ve never seen you smile…

    Ochette: Right! Time for my best impression! This is guaranteed to make you laugh.

    Osvald: ……

    Ochette: “This jerky is moldy, but still tasty.”

    Ochette: “This jerky is fresh, but tastes like wood.”

    Ochette: “Well, Osvald? Which will it be?”

    Osvald: Who’s that supposed to be?

    Ochette: The man who trained me! Master Juvah, on Toto’haha Island!

    Osvald: ……

    Ochette: Strange… That always gets a laugh back home…

    Osvald: Heh. You’re an odd one.

    Ochette: Aha! You smiled!

    Chapter 2 Glacis

    Ochette + Osvald: Goulash

    Osvald: It’s chilly out.

    Osvald: Some goulash would really hit the spot today.

    Ochette: Goulash?
    Osvald: It’s a stew with meat and vegetables. My wife often made it for me.

    Osvald: It warms you right to your bones. There’s nothing better on a cold day.

    Ochette: I know just what you mean!

    Ochette: Food made by someone special gives you a warm feeling all over!

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: Yes, I see… “Warmth” can be about more than the food’s own heat.

    Osvald: …A fair point.

    Ochette + Hikari: Louder than Benkei

    Hikari: I’ve never heard such a loud voice.

    Ochette: Heh heh! They said I was the loudest on the island.

    Hikari: How marvelous!

    Hikari: A strong voice is important on the battlefield, to strike terror into the enemy.

    Hikari: With you in the vanguard, I’m sure morale would soar.

    Ochette: If you like it that much, here’s another!

    Ochette: *deep breath*

    Hikari: P-perhaps later…?

    Ochette: GRAAAOOORRRGH!!!

    Hikari: …!

    Ochette: How was that? Did your morale soar?

    Hikari: Y-yes… You’re even louder than Benkei…

    Ochette + Partitio: Rare Liquor

    Partitio: Hey, Ochette! I got some booze from Heig.

    Partitio: Apparently it’s a rare local tipple. Wanna try it with me?

    Ochette: I sure do!

    Partitio: Cheers!

    Ochette: To Heig!

    Partitio: Mmm! That’s some good drinkin’!

    Ochette: Bleh… It’s bitter, but…I feel so warm and fuzzy.

    Partitio: I’ve never had booze this strong before.

    Partitio: They don’t mess around in snow country. I gotta get the word out!

    Ochette: Can I have a little more?

    Partitio: You bet! Can’t have a tasting without…well, tasting!

    Ochette: Woohee! Hey… Par…Pardizzio…

    Partitio: Who’s that? Wait… You mean me?

    Ochette: You gozza parazizzle wid z’m zarlopal… Zee?

    Partitio: L-lizzen… You’ve had enough for one tazding…

    Partitio: You aren’even makin zenze… Buh? Wazza? Now I’mallabza…

    Ochette: Zaba daba zoodle dooo… ♪

    Partitio: Mazza! Zabazzla…!

    Ochette + Castti: Helping Heig

    Castti: There. That should do it.

    Castti: I’ve tended to Heig’s injuries. He should be fine now.

    Ochette: Great! Thanks, Castti.

    Castti: But there was one symptom I couldn’t alleviate…

    Ochette: What was it?

    Castti: Well, his face went bright red while I was helping him…

    Castti: And the redness simply wouldn’t go away. What do you think we should do?

    Ochette: Ah, yes… I see.

    Ochette: Sounds like old Heigy’s taken a “leiging” to Castti…

    Chapter 3

    Ochette + Temenos: Human Language

    Temenos: The island’s beastlings seem to struggle with language somewhat.

    Ochette: That’s true. But they have good hearts.

    Temenos: Oh, yes. I can tell.

    Temenos: Incidentally, Ochette, where did you learn to talk?

    Ochette: From Master Juvah!

    Ochette: He’s not just my hunting teacher… He taught me to speak, too.

    Ochette: He said I’d need to know both to protect the island.

    Temenos: He sounds like a wise teacher.

    Temenos: A common language is what allows us to share our thoughts.

    Temenos: One day, I will find the time to teach the beastlings here to speak as well.

    Ochette: Wow, really? Thank you!

    Temenos: No need to thank me! It’s for my own benefit.

    Temenos: I’d like to be able to chat with them too, you see.

    Ochette: Heh heh… Gotcha!

    Ochette + Agnea: Popular on the Isle

    Ochette: “I must fight the bad guys…”

    Ochette: “So there’ll be no more goodbyyyes!”

    Agnea: Hey… That song…!

    Ochette: Heh heh! I made up some new words to your tune!

    Ochette: You sang it to encourage all the villagers, right?

    Agnea: Hehe… I’m glad you like it.

    Ochette: Songs are amazing. This one filled us all with bravery.

    Agnea: How wonderful… To think that my song did so much good!

    Ochette: Yep It brought all our hearts together as one.

    Ochette: Beastlings, humans… All on the same side.

    Ochette: They’ve been holding singalongs ever since!

    Agnea: ……

    Agnea: Is that…wise? Shouldn’t they be preparing for battle?

    Ochette + Hikari: A United Front

    Hikari: Wonderful.

    Hikari: To see human villagers fighting alongside us…

    Ochette: Heh heh… It’s hard to believe, right?

    Hikari: It’s all because you and the other beastlings offered the hand of friendship.

    Hikari: In my homeland, humans cannot even cease warring on each other.

    Hikari: We have much to learn from beastlings.

    Hikari: We must create a world of mutual aid, not allies and enemies.

    Ochette: Yeah!

    Ochette: You’re gonna be a great king, Hikarin!

    Hikari: Thank you, Ochette.

    Ochette + Osvald: A Special Technique

    Osvald: The decisive battle approaches.

    Ochette: Sure does! You all set, Pops?

    Osvald: Of course. My magic is ready any time.

    Ochette: Hey, I just had an idea!

    Osvald: What is it?

    Ochette: If you used your magic on my arrows…

    Ochette: …we could really make some mischief!

    Ochette: Flaming arrows, freezing arrows… Imagine how great that’d look!

    Osvald: Hmm. You’ve given this some thought.

    Ochette: And we’ll call them… “Projectiles by Pops!”

    Osvald: Forget it.

    Ochette + Throné: The Power of Jerky

    Throné: It’s almost time, Ochette.

    Throné: There’s nothing quite like that tingling feeling before a battle…

    Ochette: I hear you! It’s like… “Hey, that tingles!”

    Ochette: And then when your tail gets the shivers… Woo!

    Throné: …I wouldn’t know about that.

    Ochette: Anyway, you know what makes these moments even better? That’s right: jerky!

    Ochette: Here! You need to have some too!

    Ochette: *munch munch*

    Throné: …*munch*

    Throné: Hah. I do feel my strength swelling.

    Throné: Let’s go, Ochette. And don’t worry…I’ve got your back.

    Ochette: You got it!

    Ochette + Castti: Ochette’s Development

    Ochette: Mmmmm! Nothing beats chowing down after a good hunt!

    Castti: ……

    Ochette: What is it, Castti? Something on my face?

    Castti: No… I was just admiring your hunterly demeanor.

    Ochette: Huh? You were?

    Castti: I’m sure you’re going to become an even better hunter in the future.

    Ochette: Well, if you say so, maybe I will…

    Ochette: After all, you pay more attention to me than anyone else.

    Castti: Do I fuss too much?

    Ochette: No way! You know I love you, Castti!

    Castti: Hehe… Oh, Ochette!



    Chapter 2 Sai

    Castti + Throné: Cleaning Up 

    Castti: This hospital is quite the mess.

    Castti: Unsanitary environs are unacceptable for a place of healing. We need to clean it up.

    Throné: Clean, you say…? Very well. Where do we start?

    Castti: I should think that would be obvious.

    Castti: We’ll start with…the dross, the dregs, the scum.

    Throné: I couldn’t agree more. We’ll rid society of all its filth.

    Castti: Rid…?

    Castti: Hmm, I suppose, yes, we should be thorough. We need to scrub this place down.

    Throné: Exactly. We wouldn’t want to leave any evidence behind.

    Castti: You don’t need to tell me twice. We’ll sponge, mop, and towel the place dry.

    Throné: Cold water’s best. It will clean up any blood that may spill from our targets.

    Castti: Targets? You mean our patients?

    Throné: ……

    Castti: ……

    Castti: Is…it just me, or have we been having two separate conversations?

    Throné: It certainly seems that way, yes…

    Castti + Osvald: Talking to Yourself

    Osvald: Master Edmund is…talkative.

    Castti: Yes. Your polar opposite, Osvald.

    Osvald: Not necessarily. I’m quite loquacious during internal debates.

    Castti: What do you mean?

    Osvald: I maintain multiple mental versions of myself, each with a different perspective, and we’re constantly debating.

    Castti: Hehe. So you talk to yourself? That’s kind of funny, in an odd way.

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: I thought you were a kindred soul, Castti.

    Osvald: Someone told me that they overheard you talking to yourself.

    Osvald: They said it was like you were conversing with someone who wasn’t there.

    Castti: Really? I don’t remember ever doing something like that.

    Castti + Partitio: What Amnesia Feels Like

    Partitio: Howdy, Castti. Is it just me, or are you lookin’ worn out?

    Castti: I appreciate the concern, Partitio.

    Castti: Physically, I’m healthy and whole. My memory, on the other hand…

    Partitio: Don’t push yourself too hard, you hear?

    Partitio: Losing memories… I can’t imagine how hard that must be for you.

    Castti: I…can’t say. There’s still so much I don’t understand.

    Castti: It’s like…there’s something right in front of me, but I can only see its shadow.

    Castti: Isn’t it odd to be so distressed by something that doesn’t exist?

    Partitio: Maybe. If it doesn’t exist, you wouldn’t even know to let it bother you.

    Castti: But with amnesia, that very void is what absorbs all my thoughts.

    Castti: It’s like there’s a huge hole in me. I feel an inexplicable sense of loss.

    Partitio: Hrmm… I’m havin’ trouble picturin’ what that’s like…

    Partitio: Wait a sec… Come to think of it, I don’t remember what I did last night, either!

    Castti: Really? My memories there, at least, are fresh and clear.

    Castti: After you downed three full glasses of wine, you and I got up to all sorts of naughty hijinks.

    Partitio: Huh!? We did!? It’s all a blank to me…

    Castti: That wasn’t enough for you, Mr. Wild Stallion. Next, we did that, and that, and—

    Partitio: Whoa there! Just what happened last night!? I’m dyin’ to know!

    Castti: Aaand that’s what it feels like to lose your memory.

    Castti + Hikari: Black Swelling

    Hikari: Castti, what happened to your arm?

    Hikari: There’s some sort of black bruising on it.

    Castti: This isn’t a bruise, but the vestiges of some sort of malignant swelling.

    Castti: I know that much, but I can’t remember when or where or how I got it in the first place.

    Hikari: Do you think it’s related to your memory loss?

    Castti: Very likely.

    Castti: From my examinations, the origins of this blackened scarring are…abnormal.

    Castti: It wasn’t caused by injury or illness, if I’m correct.

    Castti: Rather, it must have been caused by some sort of unique and potent pharmaceutical…such as poison.

    Hikari: Is that something you would have handled in your work, Castti?

    Castti: An upstanding apothecary is unlikely to ever use something so dangerous…

    Castti: I worry about what I may have gotten up to in my past.

    Hikari: You needn’t fret, Castti. I trust that you are and always were a good person.

    Castti + Agnea: The Sandstep

    Agnea: Castti! Watch this!

    Agnea: I’ve come up with a dance that lets you glide across the sand!

    Agnea: If everyone can master it, we’ll all be safe from the quicksand.

    Agnea: I call it…the sandstep!

    Castti: That sounds like a lot of fun. How do you do it?

    Agnea: It’s hard to walk on sand, right?

    Agnea: That’s because people try to walk their own way, ignoring where the ground wants to go.

    Agnea: So if you move in harmony with the shifting sands, then…

    Agnea: Ack!

    Castti: Ahh! Agnea!

    Agnea: I slipped and twisted my ankle…

    Castti: There, there. It’ll be all right. I’ll have you patched in a jiffy.

    Agnea: I’m sorry about this, Castti.

    Castti: Don’t be. You were just trying to help everyone.

    Castti: I’ll pass on learning the sandstep, but I appreciate the effort nonetheless.

    Castti + Ochette: The Enemy’s Scent

    Ochette: Careful, Castti. The scent of our foes is getting stronger.

    Castti: That sharp nose of yours is a lifesaver.

    Ochette: It seems very agitated. Just getting close will send it into a frenzy.

    Ochette: If it grabs us, it’ll chomp us to pieces with its big fangs…

    Castti: Wow. You can determine all that just by smell?

    Ochette: No, it peeked its head out earlier. That’s how I knew.

    Castti: It’s not just your nose that’s sharp, but your eyes too.

    Castti: Can you give me more details on what we’re facing? What sort of beast is it?

    Ochette: Umm… I don’t remember…

    Castti: ……

    Chapter 2 Winterbloom

    Castti + Partitio: Lucky

    Castti: I almost forgot, but I found a leaf on the road yesterday.

    Partitio: Oooh! You’re one lucky apothecary!

    Castti: Maybe, but I figured the person who dropped it was in a bind, so I handed it over to the local magistrate.

    Partitio: Heh, that’s nice of you. Hope it finds its way back to its proper owner.

    Castti: Your mention of luck reminded me, but when I stopped by the tavern the other day…

    Castti: The barkeep started whooping and shouting, said I was their thousandth customer, and gave me half off on my drinks.

    Partitio: Tarnation! Luck herself must be watchin’ over you!

    Castti: Perhaps. Lately, I have the strangest feeling…

    Castti: …that something is watching over me.

    Castti + Agnea: Twisted

    Castti: I need to gather medicinal herbs for Rosa, and quickly.

    Agnea: Can I help? I need to keep moving or else I start getting all twisted up.

    Castti: Sure. Thanks, Agnea.

    Agnea: Castti! What about this blue flower?

    Castti: We don’t need that right now.

    Agnea: Okay. So how about this red mushroom?

    Castti: Very poisonous unless boiled. I’d wash your hands extremely thoroughly.

    Agnea: P-p-poison!? What’s a dangerous place like that doing in a mushroom like this!?

    Castti: Ahaha…

    Agnea: Huh? Why’re you laughing?

    Castti: Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.

    Castti: I was just thinking that it’s your tongue that ended up all twisted.

    Castti + Hikari: Herb Garden

    Hikari: This garden is magnificent…

    Castti: You seem quite excited about it.

    Hikari: I am. My homeland is a desert, if you recall.

    Hikari: Gardens are rare there—especially ones so fair and lush with flowers.

    Castti: This garden isn’t just for show.

    Castti: Every single plant, flower, and vine here has a purpose.

    Castti: Each possesses a beneficial property that can be used to save lives.

    Castti: Pleasing to the eye they are, and filled with sweet kindness too.

    Hikari: One day, I would love to plant a garden like this for my friends in Ku.

    Castti: Hehe. Your heart is as kind as any plant here.

    Castti + Osvald: Red Eyes

    Castti: Oh dear, Osvald. Your eyes are bloodshot.

    Castti: Hold on one moment. I’ll whip up some eye drops.

    Osvald: …That won’t be necessary.

    Castti: Oh double dear, you sound all stuffed up! I hope you haven’t caught a cold.

    Osvald: …My physical condition is optimal.

    Castti: ......

    Castti: Were you…crying?

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: That girl’s earnest passion seems to have stimulated my tear ducts.

    Osvald: How peculiar…

    Castti: Osvald…

    Castti: It’s not peculiar, the answer is quite simple: it’s because you have a kind heart.

    Castti + Temenos: A Good Apothecary

    Temenos: Castti, have you remembered anything new lately?

    Castti: Nothing of any importance, sadly.

    Castti: The truth is…I’m somewhat frightened.

    Temenos: Of…what?

    Castti: This amnesia…

    Castti: I hear it can be a self-defense mechanism. Something the mind does to forget horrors or trauma.

    Castti: Perhaps I will be happier if I never uncover the secrets of my past.

    Temenos: Be at ease, Castti.

    Temenos: You are a good person and a fine apothecary. Your actions now prove this without a shadow of doubt.

    Temenos: There’s no way your past is filled with darkness and despair.

    Castti: Th-thank you, Temenos… You’re surprisingly nice today.

    Temenos: Today? I’m always nice.

    Castti + Ochette: Truth and Deceit

    Ochette: Blech… This hunt is the worst…

    Ochette: Why would you use people as bait to lure in other people?

    Ochette: I’d use something tastier.

    Castti: Ochette…

    Ochette: Sometimes humans say they’ll do one thing, then do another, right?

    Castti: Yes. People lie for all sorts of reasons.

    Ochette: Yeah, but if everyone says things they don’t mean…

    Ochette: How do you know if what you’re hearing is true or not?

    Ochette: It must be so tiring thinking about it all the time…

    Castti: Hmm… You make a good point.

    Castti: Still, sometimes the truth only causes pain.

    Castti: That’s why we tell small fibs. To slowly feel each other out, and learn how to interact without causing mutual pain.

    Castti: Strange as it may sound, in a sense, deceit is the basis of human relationships.

    Ochette: H-humans are complicated…

    Castti: Hehe. Sometimes falsehoods can be a kindness, Ochette.

    Castti + Throné: A Patient Woman

    Throné: I respect you, Castti.

    Castti: Er… Why?

    Throné: You never lost your composure when dealing with that brat, Greg.

    Throné: But my hand went for my dagger at the very sight of him.

    Throné: He’s cheeky, selfish, cowardly, and whiny…

    Throné: Not to mention he has the most pretentious haircut! I can’t stand him.

    Castti: Believe me, I understand where you’re coming from.

    Castti: Still, he’s trying to do his best in his own special way.

    Throné: He doesn’t know how fortunate he is to have you on his side.

    Throné: I would have killed him three times by now.

    Castti: Hehe. Then I’d have had to fix him up three times!

    Chapter 3

    Castti + Temenos: Pale as a Ghost

    Castti: ……

    Temenos: Are you all right, Castti? You’re pale as a ghost.

    Castti: Sorry, it’s—it’s nothing.

    Castti: I know what I need to do now. All that’s left…is to take that first step and do it.

    Temenos: “That first step”? Your phrasing belies your state of mind.

    Temenos: In short, you are standing still. Hesitant. Yes?

    Castti: ……

    Temenos: If something worries you, don’t keep it bottled up. I’m here to help.

    Temenos: I am a cleric, after all. A shepherd to my flock.

    Castti: Temenos… Thank you.

    Castti + Hikari: What I Need to Do

    Hikari: Castti…

    Hikari: There is a cast to your face I have never seen before.

    Hikari: …Your memories have returned.

    Castti: At the very least, I’ve remembered what it is I need to do next.

    Hikari: I…am happy for you.

    Hikari: Know that I have no intention of prying into your past.

    Hikari: Yet I would remind you that I am by your side, here and now.

    Hikari: You are my friend. Let us face the future together.

    Castti: …Thank you.

    Castti: The company will be appreciated.

    Chapter 4

    Castti + Temenos: Reading

    Castti: Temenos, you read the histories to children in your spare time, right?

    Temenos: Yes, on occasion.

    Castti: I think that’s a wonderful thing you’re doing.

    Temenos: Erm… Really? Why?

    Castti: Reading a picture book is what set me down the path of the apothecary.

    Castti: Even when my memories were lost to me, that fact was always fresh in my mind.

    Castti: Moments of inspiration in childhood have a tremendous effect on a person’s life.

    Castti: Every time you read the histories to someone, you could be changing their life.

    Temenos: Perhaps you are right…

    Temenos: Perhaps I should take those readings a little more seriously from now on.

    Castti + Throné: Timberain’s Treasures

    Throné: So this is Timberain…

    Castti: Throné? Your eyes are sparkling.

    Throné: I’ve always wanted to see this place.

    Throné: They say the king collects precious gems from all across the land.

    Throné: I would love to get a close look at his collection…

    Castti: Hehe, oh Throné. You really are wild for gems.

    Throné: I imagine he may have some necklaces that suit you perfectly, Castti.

    Castti: You don’t say! You’re making me curious to see this collection myself.

    Throné: Hah, then it’s settled. We can split the spoils, fifty-fifty.

    Castti: B-bad Throné! No larceny!

    Castti + Partitio: The Power to Move Hearts

    Partitio: Master Edmund and Commander Griff… Good connections.

    Castti: Yes, those two will be a great help to us.

    Partitio: Castti, it’s all thanks to you. You know that, right?

    Castti: Huh?

    Partitio: Neither of those two were ready to lend a finger before, much less a hand.

    Partitio: But because of what you did for them…

    Partitio: …they’re happy to repay the favor in kind and help you save this town.

    Partitio: Not just them, either. All these other folk, too.

    Partitio: Castti, I’ll say it straight: Your actions have moved whole herds of hearts.

    Partitio: You should be proud.

    Castti: Hehe, thanks, Partitio.

    Castti: But the real trials start now.

    Castti + Ochette: A Kind Apothecary

    Ochette: Please don’t be reckless, Castti.

    Castti: That’s nice of you to say, Ochette.

    Ochette: “Kind hunters are hungry hunters.” That’s a saying in my village.

    Ochette: That’s ‘cause… Umm…

    Castti: A nice hunter will split their prize with everyone, even if they’re hungry.

    Castti: And so their stomach will never be full. Do I have the right of it?

    Ochette: Yeah, you do!

    Ochette: You’d give your last shred of jerky to someone even if you were starving.

    Ochette: That’s nice of you, but remember to eat sometimes too, okay?

    Castti: …Thanks.

    Castti: Still, Ochette… Sometimes, no matter how hungry I may be…

    Castti: I’d still give my last piece of jerky to a patient. That’s what it means to be an apothecary.

    Ochette: O-oh…

    Castti: Don’t worry about me, Ochette.

    Castti: Nothing will ever stop me. Nothing.

    Castti + Osvald: Experiments

    Osvald: To use yourself as your own test subject… You are a truly impressive researcher.

    Osvald: Is this standard practice for the testing of new medicines?

    Castti: It is. Medicine can only be administered to a patient once its safety is confirmed.

    Castti: Medicine and poison are only a hair’s breadth apart. Mistake dosage, and your cure’s a killer.

    Osvald: Interesting. Trial and error is how I’ve arrived at many new discoveries…

    Osvald: …but in your line of work, experimentation is a matter of life or death.

    Castti: Truth be told, I made many errors in my day. Often, they left me on death’s door.

    Castti: Luckily, over time, it’s made me immune to all but the most virulent poisons.

    Castti: Heh. If you ever fear assassination and need a food taster, I’m your girl.

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: I think you should take better care of yourself…

    Castti + Agnea: Healers

    Agnea: You apothecaries are incredible.

    Agnea: All those people are better now because of you, Castti.

    Castti: Oh? In my mind, dancing is a far more impressive vocation.

    Castti: With just a few twists and twirls, you make everyone around you smile, Agnea.

    Castti: Medicine isn’t the only thing that can heal.

    Castti: Mood can make all the difference. A happy person recovers much faster than a gloomy one.

    Agnea: W-wow, I didn’t know that!

    Agnea: So you’re saying that if we team up…

    Castti: Hehe, I bet we’d be able to cure a lot more people than either of us could alone.

    Agnea: That settles it!

    Agnea: Castti, let me dance beside you!

    Agnea: I want to help! To heal the sick!

    Castti: E-er…

    Castti: Let’s put that idea on hold for now. I think my patients need rest more than recreation…



    Chapter 2 Mother’s Route

    Throné + Partitio: The Collar

    Partitio: Say, why don’t you just break that collar ‘round your neck?

    Throné: …If that were possible, I would have done it long ago.

    Throné: But trying to force it off will cause poison to seep out and kill me.

    Partitio: …Hoo-ey, that’s some heavy stuff.

    Partitio: But every product’s got its use.

    Partitio: Sorry, but would you mind lettin’ me have a closer look?

    Throné: If you’re so interested, why not purchase it?

    Partitio: I would if it weren’t attached to your neck.

    Throné: Hah, a fair point.

    Throné + Castti: Throné’s Perfume

    Castti: Hm? What’s this scent…?

    Throné: Noticed it, have you? It’s my perfume.

    Castti: It has a very bewitching scent. It suits you.

    Throné: …Thank you. Would you like some?

    Castti: Hehe, thanks, but I don’t use perfume.

    Castti: I need my nose for when I concoct medicines. And there are patients who are sensitive to smells, too.

    Throné: …I see.

    Throné: I usually don’t wear perfume, either. It…complicates work sometimes.

    Throné: But today…I needed a little pick-me-up.

    Castti: …I can tell your job is very important to you.

    Castti: Best of luck, Throné.

    Throné: Thank you, Castti.

    Throné + Hikari: Don’t Stand behind Me

    Hikari: …Throné.

    Throné: Hikari… Please don’t stand behind me.

    Hikari: My apologies. May I ask why?

    Throné: In my line of work, we must always watch our backs. It’s quite straining on the nerves.

    Throné: If you’re not careful, I could end up attacking you.

    Hikari: …I see. I shall take your words to heart.

    Throné: Hah. You ought to watch your back, too, Hikari.

    Hikari: That won’t be necessary with trustworthy friends behind me.

    Hikari: If you would put your trust in me, you would have no need to worry, either.

    Throné: …Very well, then. Consider yourself trusted.

    Throné + Ochette: The Slaver’s Nose

    Ochette: That man had a pretty good nose.

    Ochette: It’s rare for humans to have such a keen sense of smell.

    Throné: ……

    Throné: Perhaps he was punished for abusing his good senses.

    Ochette: You know…I kind of understand what he was saying.

    Throné: ?

    Ochette: You have a unique scent.

    Ochette: How can I explain it? It’s sweet and…sultry, I guess.

    Throné: …Thank you.

    Throné: ……

    Throné: (...Is my scent really that strong?)

    Chapter 2 Father’s Route

    Throné + Osvald: A Quiet Man

    Throné: Now to find that tavern.

    Osvald: ……

    Throné: Father has set a trap for me there, without a doubt.

    Throné: I’ve known him for a long time. I can’t imagine he’d pass up the opportunity.

    Osvald: ……

    Throné: Are you ready, Osvald?

    Osvald: ……

    Throné: You’re rather quiet today, Professor.

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: …’S cold.

    Throné: ……

    Throné + Partitio: Unreasonable Fathers

    Partitio: I guess fathers are the same everywhere.

    Partitio: Always pushin’ their children to do the impossible.

    Throné: Your father, too?

    Partitio: When I was a chickadee, we got our hands on this humongous melon.

    Partitio: Pops wanted to share it with the neighbors, so he told me to cut it into eight pieces.

    Partitio: He said if any of ‘em was even a seed heavier, it was no good.

    Partitio: He gave me an earful when I said it wasn’t possible. Said we had to be fair, else the neighbors would be unhappy.

    Throné: I can imagine. People fight over treasure all the time.

    Partitio: Made me sad thinkin’ of people squabblin’ over somethin’ small like that…

    Partitio: So I got each of ‘em their own giant melon.

    Throné: Hah. Impressive.

    Partitio: Heh, the neighbors were grinnin’ from ear to ear.

    Partitio: But I’d used up a bundle of leaves in the process…

    Partitio: …so we were stuck eatin’ stir-fried veggies for days. In the end, I got myself another earful from Pops.

    Throné: …I should have seen that coming.

    Throné + Ochette: Taking a Life

    Ochette: Hey, Throné.

    Ochette: Why do you kill things you can’t eat?

    Throné: …I never really thought about it. I did it because it was my job.

    Throné: But now…I do it for freedom.

    Ochette: “Freedom”...? Is that tasty?

    Throné: …I can’t say. I do know that captivity isn’t, though.

    Throné: Everyone is bound by something, whether it be parents, superiors, family, or their tribe…

    Throné: The way I see it, we're all wearing collars.

    Ochette: Really!? Do I have one?

    Throné: ……

    Throné: …No, you don’t.

    Ochette: Aww… I wanted one, too.

    Throné: Consider yourself lucky, Ochette.

    Throné + Temenos: A Dangerous Environment

    Temenos: *sigh*...

    Throné: Is something wrong? It’s not often I hear you sigh.

    Temenos: I was just thinking about how very dangerous your journey is…

    Throné: Hah. This is my everyday, Detective.

    Temenos: I’m beginning to understand where that indomitability of yours comes from.

    Throné: …Did you say something?

    Temenos: But, at the very least, the villains around you look perfectly…villainous.

    Temenos: It’s almost refreshing.

    Throné: Why, thank you.

    Temenos: Around me, most villains tend to pose as saints.

    Throné: Of course they do… There’s evil everywhere you go in this world.

    Temenos: I suppose we think that because villains tend to gather around good people.

    Throné: Hah… You mean to say that I am a good person?

    Temenos: One disguised as a villain, yes.

    Throné + Agnea: Dancing Together

    Agnea: …Hey, Throné.

    Agnea: Would you like to dance with me?

    Agnea: It might cheer you up.

    Throné: …I’m sorry, but I’m not in the mood for that right now.

    Agnea: I see… I guess I’ll just have to dance enough for the both of us!

    Agnea: One, two…

    Agnea: One, two…three!

    Throné: ……

    Throné: Hah, just watching you dance makes me feel better.

    Throné: …I think I’ll join you.

    Agnea: Throné…

    Chapter 3 Mother’s Route

    Throné + Temenos: Sister Act

    Temenos: Could I talk to you for a moment, Throné?

    Temenos: When disguised as a sister, you must choose your words carefully.

    Throné: Oh? If you say so.

    Temenos: No, no. Instead of “if you say so”...

    Temenos: …you should say “I understand.” Being polite is key.

    Throné: …Are we practicing already?

    Temenos: Yes. I would hate for your identity to be exposed during the act.

    Throné: I…I understand.

    Temenos: You see? You must practice if you want your words to flow naturally.

    Temenos: Now repeat after me. “May the Sacred Flame guide you.”

    Throné: ……

    Throné: May the…Sacred Flame…guide you.

    Temenos: No, no. That frown will give you away immediately.

    Temenos: You need to say it with confidence and a smile. Think warm, compassionate thoughts.

    Throné: May the…

    Temenos: Louder, please.

    Throné: May the Sacred Flame…burn you, bastard!

    Temenos: …It seems more practice is in order.

    Throné + Agnea: An Eye for Fashion

    Agnea: You look good no matter what you wear, Throné.

    Throné: …Thank you. But this habit is…unfortunate, to say the least.

    Agnea: Not at all! I think it makes you look real elegant!

    Throné: I suppose…though it’s too tight around the neck.

    Throné: And too loose everywhere else.

    Agnea: Ohhh…! I think if you changed that up, it would look amazing!

    Agnea: You’ve got a good eye for fashion, Throné!

    Throné: …Don’t I?

    Agnea: All right, leave the tailoring to my papa!

    Throné: Hah, I might do just that.

    Throné + Partitio: Partitio’s Garden

    Partitio: …I’ve made up my mind.

    Partitio: One day, I’m gonna buy this Garden.

    Throné: And do what with it, exactly?

    Partitio: Heh, well…

    Partitio: I wanna teach the kids how to be merchants instead of thieves!

    Partitio: I’m sure they’ll be happier with sharin’ than stealin’!

    Partitio: Then they can live with their heads held high!

    Throné: Partitio’s Garden… Not a bad idea.

    Throné: If I had someone like you around…perhaps I wouldn’t be a thief today.

    Throné + Hikari: A Kind Heart

    Hikari: So this organization raises children to be thieves…

    Hikari: Why does such an atrocity go unpunished?

    Throné: …Because of demand.

    Throné: A demand for those who can fulfill the wishes of others, even if it means stealing.

    Throné: As long as that demand exists, thieving will thrive.

    Hikari: ……

    Hikari: Children should not be made to spill blood.

    Hikari: …This must change.

    Hikari: I wish for a world where children never even have to see blood…

    Throné: …That sounds nice.

    Throné: If there were more people like you, I think the world would be a slightly better place.

    Throné + Castti: Mother

    Castti: Your complexion seems fine and you’re not running a fever…

    Castti: You’re not injured, are you? All right. Everything looks good on the outside.

    Castti: Now to check on your heart. Take a deep breath and relax.

    Castti: Breathe in… Now let it out slowly…

    Throné: ……

    Castti: Sorry about that. I can be a bit of a busybody…

    Throné: I don’t mind. I was just wondering…

    Throné: …if real mothers care for their children this way.

    Throné: I never knew my real mother, so I don’t know.

    Throné: I wish Mother had been more like you, Castti.

    Castti: Throné…

    Throné: …Forget it. Let’s get going.

    Chapter 3 Father’s Route

    Throné + Agnea: Agnea’s Song

    Throné: Agnea.

    Throné: If you don’t mind…could you sing me a song?

    Throné: For some reason…I’m in the mood for music.

    Agnea: Of course, Throné!

    Agnea: “Rest, little one, for the day is done.”

    Agnea: “Queens and kings, too, were once just like you.”

    Agnea: “Now it’s time to close your eyes and rest until the sun does rise.”

    Throné: …What was that?

    Agnea: A lullaby my mother used to sing to me.

    Agnea: It has a way of soothing my heart.

    Agnea: …I thought it might help you.

    Throné: Thank you, Agnea. I feel…at ease.

    Agnea: Hehe, I’m glad you do.

    Throné: Now then…let’s go.

    Throné + Osvald: Osvald and Rita

    Throné: They swore to love each other forever…

    Throné: Say, Professor. When you got married, did you make a promise like that?

    Osvald: …No.

    Throné: …I’m surprised your wife was fine with that.

    Osvald: I accept only that which can be expressed in mathematical formulas.

    Osvald: …Even in fields outside of my studies.

    Osvald: Therefore, I could not swear an oath on something I didn’t fully comprehend.

    Throné: …I see.

    Throné: There’s charm in your sincerity. It’s much better than those who put on airs.

    Osvald: What meaning is there in that?

    Throné: ……

    Throné: (I wonder how he managed to find himself a partner…)

    Throné + Temenos: The Wool Dilemma

    Throné: ……

    Throné: …Temenos. Could you tell me a story?

    Throné: I want to hear something… It doesn’t matter what.

    Temenos: ……

    Temenos: Have you ever heard of the wool dilemma?

    Temenos: Wool protects sheep from the summer sun and the winter cold.

    Temenos: But because of that…

    Temenos: …lambs do not know the true warmth of their parents.

    Temenos: No matter how close they get, they won’t be able to touch their mother or father.

    Temenos: And that is why lambs live in search of warmth.

    Throné: ……

    Throné: …I’m not a sheep.

    Throné: But maybe I was cloaked in wool like they are.

    Temenos: …?

    Throné: It was slight, but just now…for the first time…

    Throné: I felt warmth.

    Temenos: ……

    Throné: ……

    Chapter 4

    Throné + Hikari: A Competition

    Hikari: The town is quite lively. Everyone seems to be in a rush.

    Throné: It’s because the flow of time feels faster here.

    Hikari: …Indeed. Time certainly is a mysterious thing.

    Hikari: In the midst of battle, it almost seems to stop.

    Throné: I know how you feel. You can see every move your opponent makes.

    Hikari: So I’m not the only one.

    Throné: The more you focus on the battle, the slower time flows.

    Throné: Say, what do you think would happen if we fought each other?

    Hikari: A battle between warriors who slow time…

    Hikari: I would be interested to find out. Perhaps a duel is in order.

    Throné: No time like the present.

    Hikari: ……

    Hikari: …I do not jest when it comes to a competition.

    Throné: My apologies. Let us have our bout some other day.

    Throné + Ochette: The Smell of the Dead

    Ochette: Is this where your friends are resting, Throné?

    Throné: Yes… They were like my family.

    Throné: Will you be all right here? I can’t imagine this is pleasant with your nose…

    Ochette: The smell of the graves don’t bother me.

    Ochette: But…

    Ochette: Someone living left an awful scent here…

    Ochette: I’ve never smelt anything this dark and twisted before… Who could it be?

    Throné: ……

    Throné: I wonder… We must be on our guard.

    Throné + Castti: A Faint Memory

    Castti: ……

    Throné: Castti? Are you all right?

    Castti: …I think I may have been here before.

    Throné: Oh?

    Castti: If I remember correctly…someone was taking a walk here.

    Throné: In this place? Why would anyone do that?

    Throné: Why did you come here?

    Castti: …I can’t remember.

    Throné: …How curious.

    Castti: Curious, indeed. But never mind me. We have places to be.

    Throné: Right. Let’s go.

    Throné + Osvald: A Baby’s Cries

    Osvald: That baby’s cries…are full of sadness.

    Throné: You can tell how the baby feels from just their cries?

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: Crying is the only way a baby can express itself.

    Osvald: They can use it to convey happiness and fear…

    Osvald: But at the root of it all…

    Osvald: …it gives them a sense of security, because it is their way of getting their parents’ help.

    Throné: ……

    Osvald: But that baby doesn’t feel that security.

    Osvald: I get the impression that they’re just crying in sorrow.

    Throné: You’re quite the expert, Professor.

    Osvald: …You can thank my wife for that.



    Chapter 3

    Osvald + Throné: Feelings of Freedom

    Throné: Tell me something, Osvald. 

    Throné: You escaped from Frigit Isle, right?

    Osvald: …I wouldn’t be here, otherwise. 

    Throné: How did it feel when you finally escaped?

    Osvald: It didn't feel any particular way. 

    Throné: You didn't feel anything when you won your freedom? No sense of liberation?

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: If I do, it will come after finishing what I set out to do. 

    Throné: You mean when you get your revenge. 

    Throné: I can see the collar around your neck, Professor. 

    Throné: You may have fled your cage, but you're still a prisoner, too. 

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: “Too”? So you feel just as trapped…

    Osvald + Agnea: The Life of a Muzzled Man

    Agnea: Osvald…

    Agnea: Did they feed you well in prison?

    Osvald: I’d…rather not think about it. 

    Osvald: They muzzled me. 

    Agnea: Then…how did you eat?

    Osvald: I tore the bread up into little pieces and shoved it through a tiny hole in the thing. 

    Agnea: That sounds horrible…

    Agnea: It must've been tough not being able to talk…

    Agnea: You couldn't even sing… What a nightmare.

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: Well, seeing as I don't sing normally, that part wasn't a great loss. 

    Osvald + Ochette: A Fluffy Mane

    Ochette: Hey, Pops!

    Osvald: ……

    Ochette: Heeey! Pops!

    Osvald: …Are you talking to me? Why would you call me that?

    Ochette: Hmm… You have a fatherly scent about you. 

    Osvald: …If you say so. What can I do for you?

    Ochette: You're a pretty fluffy guy. 

    Osvald: “Fluffy,” you say?

    Ochette: Yeah, you've got a mane to rival Master Juvah’s!

    Ochette: Heh heh, I miss sleeping on it. It was so comfy…

    Ochette: Would you mind if I took a nap on yours sometime?

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: …I'll think about it. 

    Osvald + Temenos: The Trick to Investigating

    Temenos: Hm. So we’re to gather information around town, are we?

    Temenos: Then allow me to help. Investigations are my specialty…

    Temenos: …and there’s a trick to getting reliable testimony.

    Osvald: Fascinating… What might that be?

    Temenos: Don’t ask too many questions.

    Osvald: Aha…

    Temenos: Frequent questioning interrupts your subject’s thought process.

    Temenos: To wit, if you ask for a profile of the suspect, you’ll get information about their appearance, sure.

    Temenos: But you’ll make it that much harder for the subject to recall, say, the general scene of the crime.

    Temenos: Information which may hold invaluable clues.

    Osvald: Let them talk at length, rather than lead them by the nose.

    Temenos: Haha… Just like a sheep.

    Temenos: The longer you let the wool grow, the more there is to shear.

    Osvald: A fine piece of advice. I’ll keep it in mind.

    Osvald + Partitio: Clarissa and Ethan

    Partitio: Say, partner…

    Partitio: How’d you come to know that couple?

    Osvald: Long ago, a thief broke into my laboratory.

    Osvald: It was none other than Ethan who apprehended the intruder.

    Osvald: He caught a glimpse of my research and recommended his wife as an assistant.

    Osvald: As it turns out, she had also been researching the seventh source.

    Partitio: An’ so Clarissa became your assistant.

    Osvald: Despite my insistence that I had no need of help.

    Osvald: He wore me down over a month of visits, darkening my door with his head bowed.

    Partitio: Why’d he go that far, I wonder.

    Osvald: To this day, I know not. But he would tell me, early and often…

    Osvald: “Clarissa has ceased her own research in order to support me.”

    Osvald: “And that troubles me.”

    Partitio: Ah, I see what happened.

    Partitio: Folks’re at their best when they’ve got work that gives ‘em purpose.

    Partitio: An’ I reckon Ethan wanted to see his wife had the same.

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: What a peculiar reason. I don’t think I follow…

    Osvald + Hikari: Revenge

    Hikari: Osvald.

    Hikari: Your journey is one of revenge, is it not?

    Osvald: ……

    Hikari: My mother often told me the road of resentment is one shrouded in darkness.

    Hikari: It’s dangerous to go on carrying all that vengeance in your breast.

    Hikari: Why not take a moment to reflect on your purpose?

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: Shrouded in darkness, you say.

    Osvald: My wife once said something similar.

    Hikari: Is that so?

    Osvald: But no matter how dark the path… It is one I must walk.

    Osvald + Castti: A Waste of Time, Part I

    Castti: Say, Osvald…

    Castti: Do you think you could lend the rest of us your ear a bit more often?

    Osvald: Drawn-out conversations are a waste of time.

    Castti: But you like discussions and debates, don’t you?

    Castti: How are those different?

    Osvald: Exchanging opinions and approaches in pursuit of solutions is the foundation of a debate.

    Osvald: Drawn-out conversations have no direction and produce only idle babble.

    Castti: Haven’t you ever had a brilliant idea during an idle conversation?

    Osvald: …If I have, it was pure coincidence.

    Osvald: A researcher cannot rely upon such intangibles when attempting to solve a problem.

    Castti: ……

    Castti: Well, we sure have been talking for a while now…

    Castti: But I take it this hasn’t changed your mind?

    Osvald: Correct. It has been a perfect waste of time.

    Chapter 4

    Osvald + Agnea: A Real City Man

    Agnea: Oh my…!

    Agnea: I’ve never seen so many books in one place before!

    Osvald: This is where a great many of the continent’s tomes reside. I came through here countless times as a student.

    Agnea: That’s incredible…!

    Agnea: Hearin’ you say that makes me feel you’re a real city man, Osvald.

    Agnea: I’d love to learn more, just like the folks here are doing…

    Osvald: Well you certainly have the right attitude for it. Tell me what you’d like to read and I’ll take you to it.

    Agnea: In that case… Are there any books on dancing?

    Osvald: I believe those were on the stacks to the east…

    Osvald: I think you’ll find The Western Dance Compendium a particularly worthwhile read.

    Agnea: And here I didn’t take you for much of a dancer!

    Osvald: My wife… She loved it, you see…

    Osvald + Hikari: Avid Readers

    Hikari: Ahh… So this is where the war records are kept.

    Osvald: Do you enjoy reading as well?

    Hikari: I do. The royal palace in Ku has a library of its own.

    Hikari: Kazan taught me the importance of reading at a young age.

    Hikari: And when it came to records of battle, he’d open mock war councils to stimulate my mind.

    Hikari: To help me envision paths to victory without bloodshed.

    Osvald: Oho… A fascinating approach.

    Osvald: Then perhaps The War of the Great Wall would be of interest to you.

    Osvald: It contains records of a war between two great nations on the eastern continent.

    Osvald: Might that provide some mental stimulation?

    Hikari: It certainly would, and history is of great interest to me.

    Osvald + Ochette: The Seventh Source: Ochette’s Hypothesis

    Ochette: You’re studying the seventh source, right, Pops?

    Ochette: Well, I think I know what it is.

    Osvald: Oh? Do tell…

    Ochette: The seventh source is…

    Ochette: …meat, I think.

    Osvald: Come again?

    Ochette: Well, eating meat makes you really strong!

    Ochette: So meat must be a great source of power!

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: Fire, ice, lightning, wind, light, darkness, and…meat.

    Osvald: Mm, no. No, I don’t think that’s right.

    Osvald + Temenos: A Waste of Time, Part II

    Temenos: If I were hiding a tree, I’d plant it in the woods. Therefore, if I were hiding a passageway…

    Temenos: I’d affix the mechanism that opens it to a book or a bookshelf.

    Osvald: …That’s a fine point.

    Temenos: I once came to this library on an errand from the pontiff, you know.

    Temenos: The librarian at that time was a most peculiar character who—

    Temenos: Er… Forgive me. This has nothing to do with the matter at hand.

    Osvald: I don’t mind.

    Temenos: Oh, no? I thought you abhorred long, irrelevant tales.

    Osvald: They are a waste of time, yes. But every once in a while…they’re a welcome diversion.

    Temenos: Well, aren’t I lucky?

    Temenos: So then let us discuss the proper treat one should consume when engrossed in a riveting tome.

    Osvald: …Now that is absolutely a waste of time.

    Osvald + Throné: Throné’s Advice

    Throné: You know, Osvald…

    Throné: It isn’t like you to carry so much tension in your shoulders.

    Osvald: ……

    Throné: Let me give you some tips. Things that I do when I’m on a job.

    Throné: Move carefully and deliberately, especially when you’re in a hurry.

    Throné: And keep a cool head, even when your temper flares.

    Osvald: …Hm.

    Throné: Take care of yourself, Professor.

    Throné: Being so close to one’s goal would set anyone’s heart racing.

    Throné: But you mustn’t lose your composure, lest you fall into your foe’s trap.

    Osvald: You make an excellent point. I shall take it to heart.

    Osvald + Partitio: Harvey

    Partitio: Osvald… I’m no expert on research or nothin’, but…

    Partitio: …even I can feel the power radiation’ off these monsters.

    Partitio: This Harvey fella’s a real wily one, isn’t he?

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: He…used to be worth engaging with. Truly.

    Osvald: But now…

    Partitio: He’s devoted his mind to wicked pursuits.

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: Harvey…

    Osvald: I shall have my revenge on you.

    Partitio: An’ I’ll help ya get it, partner.

    Osvald + Castti: Elena

    Castti: Thank goodness… Elena lives…

    Osvald: But that fiend has done something to her mind.

    Castti: Don’t worry. Her body won’t be affected, as far as I can tell.

    Castti: And her memories haven’t been erased. Not completely.

    Castti: Once she sees something that reminds her of the truth, her memories will return.

    Osvald: ……

    Castti: Osvald, I promise you this…

    Castti: If you get Elena back, I will heal her.

    Castti: I want to help you.

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: I trust your opinion a great deal. I accept your offer.

    Chapter 5

    Osvald + Temenos: Misunderstandings

    Osvald: ……

    Temenos: You’re a man of few words, aren’t you, Osvald?

    Temenos: People tend to interpret silence as hostility.

    Temenos: So I imagine you’ve had your fair share of misunderstandings.

    Osvald: I have no interest in the perceptions of others.

    Temenos: Ah… Then you have no need for my little sermon, I suppose.

    Temenos: Wayward sheep are so often filled with worry, you see.

    Osvald: Have you ever considered that you might be the one being misunderstood?

    Temenos: …Er, how so?

    Osvald: You employ a preponderance of words without ever saying what you mean.

    Temenos: Apologies… I see I’ve struck a nerve.

    Osvald + Ochette: Osvald’s Scent

    Ochette: *sniff sniff*... *sniff sniff sniff*...

    Osvald: …What are you doing?

    Ochette: You smell different than you used to, Pops.

    Osvald: Bodily odors can change based on health and environment. It’s not unheard of.

    Ochette: Hrm… No, that’s not it.

    Ochette: It’s more…spirit…spirital…

    Osvald: Spiritual, you mean?

    Ochette: Yeah, that’s the one!

    Ochette: Heh heh, I have to say I like this smell better than the old one.

    Ochette: It smells like…sunlight.

    Osvald: That’s rather…abstract.

    Osvald + Castti: Black Crystals

    Castti: You were absolutely right, Osvald!

    Osvald: Have you seen anything like that before?

    Castti: No, this is the first I’ve heard of a crystal causing such a violent reaction.

    Castti: And the symptoms were quite disturbing…

    Castti: Almost as though it was sapping their will to live.

    Castti: Whatever is the source of this affliction is quite powerful.

    Osvald: Powerful, you say…

    Castti: I’d like to look into this further.

    Osvald: …As would I.

    Osvald + Throné: Mugging and Stealing

    Throné: Have you ever thought about thieving, Professor?

    Osvald: It wouldn’t make sense for me to do so.

    Osvald: I would have to devise a plan tailored to each person I plan to rob.

    Osvald: And seeing as there are only so many hours in a day…

    Osvald: …it seems a shame to spend that precious time scheming up ways to steal material goods.

    Throné: It is true that thieves must know the hearts of their targets and look for an opening…

    Throné: But it isn’t as difficult as you think.

    Osvald: …Is that so?

    Throné: Could it be…you prefer not to stand upon the mental battlefield?

    Osvald: ……

    Throné: I’ll take that as a yes.

    Osvald + Hikari: Prospects of Victory

    Hikari: How do you plan to oppose the One True Magic, Osvald?

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: They say there is no magic that can overcome the seventh source.

    Osvald: Of course, “they” also have no proof, for one cannot prove a negative.

    Hikari: Meaning we still have a chance at victory.

    Osvald: …Yet I have not found the answer.

    Osvald: But I know what I must do, no matter the cost.

    Hikari: Osvald…

    Hikari: Let me tell you the story of Sharak, the first ruler of Ku.

    Hikari: Long ago, there was an immensely powerful nation in Solistia.

    Hikari: The people thought this nation invincible and were plunged into despair.

    Hikari: Sharak, however, dared to attack them.

    Osvald: Oh? What was his strategy?

    Hikari: His friends.

    Hikari: “Friendship is the power by which any evil can be defeated.” These are Sharak’s words.

    Osvald: ……

    Hikari: So fear not. Your friends are by your side.

    Osvald: You’re a very wise man…

    Osvald + Agnea: A Good Father

    Agnea: Hehe…

    Osvald: What has you in such a good mood?

    Agnea: I’m just glad Elena is safe and sound.

    Osvald: ……

    Agnea: You’re a good father, Osvald.

    Osvald: That’s…that’s not true.

    Osvald: I couldn’t do anything for her. Nor will I be able to…

    Osvald: No one is more unfit for the title of father than I.

    Agnea: I don’t believe that at all.

    Agnea: She’s going to want to see you again, I know it.

    Agnea: And when that time comes, you should be there.

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: In time… And if that is what Elena wants.

    Osvald: Perhaps I could even teach her a bit of magic…

    Osvald + Partitio: A Waste of Time, Part III

    Partitio: Well done there, Osvald.

    Partitio: Hoo boy, if you could see yer face right now.

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: Thank you, Partitio.

    Partitio: Heh, a word of thanks? That’s not the Osvald I know.

    Osvald: I’ve been thinking about the reason why I was able to achieve what I did.

    Osvald: And upon analyzing all the possibilities, I’ve crafted a theory.

    Osvald: I succeeded because I was not alone.

    Partitio: Aw, shucks…

    Osvald: You talked me through all manner of situations.

    Osvald: Our conversations were banal at times, yes.

    Osvald: And yet, impossibly…

    Osvald: Each and every one of them served as a guidepost, reminding me I had your support.

    Partitio: ……

    Osvald: I kept you at arm’s length, so certain that long conversations were a waste of time.

    Osvald: Perhaps I should listen more carefully going forward.

    Partitio: Hehe, well that’s great to hear, partner!

    Partitio: Ain’t no such thing as wasted time, after all.

    Partitio: Any time spent with friends, no matter how silly, is precious. Ain’t that right?

    Osvald: Heh… That’s a fine point.



    Chapter 2

    Partitio + Ochette: Nickname

    Ochette: Pa… Parparpar… Partititoto… Partuch—!

    Partitio: Er, got a lasso ‘round your tongue?

    Ochette: I’m trying to say your name, but it’s hard to pronounce.

    Partitio: Oh, that’s what that odd sputterin’ was.

    Ochette: Parpar… Partchtchtch…!

    Ochette: Part…etch…oh?

    Partitio: Heh. My name’s causin’ you a right spot of grief, ain’t it? Send the bill for your troubles to my old man.

    Partitio: Feel free to call me whatever you’d like, too. I don’t mind.

    Ochette: Hmm… In that case… I’ll call you Partihardy!

    Partitio: Whoa now, rein that in, partner!

    Partitio + Temenos: Getting the Joke

    Temenos: What made you want to be a merchant, Partitio?

    Partitio: Heh, simple. I was always surrounded by businessfolk when I was a little chickadee.

    Partitio: I’d also been inspired by my pops and Mister Roque.

    Partitio: It was only natural that I’d wanna grow up to be just like them.

    Temenos: What a fine origin story.

    Partitio: Aw, this takes me back. I was so eager for their approval, I galloped from job to job like a wild stallion!

    Temenos: I see, I see…

    Temenos: You would say, then, that you were spurred on into your profession?

    Partitio: Huh? Waaait a sec. Ah! Spurs, ‘cause I’m like a horse!? That was a joke!

    Temenos: Heh, it was indeed.

    Partitio: Hooo-ey, partner. A fella needs to use his noggin to parse your gags!

    Partitio + Castti: Shameless Audacity

    Castti: Well done, Partitio.

    Partitio: Huh? I ain’t done nothin’...have I?

    Castti: A normal person would have left quickly and quietly when told off in that manner.

    Castti: Yet you persisted, and even went one step further by deciding to survey the factory.

    Castti: I feel there is much I could learn from your shameless audacity. Really, I am awestruck.

    Partitio: Er… Should I take that as a compliment, or…?

    Castti: Yes, of course.

    Castti: It seems the secret to your success is a combination of boundless energy and enthusiastic insolence…

    Castti: Through sheer reckless optimism, you reach unheard of new heights!

    Castti: Perhaps the bold arrogance to assume you are always in the right is a necessary trait for those who wish to be successful in life.

    Partitio: I’m gettin’ the feelin’ those rosy compliments of yours have some prickly thorns…

    Castti: Hehe. Just your imagination.

    Partitio + Throné: Clothes Shopping

    Partitio: What’re you up to there, Throné?

    Throné: Hm? Just browsing for attire.

    Partitio: Ooo, getup gazing! I getcha. You’re always dressin’ real fashionable-like.

    Throné: A fine compliment coming from a merchant with such a sharp eye for quality.

    Partitio: So, what sorta rags do you fancy?

    Throné: I’m afraid the answer is a bit…complex.

    Throné: To me, clothing is like…a painting.

    Throné: A part of the maker’s soul and artistic sensibilities is woven into each piece…

    Throné: And nothing fits me quite as well as a garment tailored by a kindred spirit.

    Partitio: Wow, I never gave a pair of trousers that much thought before. You learn somethin’ new every day.

    Throné: You seem to have a fine sense of dress yourself. What sort of clothing tickles your fancy?

    Partitio: Heh, that’s easy. A merchant’s garb’s gotta be durable, first and foremost!
    Throné: So…you choose garments based on textile thickness?

    Partitio: That’s part of it, sure. Thing is, clothing’s durability is determined by stitching.

    Partitio: See here, my shirt. The seams are doubled up, right?

    Partitio: That’s called a twin-needle stitching. Requires a deft hand to do, but it won’t tear on you.

    Partitio: Seams like this tell me a lot of love went into its making. The crafter wanted someone not just to wear it, but to care for it. 

    Throné: You don’t say… I never thought to look at clothing from that particular angle.

    Throné: Partitio, why don’t you join me on my next shopping trip?

    Partitio: Sure, partner! I’ll help you pick out some stylish duds!

    Partitio + Hikari: A Contest of Strength

    Hikari: How impressive are these steam engines, exactly?

    Partitio: Heh. According to Mister Roque…

    Partitio: “They possess power never seen before!” His words, not mine.

    Hikari: “Never seen before,” you say? Hmm…

    Partitio: What’s got your brow wrinklin’, Hikari?

    Hikari: The strongest person in Ku is a man named Benkei.

    Hikari: Do you think these steam engines are stronger than he?

    Partitio: Your guess is as good as mine, partner. From the way Mister Roque was talkin’, though…

    Partitio: Sounds like just one could win a tug-o’-war contest with a whole gaggle of oiled-up muscle men.

    Hikari: So…as strong as five Benkeis, perhaps?

    Partitio: Hmm… Naw, ten Benkeis, easy.

    Hikari: A-astounding! Then they are truly formidable machines!

    Partitio + Osvald: Osvald the Sober

    Partitio: Whoa there, Osvald. Easy on the coffee. Why’re you drinkin’ the stuff in a tavern, anyway?

    Osvald: …Alcohol numbs the mind and slows the wits.

    Partitio: So…you do it for the science ‘n’ stuff? That’s a laudable attitude.

    Partitio: Wait… Does this mean that strapping physique of yours is also all for the science?

    Osvald: …Of course.

    Osvald: Every good scholar possesses a trifecta of strengths: discipline, stamina, and willpower.

    Osvald: Regular exercise is an indispensable aid for improving all three.

    Partitio: Hooo-ey! I knew there was a good reason for all those muscles!

    Osvald: Speaking of which, you are lean but strong, with not an ounce of wasted sinew. How do you train?

    Partitio: Me? I just work hard, and the muscles come along for the ride.

    Osvald: The triumph of practical application over theory…

    Osvald: You have given me valuable insight today.

    Partitio + Agnea: How Agnea Saved Up 10,000 Leaves

    Agnea: Eighty billion leaves… I can’t even imagine what that would look like.

    Partitio: Speakin’ of leaves, you saved up the money to set out on your journey yourself, right?

    Partitio: Mind informin’ me how you did it?

    Agnea: I doubt my ways would be of much use here, but…

    Agnea: At first, I just helped out people in my village with chores and the like.

    Agnea: When they thanked me, I was so happy they were happy that, well…

    Partitio: You couldn’t take their money?

    Agnea: Yeah… My savings never seemed to go up.

    Agnea: That’s when Gus gave me a job at the tavern. He couldn’t bear to watch me struggle.

    Agnea: The rest of the village soon chipped in to support me, too.

    Agnea: The only reason I was able to save up enough was because of their kindness.

    Agnea: They can’t even imagine how grateful I am to them…

    Partitio: That’s such a nice story, Agnea… …Aww, shucks!

    Agnea: Partitio!?

    Partitio: That sorta thing always tugs on the heartstrings…!

    Partitio: Here, take my money! All of it! Live your dream, Agnea!
    Agnea: B-but, I’ve already got enough! You don’t have to give me nothin’, Partitio!

    Chapter 3

    Partitio + Agnea: Peaches

    Agnea: The villagers gave me a whole big basket of peaches…

    Agnea: Peaches…

    Agnea: Come to think of it, Pala said something odd about peaches once…

    Agnea: I believe it was “The biggest peaches win the pie.”

    Partitio: Hey there, Agnea! What’re you up to?

    Partitio: Wowie, lookit those peaches of yours! Nice ‘n’ round ‘n’ juicy!

    Agnea: J-juicy!?

    Partitio: Hold still a sec, lemme see those fine things.

    Agnea: Wh-wh-what’re you sayin’!?

    Partitio: Ah, sorry if I came on too strong. I just can’t resist givin’ such nice-lookin’ peaches an appraisal.

    Partitio: I may not look it, but I’ve squeezed a lot of peaches before. Gloves off, hands on.

    Agnea: S-s-squeezed!?

    Partitio: Lemme caress those beauties. One stroke and I can grade ‘em from A to G. Heh.

    Agnea: C-caress!?

    Partitio: Oh, don’t worry. I’ll be gentle. I won’t nibble ‘em—unless you let me!
    Agnea: Ah… W-wait a second… You’re talkin’ ‘bout the peaches in this basket, right!?

    Agnea: H-h-h-have as many as you like! Take them and go!

    Partitio: Oh, really? Thankee kindly!

    Agnea: S-sure…

    Agnea: (I’m so sorry I doubted you, Partitio…)

    Partitio + Osvald: A Poor Student’s Woes

    Osvald: Hmm… A distinguished achievement…

    Osvald: The search for capital is a difficult and treacherous venture.

    Osvald: Poverty nearly proved my demise once upon a time.

    Partitio: Huh? YOu were poor once, too, partner?

    Osvald: When I was a student, yes.

    Osvald: With only a few leaves left to my name, I was forced to choose between bread or books.

    Osvald: Despite knowing that it would lead to great suffering, I chose the latter.

    Osvald: Hunter I can endure, but my thirst for knowledge can never be sated.

    Osvald: In the end, I fainted from malnutrition and had to spend a tidy sum on treatment from an apothecary.

    Partitio: Hah! That sounds just like you, partner.

    Partitio: I was pretty poor myself once too, y’know.

    Partitio: I didn’t even have the leaves to worry about how I’d spend ‘em.

    Partitio: Day after day, I chewed weeds and sipped brackish water…

    Partitio: Still, for all the pain I suffered, that experience taught me to appreciate what I had.

    Partitio: More than that, it made me want to share and share alike. Especially precious things.

    Osvald: An interesting outlook, and valuable insight.

    Osvald: I have no desire for material wealth. Knowledge is all I seek.

    Partitio: Heh. Erudition is an asset, too, partner. One that’s priceless.

    Partitio + Castti: The Nobleman Alrond

    Castti: Alrond is…an odd one, isn’t he?

    Castti: He’s a fabulously wealthy nobleman, and yet he dresses like a pauper.

    Partitio: Yeah, but I think I’d do the same thing if I was wearing his shoes.

    Castti: You would?

    Partitio: Yup. I wouldn’t mind throwing off all those unnecessary things like wealth and privilege.

    Partitio: Sometimes what you need most is a heart-to-heart with someone on equal terms.

    Castti: Hehe, well said. We’re of like mind.

    Partitio: Hm? How d’you reckon?

    Castti: The truth is…I’m the daughter of a powerful noble family myself.

    Castti: My full name is Castti de François.

    Castti: I used to live in a palace alive with the fresh scent of roses all year long.

    Castti: That memory…came back to me not too long ago.

    Partitio: You’re…pullin’ my leg, right?

    Castti: Aww, and I thought I had you for a second there, too.

    Partitio + Hikari: Lord and Friend

    Hikari: Your idea to combine many stores into one convenient location is a brilliant one.

    Hikari: You are like a powerful lord, binding many disparate peoples to your banner.

    Partitio: I like that! King of my castle!

    Partitio: …Oh! Hikari, teach me how to be all lordly-like!

    Hikari: I cannot… I am not worthy to speak of such matters.

    Hikari: All I did was eat by my people’s side and spend my time among them.

    Hikari: Yes, my town prospered.

    Hikari: Yet it was not thanks to me, but to their vigor and skills.

    Partitio: Interesting…

    Partitio: Heh. If I’m right, modesty’s the key to winning the love of those followin’ you.

    Partitio + Temenos: Out of Thin Air

    Temenos: I could swear I’ve seen that scrivener around somewhere…

    Partitio: I wouldn’t doubt it. She’s always running ‘round here and there in search of scoops.

    Temenos: I suppose an elusive nature and sudden appearances comes with the job…

    Temenos: ……

    Partitio: Huh? Somethin’ on your mind, partner?

    Temenos: When I became an Inquisitor, I was sought out by many scriveners.

    Temenos: They would press me for gossip, desperate for trite and tawdry facts. I grew disgusted with them.

    Temenos: Eventually, they even began showing up at my home in search of news.

    Partitio: Scary. That’s goin’ too far.

    Temenos: Indeed. In short, I do not get along with their sort.

    Partitio: Lesson for the day… Don’t mess with scriveners.

    Partitio + Ochette: A Jerky Department Store

    Ochette: This department store idea is incredible. They sell all sorts of things here, right?

    Partitio: You betcha! The future is department stores, mark my words!

    Ochette: If it were up to me, I’d build a jerky department store.

    Partitio: Er…just jerky?

    Ochette: Yeah! Bird jerky, fish jerky, game jerky, monster jerky…

    Ochette: I’d gather meats from all across the continent! Sweet meats! Spicy meats! You name it!

    Ochette: I guess what I’m trying to say is, leave the meat to me!

    Partitio: Heh, sure. That’s a nice dream you got there, partner.

    Ochette: Right!?

    Partitio: But…would it still be a department store if it only sells one thing?

    Partitio + Throné: Eighty Billion

    Throné: Hey, Partitio. Can I see that promissory note of yours?

    Partitio: Heh, sure. I bet it’s more money than you’ve ever laid eyes on.

    Partitio: Ta-dah! Eighty billion! It’s got heft, huh?

    Throné: Interesting… It’s actually quite light.

    Partitio: Yeah, well… Take it to a bank, give them the secret password, and you’ve got piles of leaves!

    Throné: What’s the secret password?

    Partitio: You’d never guess, but it’s fi—

    Throné: Let me stop you right there.

    Partitio: Huh?

    Throné: This scrap of paper will be picked from your pockets in an instant if you’re that careless.

    Throné: Until you’ve spent it, you need to be on your guard.

    Partitio: Hooo-ey, I did almost blab, huh? I’ll be careful, promise.

    Partitio: Hey, uh… Sorry for the trouble, but mind holdin’ onto that there thing for me?

    Partitio: I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather trust to keep it safe than you!

    Throné: ……

    Throné: *sigh* Very well.

    Chapter 4

    Partitio + Ochette: The Battle with Roque

    Ochette: Partitio, just what is Roque to you?

    Partitio: Hmm, that’s a good question… I guess I’d call him my teacher.

    Partitio: Sure, right now we’ve got different opinions on things…

    Partitio: But I learned a whole bundle from him.

    Partitio: That’s why I wanna do everythin’ in my power to repay him for what he’s done for me.

    Partitio: It’s my turn to teach my teacher some important lessons.

    Ochette: That makes sense. Even teachers can make mistakes.

    Ochette: Then it’s up to their student to give the lecture!

    Partitio: Yeah! Even if you’ve gotta wallop ‘em to do it!

    Partitio + Castti: For Your Goal

    Castti: Ori is quite impressive, isn’t she?

    Castti: She threw herself to the wolves to help you achieve your goal, Partitio.

    Castti: I think that shows a nobility of spirit that few possess.

    Partitio: You betcha. I think the thing she wants the most is for the world to be a happy place.

    Partitio: She’s good folk.

    Partitio: For my sake and hers, I can’t mess this up!

    Castti: You’ll do fine, Partitio. I’m sure of it.

    Castti: Now, let’s go. I’ll be there to lend a helping hand if you need it.

    Partitio: Thanks, Castti.

    Partitio + Throné: Ori’s Articles

    Throné: Ori, the scrivener…

    Throné: I do remember reading an article or two of hers in the Delsta Times.

    Partitio: You did?

    Throné: They were finely written. Detailed and well-constructed…

    Throné: I sensed an extraordinary spirit in her words.

    Partitio: Yeah, she vibrates with an out-of-the-ordinary energy every time I see her.

    Throné: I’m sure she’ll be fine. Even if she were to stumble, she’d dust herself off and keep on going.

    Partitio: Heh, you said it!

    Partitio: …I never took you for a newspaper reader, Throné.

    Throné: Information gathering is a fundamental skill for any thief.

    Partitio + Osvald: A Deal Worth Eighty Billion

    Osvald: We’re about to embark on a business deal worth eighty billion…

    Partitio: Yeah, and I’m right excited ‘bout it!

    Osvald: I hope nothing goes amiss with the contract signing.

    Partitio: If recent experience is any indication, this’ll be a rougher ride than any buckin’ bronco.

    Partitio: When it comes to business, Mister Roque’s a master…

    Partitio: Y’know, they used to call him Rainbow Tongue, ‘cause he could convince you you’d find a pot of gold if you’d follow his logic. 

    Partitio: In the art of persuasion, no one’s his equal. His words, well… they’re like magic.

    Osvald: Magic, you say?

    Osvald: If that’s true, there must be some fundamental principle to its power.

    Partitio: Easy there, partner. It was just a turn of phrase.

    Partitio + Agnea: Dreams

    Agnea: Roque…

    Partitio: Mister Roque, he had a dream once, too.

    Partitio: He said he wanted to make his family, his town, and the world all rich and happy.

    Agnea: Then he’s the same as you and the others we’ve met on our travels.

    Partitio: Yeah. Problem is, his dream got twisted somewhere along the line.

    Partitio: Now it’s been warped into pure greed; a meaningless lust for wealth.

    Agnea: That’s so sad…

    Agnea: Dreams are bright and beautiful things that should shine for all time.

    Partitio: Yeah, I’d say the same.

    Partitio: I need to make Mister Roque remember his old dream, whatever it takes.

    Partitio + Hikari: Industrial Revolution

    Hikari: An “industrial revolution”...

    Partitio: That’s right. The invention of the steam engine’s gonna turn this world upside down.

    Hikari: ……

    Hikari: Throughout history, every revolution is accompanied by bloodshed.

    Hikari: Do you really think this one will be any different?

    Partitio: Yeah. I do.

    Partitio: This one’s gonna be all about how to take this technology and use it to create abundance.

    Partitio: We’ll all need to put our heads together to crack this nut of a problem. Mister Roque included.

    Hikari: Partitio, I’m sure that if anyone could lead us to a brighter future, it is you.

    Partitio: Heh, thanks. Leave it to me, Hikari!

    Partitio: Times are changin’, and we gotta change with ‘em.

    Partitio + Temenos: President

    Temenos: Greetings, President Partitio.

    Partitio: Heh, no teasin’ now, Temenos.

    Temenos: Haha. I’m impressed, but not surprised.

    Temenos: You’ve become the president of a powerful global corporation. You’re an important person, now.

    Partitio: Now, now, partner. I may have a new title, but I’m the same man.

    Partitio: It ain’t me who’ll change, but the world! I’ll see to that, I swear it!

    Temenos: Reassuring words.

    Temenos: Your company’s name has a fine ring to it, too.

    Temenos: Specifically because your name comes first. Partitio & Roque.

    Partitio: Mister Roque insisted. He wouldn’t leave off till I gave in, too.

    Partitio: He says he wants out of the limelight. He’d rather support from the back than lead from the front now.

    Temenos: Haha. What a lovely sentiment.

    Temenos: The old makes way for the new, and the wheels of time continue to spin.


    Chapter 2

    Agnea + Temenos: A Visit with the Pontiff

    Temenos: I once visited this town with the pontiff.

    Agnea: Really? I’m sure the children were all smiles with you around.

    Agnea: Your paper plays are so much fun to see!

    Temenos: …I think there may be a misunderstanding.

    Temenos: Putting on paper plays is not my occupation. Not my main one, at least.

    Agnea: Oh, that’s right! You’re a detective.

    Temenos: …I regret to inform you that I am not a detective, either.

    Temenos: Though I do similar work as an inquisitor.

    Agnea: So what you’re saying is…

    Agnea: …you do inquiries into paper plays?

    Temenos: …No, I do not.

    Agnea + Throné: Dogs

    Agnea: Oh my! What a cute little puppy! Is she your friend, Throné?

    Throné: She hasn’t stopped following me around since I fed her dried strawberries.

    Agnea: Haha. You’ve got a real kind heart, Throné.

    Throné: For some reason…I feel at ease around her.

    Throné: Dogs are free to live as they please. They don’t fret over the future.

    Throné: I wish I could be one of them… Hah. But not really.

    Agnea: If you were a dog…

    Agnea: I’m sure you’d be a high-class one! With a silky and shiny coat…

    Throné: …Huh?

    Agnea: N-nothin’!

    Agnea + Partitio: Greatest Dancer in the Land

    Agnea: Dolcinaea, the greatest dancer in the land…

    Agnea: I can’t wait to see what kind of show she puts on!

    Agnea: Ah, my heart won’t stop poundin’!

    Partitio: Heh. Yours ‘n’ mine both!

    Partitio: But your singin’ and dancin’ ain’t nothin’ to sneeze at, either.

    Agnea: Thanks, but…there’s no way I could compare to a superstar.

    Agnea: I have a feeling that just watching her perform…

    Agnea: …will teach me all sorts of things!

    Partitio: …You never cease to amaze.

    Partitio: You’re gonna be a star one day, Agnea. I can see you shinin’ already.

    Agnea + Osvald: The Smell of Coffee

    Agnea: Mmh… It’s bittersweet.

    Osvald: Is that coffee? It smells good.

    Agnea: Here, have a cup! Would you like some milk and sugar?

    Osvald: No thanks. I like my coffee black.

    Agnea: I should’ve expected such refined tastes from an adult!

    Osvald: Ahh… This bitterness stimulates the mind.

    Osvald: …Might I read here?

    Agnea: Of course! Be my guest!

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: ……

    Agnea: Hehe…

    Osvald: …What are you laughing at?

    Agnea: Oh, I’m sorry. I was just so happy…

    Osvald: What about me reading could make you so happy?

    Agnea: Well…you looked like you were enjoying yourself. That’s all.

    Osvald: Hmph… You’re a strange one.

    Agnea + Hikari: Hot Moves

    Hikari: It struck me as odd when Master Gil called your moves…

    Hikari: …hot.

    Hikari: I am not well versed in dances, but I find myself quite fond of yours.

    Hikari: When I watch you perform…I feel a warmth in my chest.

    Hikari: Is this what Master Gil means when he says “hot”?

    Agnea: Er… I think that’s just something Gil likes to say.

    Hikari: Perhaps, but…I can understand why he is so attached to the word.

    Hikari: Agnea… Your dances are hot.

    Agnea: Hearin’ you say that makes my cheeks feel hot

    Chapter 3

    Agnea + Throné: A Normal Town

    Throné: …What a strange place.

    Agnea: I think this town is wonderful. Everyone’s got a spring in their step!

    Throné: …If I had been raised here, perhaps I would have grown into a decent adult.

    Throné: Filthy towns corrupt their people to the core.

    Agnea: That’s not true.

    Agnea: I think you’re more than decent, Throné! You’re strong and kind.

    Agnea: To tell the truth, I want to be more like you. A proper city lady!

    Throné: …Thank you.

    Throné: (I’m sure not even the filthiest city could have dulled your shine.)

    Agnea + Hikari: Papa

    Hikari: How fares your father back home, Agnea?

    Agnea: He’s doing just fine, thanks.

    Hikari: I see… That’s good to hear.

    Agnea: Papa’s a tailor.

    Agnea: And my sister Pala’s taken to helping him out at the shop these days.

    Hikari: I’m sure your father misses you dearly.

    Agnea: Yeah. This is the first time I’ve been away from him, but…

    Agnea: …when I become a star, I’m going to wear the dresses he makes.

    Agnea: I have a feeling that’ll bring a smile to Papa’s face.

    Hikari: I have no doubt that it will, Agnea.

    Agnea: Hehe. Thanks, Hikari.

    Agnea + Castti: Agnea’s Legs

    Castti: Agnea, could I see your legs for a moment?

    Agnea: O-of course!

    Castti: …I thought this might be the case. You’ve been putting far too much strain on them.

    Castti: You need to take proper care of your legs.

    Castti: They carry you everywhere, after all.

    Agnea: You’re right…

    Castti: Let me apply some balm to help them heal.

    Agnea: Thank you, Castti.

    Agnea: I’ll always be in tip-top shape for dancing with you around!

    Agnea + Ochette: Ochette’s Phrase

    Ochette: Hm hm hmm!

    Ochette: …!

    Ochette: Hey, Aggie! I just thought of a great phrase!

    Agnea: Oh really? Do tell!

    Ochette: “Every day I’m dying for something tasty to eat. Then what should appear but meat, meat, meat!”

    Agnea: I-is that for one of Giselle’s plays…?

    Ochette: Heh heh, nope! It’s for “Song of Hope”! Perfect fit, right?

    Agnea: Y-yeah… I can feel your spirit in the words, Ochette.

    Ochette: …My tummy’s empty. Too much thinking makes me hungry.

    Agnea: Say, why don’t you have some jerky? I got some from the townsfolk earlier.

    Ochette: Thanks! You really do bring smiles to people’s faces!

    Chapter 4

    Agnea + Castti: Mama

    Agnea: Oh no…

    Castti: What’s the matter, Agnea?

    Agnea: Well, you see…I stumbled when practicing a new step and—

    Castti: What!? Let me have a look.

    Castti: …It’s only a minor sprain. Hold still while I treat it, okay?

    Agnea: You’re too kind, Castti. Thanks for always taking care of me…

    Castti: Hehe. You don’t need to thank me. So how does it feel?

    Agnea: Much better thanks to you! Now I can keep practicing!

    Castti: Don’t push yourself too hard, you hear? I wouldn’t want you to sprain it again.

    Agnea: Got it, Mama!

    Castti: …Mama?

    Agnea: Ack! I’m so sorry, Castti!

    Agnea + Partitio: The Weight of a Leaf

    Partitio: Buy some candy with this, son!

    Agnea: ……

    Partitio: The name’s Partitio. Here, take this!

    Agnea: ……

    Agnea: Hey, Partitio, why do you give a coin to everyone you meet?

    Partitio: It’s a mercantile investment. I want folks to remember my face.

    Agnea: B-but isn’t it a lot of money…?

    Partitio: Heh, I don’t mind.

    Partitio: The devil called poverty taught me the weight of a single leaf.

    Partitio: So I’m happy to lighten the burden of others, even if just a little.

    Agnea: That’s wonderful! I’m sure you’ve made lots of people smile that way!

    Agnea: You’re a real shining star, Partitio!

    Partitio: I’m apt to float off and join ‘em in the big blue with how light my coin purse is.

    Agnea: Even your coin purse is a star!

    Agnea + Hikari: Garud and Cuani

    Hikari: Your mother must have been an incredible woman, Agnea.

    Hikari: It seems she was adored by people far and wide.

    Agnea: Hehe, she really was amazing.

    Hikari: You mentioned that your father is a tailor of few words.

    Hikari: How is it that he won your mother’s heart?

    Agnea: Everyone always looks so surprised when I say this, but…

    Agnea: It was actually Mama who proposed to Papa.

    Hikari: She did!?

    Agnea: My mother fell in love the first time she put on one of his dresses.

    Agnea: She adored everything about it, from the design to the way it felt, even the way he sewed it…

    Agnea: She realized that the one who made it was thinking of the wearer and their happiness.

    Agnea: Mama decided that she wanted to wear his clothes for the rest of her life.

    Agnea: All that after slipping on just one dress!

    Hikari: I see… She sounds like a very passionate woman.

    Agnea: She laughed and said it wasn’t love at first sight, but love at first wear.

    Hikari: It sounds like their meeting was the work of fate.

    Agnea: Hehe, I couldn’t agree more!

    Agnea + Temenos: Shoes

    Agnea: All right, now let’s find Laila some shoes!

    Temenos: Before that, Agnea…there is something I must speak to you about.

    Temenos: The Flamebringer, Aelfric, once shared his fire with the people.

    Temenos: They were grateful for its warmth on cold nights…

    Temenos: But Aelfric’s flame died, and his body grew ragged.

    Agnea: Wh-why are you telling me this now?

    Temenos: Because, Agnea…

    Temenos: …y0ur shoes are as ragged as Aelfric was.

    Agnea: Wh-what!? Oh… You’re right…

    Temenos: It is important to think of oneself from time to time.

    Agnea: Thank you, Temenos. I definitely have to do something about these shoes…

    Agnea: …after we find Laila a good pair! Let’s go!

    Temenos: Goodness… May the Sacred Flame guide you.

    Agnea + Osvald: Singing Together

    Agnea: Lalala…

    Osvald: Why are you singing?

    Agnea: It happens when I’m in a real good mood!

    Osvald: …I don’t understand.

    Agnea: Then why don’t we do it together?

    Osvald: …No thank you.

    Agnea: All right… I don’t mind singing on my own!

    Agnea: “I must be on my way.”

    Agnea: “But goodbye I shall not say.”

    Agnea: “For you and I will meet again someday.”

    Osvald: ……

    Agnea: …Oh! I saw your foot moving to the beat!

    Osvald: I-it did not!

    Agnea + Ochette: Dolcinaea’s Change

    Agnea: Dolcinaea…

    Agnea: How could she do such a horrible thing?

    Ochette: I got a whiff of loneliness from that lady.

    Agnea: You did…?

    Ochette: When you say “star”...you’re talking about the ones in the sky, right?

    Ochette: They’re so high up that people can’t reach them…

    Ochette: Maybe she’s lonely up there.

    Agnea: ……

    Agnea: It’s been my dream to be a star like her someday.

    Agnea: I want us to be able to smile and laugh together, and share the stage.

    Ochette: Even if you become a star, Aggie, I don’t think you’ll be lonely.

    Ochette: You’ll always have good friends around you!

    Chapter 5

    Agnea + Throné: Raspberry Festival

    Throné: ……

    Agnea: Is something wrong, Throné? Do you not like festivals?

    Throné: …I hate crowds.

    Agnea: Then…maybe it’s better that I don’t invite you…

    Throné: To what?

    Agnea: The festival in my hometown.

    Agnea: We’re famous for our raspberries, see…

    Throné: …!

    Agnea: And I recall you saying that you love raspberries…

    Agnea: There’s a competition for who can eat the most raspberries and a contest for who can bake the best raspberry desserts.

    Agnea: It’s a raspberry-lover’s paradise when the season is right.

    Agnea: I wanted you to come so you could try all the tasty treats.

    Throné: …That’s an offer I can’t refuse.

    Throné: I’ll attend, Agnea.

    Agnea: Thank you, Throné! You’re in for some good eatin’, I promise!

    Agnea + Partitio: A New Stage

    Partitio: Agnea, have I got the perfect stage for you!

    Agnea: And what’s that…?

    Partitio: Heh, a silver mine!

    Agnea: A…a what now!?

    Partitio: Once all the silver’s been mined, you’re left with nothin’ but wide open space.

    Partitio: I was wonderin’ what we could do with all that land when it hit me.

    Partitio: Sounds echo real nice in the mines, and hearin’ a tune in those tunnels would be sublime.

    Partitio: Hoo-ey, I can’t imagine what it’d be like if it were your voice, Agnea!

    Agnea: That sounds amazing…!

    Agnea: It’d be a waste if I were the only dancer on such a grand stage, though.

    Agnea: I’m sure it’d be more fun if we all sang and danced!

    Partitio: Now there’s an idea! Sounds like a good ol’ time to me!

    Partitio: We’ll call it…

    Partitio: …the Silver Dance Hall!

    Agnea: I love it!

    Agnea + Ochette: Gil’s Piano

    Ochette: I want to hear that man make those sounds again.

    Agnea: Hehe. It sounds like you’re a fan of Gil’s piano playing.

    Ochette: Yeah! It makes me feel all warm inside.

    Ochette: I have a feeling my naps would be even better with those piano sounds.

    Agnea: I love his music, too.

    Ochette: But something about his piano is strange…

    Ochette: It doesn’t make the same sounds when I play with it.

    Ochette: Which makes me think…

    Ochette: …the piano really loves Gil, too.

    Agnea: Hehe, I think you’re right!

    Agnea + Temenos: Names of the Gods

    Agnea: Temenos…

    Agnea: I just can’t remember the names of all eight gods.

    Temenos: It’s simple.

    Temenos: Brand the Thunderblade, Alephan the Scholarking, Bifelgan the Trader, Dohter the Charitable…

    Temenos: Aeber the Prince of Thieves, Draefenci the Huntress, Sealticge the Lady of Grace…

    Temenos: …and Aelfric the Flamebringer.

    Agnea: Er… That’s not simple at all…

    Temenos: Then let me teach you a little trick I learned as a child…

    Temenos: Warriors brandish their blades. Scholars aleways forget things.

    Temenos: Fortune bifels traders. Apothecaries doht upon all.

    Temenos: Thieves steal a burr. Hunters drae their quarry away.

    Temenos: Dancers seal with a kiss. Clerics heal what aels you.

    Temenos: …Does that make things easier?

    Agnea: Let me see… Warriors…dray their kisses away. Thieves heal what befalls you…?

    Agnea: …Ack! This is makin’ my head spin!

    Agnea + Osvald: Agnea’s Idea

    Agnea: Hey, Osvald!

    Agnea: I just had a great idea.

    Osvald: …Is that so?

    Agnea: When things are getting real exciting during a show…

    Agnea: …how about using your magic to light up the stage?

    Agnea: I think the audience will love it!

    Osvald: …It’s possible, in theory.

    Agnea: Really!? Then you’ll do it?

    Osvald: …I don’t see why not.

    Osvald: However, my magic is very powerful.

    Osvald: Neither the stage nor the audience will escape unscathed.

    Agnea: …I-in that case, forget I asked!

    Agnea + Hikari: The Power of Music 

    Hikari: A splendid performance, Agnea.

    Hikari: The “Song of Hope”...

    Hikari: It’s a wonderful ode to friendship.

    Agnea: Thank you, Hikari.

    Agnea: Friends are the whole reason I can sing and dance like this.

    Agnea: They’re what gets me off the ground after I stumble…

    Agnea: It’s really thanks to them that I made it this far.

    Hikari: And your friends are happy to be there for you every step of the way.

    Agnea: Hehe, I think I might be the happiest of them all.

    Hikari: …There’s nothing wrong with that.

    Hikari: I doubt you could bring smiles to people’s faces without having one upon your own.

    Agnea: You’re right…

    Agnea: I’m going to keep singing and dancing…

    Agnea: …to the “Song of Hope”!



    Chapter 2

    Temenos + Castti: Death of the Pontiff

    Temenos: ……

    Temenos: Pontiff…

    Temenos: Your death came all too soon…

    Castti: ……

    Castti: Temenos…?

    Temenos: Ah, Castti. Is everything all right?

    Castti: Oh, please don’t mind me. I apologize for interrupting.

    Temenos: You needn’t worry so. The purpose of my journey is not to reckon with my own grief.

    Temenos: And so I must follow the trail of the theologian Lucian.

    Castti: Temenos, wait…

    Castti: The body and the mind are intertwined.

    Castti: Suppressing your feelings only serves to put undue burden on your body.

    Castti: So might it not be best to leave more time to grieve?

    Temenos: Thank you, Castti.

    Temenos: I see it is not only your patients whom you heal…

    Temenos: …but those who survive the deaths of their loved ones, as well.

    Temenos + Partitio: Pops’s Hat

    Partitio: How’s about a break, Temenos?

    Temenos: Perhaps we can spare a moment, sure.

    Partitio: Hoo…boy, that’s better!

    Temenos: That hat… I think this is the first time I’ve seen you take it off.

    Partitio: Aw, this ol’ thing? Pops gave it to me.

    Partitio: An’ it gets mighty musty up there if I don’t take it off every now ‘n’ then!

    Temenos: …AH!

    Partitio: Huh? Somethin’ the matter? You look like a detective what just solved a mystery!

    Temenos: ……

    Temenos: The inside of the hat, it’s… It appears to have a full head of hair attached to it.

    Temenos: Is that also your father’s or…?

    Partitio: What’re you insinuatin’!? It ain’t mine!

    Temenos: Haha, is that so? Then may the truth…lie in your claim.

    Temenos + Agnea: Too Hard on Crick

    Agnea: Hey, Temenos…

    Agnea: Don’t you think you’re a little too hard on Crick?

    Temenos: Ah, do forgive me. His reactions are just so amusing that I got carried away…

    Agnea: I’m genuinely worried you’ve hurt him, Temenos.

    Temenos: Haha… You’re a kind soul, Agnea.

    Temenos: But young lambs must be guided by a firm hand on occasion, if they are to thrive.

    Agnea: I…I see now!

    Agnea: That was your way of being kind to him!

    Temenos: You’re an extremely trusting person, aren’t you?

    Agnea: …?
    Temenos: Hm… Perhaps I should be kinder to him on occasion.

    Temenos + Throné: An Amateur’s Work

    Throné: This was an amateur’s work.

    Temenos: That’s quite an ominous statement.

    Throné: There’s blood everywhere. They left a trace.

    Throné: Which means they lacked the skill to kill their target instantly.

    Throné: They’re practically begging you to find them.

    Temenos: ……

    Throné: What’s the matter, Temenos?

    Temenos: Merely thinking that, were you my enemy, it would make for quite a difficult case.

    Throné: Heh. Is that a challenge, Detective?

    Temenos: Absolutely. But only should the opportunity present itself.

    Temenos + Hikari: The Great Detective

    Hikari: Have you identified the criminal, Temenos?

    Temenos: Yes, with your help I believe I have some extremely educated guesses.

    Hikari: I knew you would figure it out. So, who is our enemy?

    Temenos: The note the pontiff left behind was as big a clue as I suspected.

    Temenos: “And soon, night shall fall.”

    Temenos: This phrase, given to us by a particular people, is what binds these cases together.

    Temenos: I believe the killer is a descendent of those same people.

    Temenos: And there will be a mark on their person that proves it.

    Hikari: Hm… So you expect to find them among the crowd at the tavern?

    Temenos: Precisely. Though it won’t be so easy.

    Hikari: You have my sword, should it come to blows.

    Temenos: Haha… What good fortune, to have two trustworthy blades by my side.

    Temenos + Ochette: Why Do They Call You a Hound?

    Ochette: Why do they call you a hound, Temenos?

    Temenos: That is a question with no easy answer, I’m afraid.

    Ochette: Is it because of your big, adorable eyes?

    Temenos: I’m sorry?

    Ochette: Dogs are wise, they’ve got good noses, and they’re fast…

    Ochette: They do call you a hound because they like you, right?

    Temenos: ……

    Ochette: Would you mind if I called you a hound, too?

    Temenos: Please tell me you’re joking…

    Chapter 3 Crackridge

    Temenos + Agnea: Memories of Roi

    Agnea: Temenos, your eyes are red! I guess you didn’t get much sleep.

    Temenos: I’ll be all right. I appreciate the concern.

    Temenos: You’re an incredibly kind soul. You must be adored far and wide.

    Agnea: Well, I wouldn’t say that

    Temenos: I have few friends in this world.

    Agnea: H-how!?

    Temenos: Though there was one whom I considered a friend beyond a shadow of doubt.

    Temenos: He and I were foundlings, both taken in and raised as the pontiff’s own.

    Temenos: He was unfailingly honest.

    Temenos: He was so easily deceived, he may as well not have known the word doubt, much less its meaning.

    Temenos: And so I came to doubt anything and everything, in his stead.

    Agnea: Ah… So that’s how it all started.

    Temenos: Looking back on it, I was a very meek adherent.

    Temenos: But times change…and I’ve come to doubt the Sacred Flame itself.

    Temenos: Ever since the day he was killed…

    Agnea: P-pardon?

    Temenos: Forgive me… I’m prattling on. Let us be off, Agnea.

    Agnea: Temenos…

    Temenos + Ochette: Mural in the Ruins

    Ochette: I’ve felt like drawing ever since we saw that mural.

    Temenos: So you can draw, can you?

    Ochette: Sure can! I’m good at it, too. Here, let me draw you!

    Temenos: Well now, isn’t this exciting.

    Ochette: There! All done!

    Temenos: O-oh, that’s, ah…

    Temenos: (I can’t very well call it good…)

    Temenos: (It’s a hastily scrawled mess. Like something a child would draw.)

    Temenos: (And yet, somehow…)

    Temenos: (The act of looking upon it soothes me.)

    Temenos: (Perhaps because it’s readily apparent that she put all herself into its creation.)

    Temenos: (Its pure and unadulterated warmth stands in contrast to the mural.)

    Temenos: (Did she draw this to cheer me up?)

    Ochette: Well? Do you like it?

    Temenos: I love it, Ochette. Thank you, truly.

    Ochette: Heh heh, I told you I was good!

    Temenos + Partitio: Meat between Your Teeth

    Temenos: ……

    Partitio: You don’t look like a man who’s closed a case, Temenos.

    Partitio: Naw, you look like a man who’s got a piece o’ meat stuck between his teeth!

    Temenos: It certainly feels as unpleasant, I’ll say that much.

    Temenos: No matter how much I brush to dislodge it, another piece follows right behind it.

    Partitio: Well then I reckon the best thing to do is stop eatin’ meat!

    Temenos: Indeed. Would that I could, for I’d like nothing more.

    Temenos: Alas, this dinner has another course in store.

    Partitio: Well, let me help! I can be as good a fork as any!

    Temenos: That’s much appreciated, Partitio.

    Temenos + Osvald: Leader of the Moonshade Order

    Osvald: ……

    Temenos: Greetings, Osvald. What has you so lost in thought?

    Osvald: I’m merely considering the identity of the Moonshade Order’s leader.

    Osvald: It’s someone with the power to wipe out an entire people…

    Osvald: D’arqest famously crushed many a nation beneath his heel.

    Osvald: Might the Order’s leader not be connected to him in some way?

    Temenos: Hm, I wonder…

    Temenos: If I had to describe the picture painted by the knowledge I’ve gleaned here…

    Temenos: I’d say this leader is an expert at manipulating the hearts and minds of others.

    Osvald: Oho, fascinating. A power beyond my understanding.

    Chapter 3 Stormhail

    Temenos + Agnea: Ack!

    Agnea: Ack!

    Temenos: Oh dear. Are you all right?

    Agnea: Hehe… I’m fine. This happens all the time.

    Temenos: I’m glad you’re unhurt, but what causes you to fall so much in the first place?

    Agnea: Well, I practice such difficult routines all the time, you see…

    Temenos: Yet you tripped over nothing just now, no?

    Agnea: N-now that just ain’t true!

    Temenos: Hehe, then by all means, continue tumbling to the floor with reckless abandon.

    Temenos: If nothing else, it’s managed to take my mind off things and bring a smile to my face.

    Agnea: Eh?

    Agnea: Well, I suppose that’s not nothin’!

    Temenos + Osvald: The Pit of D’arqest

    Osvald: I’ve come here more times than I care to remember.

    Osvald: I had to see the Pit of D’arqest, just south of here, for myself.

    Temenos: Aha. The root of the seventh source, if I’m not mistaken?

    Osvald: And a pit full of nothing but mystery.

    Osvald: I knew the moment I laid eyes on it that my research would be a lifelong pursuit.

    Temenos: Fascinating. I should like to see it for myself.

    Osvald: You had better prepare yourself accordingly if you do go.

    Osvald: Countless scholars have died trying to explore it.

    Temenos: Then what made you devote your life to researching something so dangerous as the One True Magic?

    Osvald: I have to know the truth. It’s that simple.

    Temenos: Haha… One sympathizes.

    Temenos: We humans are drawn to such perilous mysteries.

    Temenos + Ochette: Headquarters of the Sacred Guard

    Temenos: What troubles you, Ochette?

    Temenos: You look mightily vexed.

    Ochette: You haven’t noticed, Mr. Detective!?

    Ochette: That big building over there reeks of evil people…

    Temenos: Does it, now?

    Temenos: My nose is not nearly so sharp as yours…

    Temenos: However, we do detain a number of evildoers within the headquarters of the Sacred Guard.

    Temenos: You’re no doubt picking up on the traces of their scent.

    Ochette: Mm… No, that’s not it.

    Ochette: The smell is…worse. And it’s everywhere.

    Temenos: Well now. You have the most exceptional nose.

    Temenos + Partitio: Crows

    Partitio: Crows, eh?

    Temenos: Do you share in my distaste for the creatures?

    Partitio: Aw, not particularly. Just brought back a memory, is all.

    Partitio: When I was a chickadee, there was a time when my hometown was overrun with ‘em.

    Partitio: Pops made what he called a “Corvushooter” to get rid of ‘em.

    P It was a wooden stick with a big metal pellet stuck at one end that it’d fire at the crows, see.

    Temenos: Most interesting…

    Partitio: The metal pellets sold like hotcakes on a winter mornin’... But there was one lone holdout.

    Partitio: They’d come up to Pops with a drawin’ of a crow and say…

    Partitio: “Yer product can’t get rid o’ this here crow!”

    Partitio: “I won’t go throwin’ good money after bad! Pay me double yer askin’ price, or else!”

    Temenos: What a troublesome figure. But I’m sure I know how this ends.

    Temenos: Your father replies, “Oh, it sure can!”

    Temenos: “And I’ll show you how! Just take out that drawing of yours, would you?”

    Temenos: The malcontent, speechless, then turned and went home. Correct?

    Partitio: Wowee! That would’ve worked, too!

    Temenos: “Would’ve”?

    Partitio: Well, Pops just took out some charcoal and set fire to the drawing and said…

    Partitio: “No, but this charcoal can! Thankee kindly!”

    Partitio: An’ then he sold that same varmint some charcoal!

    Temenos: ……

    Temenos: Merchants are more fearsome than even the crows with which I tangle…

    Temenos + Hikari: Battle with the Church

    Hikari: This is war…

    Temenos: How do you mean?

    Hikari: There should be only peace across this land.

    Hikari: Instead there are so many corpses, we may as well be standing on a battlefield.

    Temenos: Indeed. It is painful to witness.

    Temenos: In one sense, you might say we are waging an invisible war.

    Hikari: Then who is our enemy?

    Temenos: Our mission is to answer that question.

    Hikari: Very well. I shall aid you in your quest, Temenos.

    Temenos: More heartening words were never spoken.

    Temenos + Castti: Temenos’s Nemesis

    Castti: This is getting out of hand, Temenos.

    Castti: Someone is after you, that much is clear.

    Temenos: Haha… All the more reason to forge ahead.

    Temenos: They are after me because they fear me.

    Temenos: I am closing in on the heart of the matter.

    Castti: You’re not going to stop, are you? You’ll risk everything…

    Temenos: One cannot allow a wily sheep to roam free.

    Castti: I suppose so. This should be cut off at the root, lest there be more victims…

    Castti: You’ve convinced me. Just promise me you’ll come to me in times of need.

    Temenos: That is a great help, Castti.

    Temenos + Throné: Lost

    Throné: Temenos…

    Temenos: ……

    Temenos: To be lost is to be human. It’s how we live our lives.

    Temenos: We wander in search of guideposts.

    Temenos: And it is a cleric’s duty to guide this unruly flock.

    Throné: ……

    Temenos: But even we clerics find ourselves unable to tell…

    Temenos: …if the path we walk is the righteous one.

    Throné: ……

    Throné: Everyone gets lost from time to time. What’s important is…

    Throné: …that when you do, there’s someone there to lend you a hand.

    Throné: Just remember that, Temenos.

    Temenos: Throné…

    Temenos: …I cannot thank you enough.

    Chapter 4

    Temenos + Castti: Castti’s Encouragement

    Castti: I’ve made some herbal tea, Temenos.

    Castti: It should calm your nerves and clear your head.

    Temenos: Well, isn’t this a lovely surprise. This is sure to help my deductions along.

    Castti: You’re nearly there, aren’t you?

    Temenos: That I am… The mastermind’s within reach.

    Castti: If there’s anything I can do, just name it.

    Castti: I shall lend a helping hand however I can.

    Temenos: Thank you, Castti.

    Temenos + Osvald: Osvald’s Encouragement

    Osvald: That was masterful reasoning. Now you can move forward.

    Temenos: Yes, though I’m afraid the hard part is yet to come.

    Temenos: My opponent is none other than Kaldena herself, captain of the Sacred Guard and hero of scripture.

    Temenos: I’ve heard it said that the power of a god is contained within her mighty blade.

    Temenos: She is…immensely powerful.

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: Just keep that mind of yours in motion.

    Osvald: The power of a god is no match for it.

    Osvald: The human mind can overcome any foe.

    Temenos: Are you encouraging me, Osvald?

    Osvald: Take it as you will.

    Temenos: Hah… Then that is how I shall take it. Thank you.

    Temenos + Hikari: Their Memories Live On

    Temenos: ……

    Hikari: Are you all right, Temenos?

    Temenos: I’m just having a think…

    Temenos: Reflecting on all that’s been lost in the journey to this moment.

    Hikari: Ah, yes. I know those thoughts well.

    Hikari: Thoughts of friends with whom I shared a powerful vision.

    Hikari: I can hear their voices when I think of them.

    Hikari: And in so doing, they lend me their strength once more.

    Temenos: ……

    Hikari: You can become the mighty vessel in which their memories live on.

    Hikari: And in turn, they will lend you their strength.

    Temenos: You speak the truth…

    Temenos: I do believe I’ve heard them speak to me.

    Temenos: They tell me to reveal the truth.

    Temenos + Throné: Mysteries to Be Solved

    Throné: Well done, Detective.

    Temenos: This was not my achievement. I had help from all manner of sources.

    Throné: Those sources must be quite grateful to you.

    Temenos: Haha, I wonder…

    Temenos: Alas, there remain mysteries to be solved.

    Throné: Hah. The life of a detective is anything but boring, I see.

    Temenos: So it would seem. My work continues for the time being.

    Temenos: I must say I do rather miss the days of leisurely reciting the histories…

    Throné: Oh? Shall I take up the detective work in your stead?

    Temenos: Why, that would be an immense help.

    Temenos: I may just take you up on the offer.

    Throné: Hah, just say the word. We’re in this together.



    Chapter 2

    Hikari + Throné: Talk of Tricks

    Throné: An arena? Gambling seems to be a beloved pastime here.

    Hikari: Even the people of Ku found diversion in games of chance.

    Hikari: Kazan in particular is quite good at them.

    Hikari: Not only is he gifted with a keen mind, but one might think luck itself walks by his side.

    Throné: Hmm… I wonder what tricks he used.

    Hikari: “Tricks”?

    Throné: Every game can be cheated.

    Throné: I saw all sorts of swindlers during my time at the game parlor.

    Throné: Thanks to them, I learned a few tricks myself.

    Hikari: I can hardly see any satisfaction to be gained from a dishonest victory.

    Throné: I agree. That’s why you have to know your enemy.

    Throné: See through their tricks. Otherwise they’ll always be the victor.

    Hikari + Partitio: Way of the Arena

    Partitio: An arena? Can’t say this agrees with me…

    Partitio: Commerce should be for the good of one and all.

    Partitio: And bettin’ on life or death only benefits one side.

    Hikari: Agreed. Too much blood is spilled needlessly on these sands.

    Hikari: …It’s shameful.

    Partitio: Do they really have to kill each other…?

    Partitio: I reckon people’d be just as entertained with a show of skill that didn’t end in a shower of blood.

    Hikari: …That’s not a bad idea.

    Hikari: We could also use it as a training grounds to foster the next generation.

    Partitio: Now that’s somethin’ I can get behind. Plenty o’ ways you could turn this into a tool for good.

    Hikari + Agnea: Azuki Porridge

    Agnea: What’re you eating, Hikari?

    Hikari: …Azuki porridge.

    Hikari: The red beans are common throughout Ku, and this porridge is a favorite way of preparing them.

    Hikari: I’ve brought some with me, for such an occasion as this.

    Agnea: What do you mean?

    Hikari: Traditionally, the porridge is eaten before a battle.

    Hikari: Its color is meant to remind us of the blood that’s been spilled. The friends we have lost.

    Agnea: ……

    Hikari: And so I eat it when I want to be reminded of home.

    Hikari: “Live, so that you can return…”

    Agnea: …It sounds like a very special dish.

    Hikari: It is. Even now, the taste of it reminds me of my friends in Ku.

    Hikari: Well…it’s time to go.

    Agnea: Come back safe, Hikari.

    Hikari + Castti: The Eagle of Ku

    Castti: Kazan is quite impressive…

    Castti: He foresaw your every action.

    Hikari: They call him the Eagle of Ku.

    Castti: But I wonder why he wasn’t honest about his plan from the beginning.

    Hikari: He often said, “To trick your enemies, start with your allies.”

    Hikari: From the greatest general to the humblest commoner, all of Ku is a mark to him.

    Castti: How bold…

    Hikari: But he isn’t a complete villain…

    Hikari: He always reveals the reasons for his deception after his games are done.

    Hikari: So long as he’s on our side, I’m willing to overlook a lie or two.

    Castti: Hehe… You’re quite trusting.

    Hikari: …Perhaps overly so.

    Castti: I take it we can trust Kazan to come up with a strategy to see us through.

    Hikari: So long as we don’t humor him too much.

    Chapter 3

    Hikari + Ochette: Hikari’s Scent

    Ochette: Hey Hikarin, do you have any pets?

    Hikari: Hmm? Pets? No, but…

    Ochette: Really? That’s strange…

    Ochette: I can smell two distinct scents on you.

    Ochette: Are you sure you don’t have a pet?

    Hikari: What sort of scents are they?

    Ochette: One is very warm, and the other is…pungent.

    Ochette: And it’s coming from somewhere deep inside you.

    Ochette: It’s not a very pleasant odor.

    Hikari: ……

    Hikari: …I think I know why.

    Hikari + Castti: The Will to Heal

    Hikari: We have a difficult fight ahead of us. 

    Castti: We do, but don’t worry. I’ll heal any wounds you may incur.

    Hikari: Thank you, Castti.

    Hikari: It’s reassuring to have an apothecary as skilled as you in our ranks.

    Castti: Hehe, and it’s a pleasure to serve.

    Castti: But do my principles not vex you?

    Castti: I have pledged to heal any wounded, whether they be friend or foe.

    Hikari: …I have no objections to that.

    Hikari: I, too, would rather we save lives where we can.

    Hikari: Truth be told, Ku could use more with your principled view.

    Castti: Thank you. Call upon me whensoever you need.

    Hikari + Temenos: Memories of Ritsu

    Hikari: ……

    Temenos: What’s wrong, Hikari? You seem…preoccupied.

    Hikari: …Ah, apologies. I was just thinking of Ritsu.

    Hikari: Since we were but children we trained together, always rivals in swordplay.

    Hikari: We would spar until the sun was low in the sky…

    Hikari: Mikka would bring us rice balls. She worried we trained too hard.

    Hikari: We would sit under the shade, eating and talking of our dreams for the future.

    Temenos: …Pleasant memories, to be sure.

    Temenos: Such good friends as that are essential in life.

    Hikari: Friends… We were, once…

    Hikari: Much has changed since those days.

    Hikari: But still, we continue to swing our swords as we always have.

    Hikari: All in service to the future we envision…

    Hikari + Throné: No Needless Bloodshed

    Throné: …It’s not every day you see a prince reduced to robbery.

    Hikari: I will do what I must in service to a brighter future.

    Throné: A future without bloodshed, if I recall.

    Throné: I might consider living in a Ku where you’re king.

    Throné: It would be nice not to smell that stench again.

    Hikari: That it would.

    Hikari: However, the road ahead is choked with enemies.

    Hikari: If you walk it with me, you will witness bloodshed again.

    Throné: …That’s fine with me. As long as we get what we want at the end.

    Throné: Though the less blood I have to see, the better.

    Hikari: We’re of the same mind. No blood shall be spilled without purpose.

    Hikari + Partitio: Arms Merchant

    Partitio: …Business takes on many forms indeed.

    Partitio: I can’t believe these instruments of death are in such high demand.

    Hikari: …Neither can I.

    Partitio: I can’t even imagine puttin’ a price on such horrible tools.

    Partitio: But I suppose as long as there’s customers, anythin’ can be sold.

    Hikari: Apologies, Partitio.

    Hikari: If there was a path around conflict, I would’ve gladly taken it.

    Hikari: However, there is but one road available to us.

    Partitio: If you think this is the right way, then I’m behind you.

    Partitio: But that doesn’t mean we can’t start plannin’.

    Partitio: Plannin’ on how we can prosper without hurtin’ each other.

    Hikari: ……

    Hikari: You have my thanks, Partitio.

    Hikari + Osvald: The Story of Sa

    Osvald: I find the history of Hinoeuma to be fascinating.

    Osvald: I understand that the nation of Ku signed a peace treaty with their neighbor.

    Hikari: We did. Its name is Sa.

    Osvald: I hear it’s a small nation, which makes me wonder why Ku proposed peace.

    Hikari: Sa is blessed with an abundance of oases and natural resources.

    Hikari: However, that very gift made them vulnerable to the greed of outsiders.

    Hikari: In exchange for the protection of Ku, Sa agreed to give us a portion of their bounty.

    Hikari: The treaty was signed during the reign of my father, Jigo. We knew peace for some time.

    Hikari: But if history has a lesson to teach…

    Osvald: …It’s that the peace forged by the father is oft torn asunder by his children.

    Hikari: Indeed… And Mugen may prove the lesson.

    Hikari: The pages of Ku’s history are already stained crimson. I would see them stained no further.

    Hikari: And so I must keep moving forward.

    Chapter 4

    Hikari + Temenos: Clan Ku and Clan Mei

    Temenos: Clan Mei is renowned among the Order as well.

    Temenos: I’ve heard this land had never known peace until they came and brought order to the warring tribes.

    Hikari: Is that so?

    Temenos: It was thanks to them that the crows of the Sacred Guard had time to feast on the seeds.

    Temenos: And they are well-loved by their subjects besides.

    Hikari: …That doesn’t surprise me. Clan Mei’s reputation in Ku is beyond reproach.

    Hikari: Hinoeuma was once a tiny nation.

    Hikari: But Mugen ordered their subjugation as part of Ku’s conquest into the eastern continent.

    Hikari: And it was due to Clan Mei’s reputation that they were entrusted with the task.

    Temenos: Do you believe they still serve Mugen faithfully?

    Hikari: …Rai Mei and I are friends of the same mind.

    Hikari: I believe in her.

    Temenos: If you have faith in her, then I’m certain we’ll be fine.

    Temenos: That being said, a surfeit of caution would only help us.

    Hikari + Castti: Mother to Us All

    Castti: Hikari, wait.

    Castti: Your bandages are loose. I can fix that for you.

    Hikari: Apologies for the trouble.

    Hikari: …My mother used to care for me in the same way.

    Hikari: I would train every day, and wounds were a matter of course.

    Castti: Oh my… You must’ve worried your mother sick.

    Hikari: …Perhaps, but she was always kind nonetheless.

    Hikari: It was thanks to her that I could train to my heart’s content.

    Castti: Your mother sounds like a wonderful woman.

    Castti: Now…how’s this? Can you move?

    Hikari: Ah, this is even better than before. It’s much easier to swing my sword.

    Castti: While this isn’t an excuse for recklessness, please come to me if ever you’re wounded.

    Castti: You needn’t worry about becoming a burden.

    Hikari: …I’ll take those words to heart. Thank you, Castti.

    Hikari + Osvald: Escape Plan

    Osvald: ……

    Hikari: What’s the matter, Osvald?

    Osvald: I’m…disappointed.

    Hikari: About what? I’m free from my cell and none the worse for wear.

    Osvald: I was formulating a plan for escape.

    Osvald: First, I would memorize the movements of the guards.

    Osvald: Next, I would wear down the steel of the bars with the salt given each meal.

    Hikari: That…that would take countless years…

    Hikari: And why use salt when you can wield magic?

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: …It seems there was something I overlooked.

    Hikari + Agnea: Upbringing

    Agnea: You have a kind heart, Hikari.

    Agnea: It’s like my father said.

    Agnea: Those who are kind were raised with love.

    Hikari: I see… Then I suppose I have my mother to thank.

    Hikari: She was the kindest person I knew.

    Hikari: And she shared that warmth with everyone around her, without discrimination.

    Hikari: Kindness is the virtue most worth pursuing.

    Hikari: She taught me that.

    Agnea: She sounds wonderful… I wish I could have met her.

    Hikari: …As do I, Agnea.

    Hikari + Ochette: Those Who Taught Us

    Ochette: You said your teacher’s name was Jin, right?

    Ochette: How’d he teach you swordplay?

    Hikari: …By leaving me many bruises.

    Hikari: Jin wasn’t much for words. He preferred to let his sword do the instruction.

    Ochette: Wow, that sounds painful.

    Hikari: You learned from an animal, correct? How did he teach you the bow?

    Ochette: Well, he couldn’t exactly hold one, so there was a lot of talking.

    Ochette: Although at first I could barely understand what he was saying.

    Ochette: One time, I let loose an arrow when I wasn’t supposed to, and sheared off a piece of his mane.

    Ochette: I think that was when he decided to start teaching me his language…

    Hikari: It seems your teacher went to great pains to see you taught well…

    Chapter 5

    Hikari + Ochette: A Dry Land

    Ochette: *wheeze* *pant* …Phew.

    Hikari: Here, Ochette, have some water.

    Ochette: Thanks, Hikarin! That put some pep in my step!

    Ochette: How do people find food in such a desolate place?

    Hikari: Well, we have to use our wits to survive.

    Hikari: We know how to make the most of the limited resources nature affords us.

    Ochette: That’s amazing! Looks like I have a thing or two to teach the others back home.

    Hikari: Still, many live hard lives. Their meager possessions are stolen in the crush of war.

    Hikari: Would that we could live freely…without the threat of violence…

    Ochette: ……

    Ochette: Why do people steal from each other?

    Ochette: We beastlings never lay a hand on another’s possession.

    Hikari: …We could learn much from you.

    Hikari + Temenos: Kazan the Tactician

    Temenos: Kazan has quite the…interesting mind.

    Hikari: Indeed. I’ve known him for years and still he surprises me regularly.

    Hikari: I still remember the day…

    Hikari: When he looked the king straight in the eye and said…

    Hikari: “Shall we begin digging for salt?”
    Hikari: The king was taken aback at the sudden proposal.

    Hikari: However, it just so happened that the plight of the poor was weighing heavily on his mind.

    Hikari: Kazan had gleaned that all from his observations of the king and his country.

    Temenos: Quite impressive…

    Hikari: Not long after that, Ku began mining salt.

    Temenos: Are you saying that the Eagle of Ku’s eyes can peer into the future?

    Hikari: Sometimes it seems that way.

    Temenos: I find that the most brilliant of us are often the oddest as well.

    Temenos: The shackles of common sense aren’t there to chain down their surpassing wisdom.

    Hikari: Interesting… I take it you speak from experience.

    Temenos: Ah, no, of course not. Not in the least…

    Hikari + Throné: Calm Your Nerves

    Throné: The final battle draws near.

    Hikari: That it does.

    Throné: Let me teach you a little trick to calm your nerves.

    Throné: Don’t expect too much of yourself.

    Hikari: Hmm… Meaning?

    Throné: Trying to do more than you’re capable of will make you nervous.

    Throné: And when you’re nervous, you’re not as strong as you could be.

    Throné: You need to focus on the skills you’ve built up. The skills you can trust.

    Throné: Only then can you face hardship with a clear head.

    Hikari: I see… Thank you for the sage advice, Throné.

    Hikari: We will emerge from this fight victorious. I promise.

    Hikari + Osvald: The Shattered Gates

    Osvald: Using a sandstorm to rend the castle gates loose… A bold stratagem, if I ever heard one.

    Osvald: Kazan is truly an opponent to be feared.

    Hikari: That he is. This isn’t the first time I’ve been saved by one of his wild plans.

    Osvald: Wild indeed. With no sandstorm, we would have been dead in the sands.

    Osvald: A plan requires thorough understanding of terrain…enemy numbers and their movements…

    Osvald: …I would very much like to discuss the art of strategy with him.

    Hikari: If we come out of this alive, then I’ll make introductions.

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: Well then, it’s time for me to pull my weight.

    Hikari: Fight by my side, my friend.

    Osvald: …Very well.

    Hikari + Agnea: The Bell’s Toll

    Agnea: It worked…! Everyone rose up…!

    Hikari: I knew I could count on them.

    Agnea: The ringing of the bells washed over the desert.

    Agnea: …and your allies knew that you would be behind them.

    Agnea: We’ll win this fight, no matter what.

    Hikari: We will.

    Hikari: The Bell of Dawn signals the start of battle.

    Hikari: Let this be the last one. Let this struggle mark the end of war.

    Hikari + Partitio: A New King

    Partitio: Looks like you’re king at last.

    Hikari: …I couldn’t have done it without my friends.

    Hikari: I wouldn’t have been able to achieve anything alone.

    Partitio: Heh, you’re too modest.

    Partitio: I reckon no one’s a better friend to have than you.

    Hikari: ……

    Partitio: Everyone around you can be defined by one feature…

    Partitio: …They’re always smilin’.

    Partitio: There’s bright days ahead for Ku, that’s for certain.

    Partitio: It’ll be a jewel of the desert. I guarantee it.

    Hikari: Thank you, Partitio.

    Hikari: Today, the future begins.



    Partitio + Temenos + Osvald: Memories of Youth

    Partitio: Comin’ to a tavern never fails to remind me that I’m a man grown now.

    Partitio: Feels like my childhood was a lifetime ‘n’ a half ago.

    Temenos: Haha. Might I ask what you were like in your youth, Partitio?

    Partitio: Me? I was tryin’ to be a merchant, just like Pops…

    Partitio: I spent my days learnin’ everything I could from sunup to sundown.

    Partitio: …Not much has changed, now that I think about it.

    Temenos: I see. You’ve always been dedicated to mastering your craft, then.

    Partitio: Heh, guess so. Say, Osvald, what were you like as a kid?

    Osvald: My days were spent reading.

    Osvald: I thought I had all the time in the world back then.

    Osvald: But now I realize how naïve I was. Time is finite.

    Osvald: One must choose wisely how to spend it.

    Temenos: I know precisely how you feel.

    Temenos: Life was much simpler when we were children, wasn’t it?

    Partitio: And you, Temenos?

    Temenos: Well…

    Temenos: Long ago, my friend Roi was bedridden with a high fever.

    Temenos: At that time, I could do nothing but pray for him.

    Temenos: I begged the gods to save his life.

    Partitio: So you were a stand-up fella even back then, huh.

    Temenos: Haha… If I could speak to my younger self now, I would say thus:

    Temenos: “Rely not on the gods, but your own power to save him.”

    Osvald: ……

    Partitio: I guess as time goes on by…

    Partitio: …we all change, just like the seasons.

    Temenos: We cannot remain children forever.

    Osvald: Indeed. Our youth is gone…

    Osvald: …and shall not return.

    Hikari + Partitio + Osvald: Steamed Buns

    Hikari: …You have a hard look on your face, Osvald.

    Hikari: Are you, perhaps, thinking about magic?

    Osvald: …Just so.

    Hikari: I see.

    Osvald: ……

    Hikari: ……

    Partitio: H-hold on now. You really just gonna end the conversation there?

    Hikari: But of course. I wouldn’t want to disturb him.

    Partitio: Hikari’s a kind soul, ain’t he, Osvald?

    Osvald: …Silence, please. I’m nearly there.

    Osvald: Just one piece of the puzzle remains…

    Partitio: Sorry. I’ll try ‘n’ be real quiet.

    Hikari: At this rate, I fear he’ll be lost in thought until morning.

    Partitio: Heh, I imagine his buns will be properly steamed by then with all that sitting.

    Osvald: …What did you say?

    Partitio: ‘Bout what? Your buns being steamed?

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: …Eureka.

    Hikari: Hm? Eureka?

    Osvald: It is a word our ancestors used when struck by inspiration. It means I’ve found the answer.

    Partitio: And how did steamed buns help you get there?

    Hikari: I, too, am curious. What sort of magic were you thinking about?

    Osvald: Steam. If you compress steam to its very limits with magic.

    Osvald: …and then release it all at once, you could theoretically unleash cast amounts of power.

    Partitio: Hoo boy, you wanna combine the steam engine with magic? Sounds like fun to me!

    Hikari: My word…!

    Partitio: Say, if you could make the engine more efficient with magic…

    Partitio: …wouldn’t you be able to use it in real dry places, too?

    Partitio: Like Ku and the other desert nations!

    Hikari: Ah, that would certainly help my people thrive.

    Hikari: Might I join in that discussion when the time comes?

    Osvald: …Certainly.

    Partitio: Heh, three heads are better than one! I’m sure we’ll come up with a bundle of good ideas! 

    Hikari: Hah… I imagine your mercantile background will be a boon to us, Partitio.

    Osvald: Indeed. Our discussion shall be a fruitful one.

    Ochette + Temenos + Throné: Solving a Mystery

    Temenos: Throné, Ochette… Look at that.

    Ochette: Look at what?

    Temenos: The dark marks on the ceiling.

    Temenos: I think they may be bloodstains.

    Temenos: I smell a mystery, and I need your help solving it.

    Throné: Playing detective, are you? Count me in.

    Ochette: If it’s a scent you’re after, I’m your girl! Awoo!

    Temenos: Why, thank you. Haha.

    Temenos: We may find the one who shed that blood upstairs.

    Throné: Does this tavern have a second floor?

    Temenos: …If it doesn’t, then perhaps they’re in the attic. In any case, let us begin the search.

    Throné: I wonder what we’ll find… Perhaps something we wish we hadn’t.

    Ochette: Is that even blood up there?

    Temenos: A fair question. What does your nose say, Ochette?

    Ochette: Let’s ask it! *sniff sniff*

    Ochette: It says…that isn’t blood. Actually, it smells pretty good…

    Temenos: Not blood, you say? What sweet-smelling red liquid might one find in a tavern…?

    Throné: …Red wine?

    Ochette: …!

    Temenos: Speaking of red wine…

    Temenos: I can’t seem to find the bottle I bought not long ago.

    Ochette: I know who the culprit is, Temenos…

    Ochette: It’s me.

    Temenos: !

    Throné: !

    Temenos: Could you tell us what happened, Ochette?

    Ochette: Well, it smelt so good, I thought I’d have a sip.

    Ochette: But I didn’t know how to open the bottle, so I shot an arrow at it…

    Throné: …An arrow?

    Temenos: Oh dear… And I was looking forward to that wine, too.

    Ochette: I’m so sorry…

    Ochette: But I’ll make it up to you with some tasty meat! Promise!
    Temenos: That’s quite all right, Ochette. I’m satisfied just knowing that this case has been closed.

    Throné: Nothing sates you quite like solving a good mystery, does it?

    Temenos: Haha. Certainly not.

    Ochette + Temenos + Osvald: An Elegant Way of Eating

    Osvald: You have an elegant way of eating, Temenos.

    Osvald: You managed to clean every scrap of meat off your fish and leave only a pristine skeleton behind.

    Temenos: Haha. I suppose I was raised well.

    Ochette: You’re not gonna eat that, Temenos?

    Ochette: If you don’t mind…can I have it?

    Temenos: B-but of course.

    Ochette: Yay! Thank you! Mmh, this is sooo tasty!

    Temenos: Ah, now my plate is completely clean.

    Osvald: Hmm…

    Osvald: Perhaps this is the one true way of eating…

    Ochette: Heh heh, it sure is! You can’t let any of your catch go to waste!

    Temenos: I see… There’s always room for improvement.

    Hikari + Partitio + Agnea: Singing at the Tavern

    Agnea: “I must be on my way.”

    Agnea: “But goodbye I shall not say.”

    Partitio: Hoo-ey! I just can’t get enough of your singin’, Agnea.

    Hikari: Agreed. I shall never tire of your voice.

    Agnea: Hehe, thank you!
    Partitio: Huh? Sounds like the tavernkeep is calling you, Agnea.

    Agnea: I wonder why… I’ll go see what he needs.

    Hikari: …What did he want?

    Agnea: Apparently my singing drew in a whole bunch of patrons…

    Agnea: So he wanted to thank me with some drinks! Here you go!
    Partitio: Talk about hospitality! Thanks, Agnea!
    Hikari: Aye, thank you. Your song must have touched their hearts.

    Partitio: All righty, then! Time for me to bawl out a ballad and earn us another round!

    Partitio: “Time for me to hit that dusty trail, too.”

    Partitio: “So bye-bye, farewell, take care, and see you.”
    Hikari: …Ah, Partitio. The tavern master appears to be summoning you.

    Partitio: That was quick! Don’t get too thirsty before I come back, friends!

    Agnea: What did he say?
    Partitio: ……

    Partitio: He said my hollerin’ was botherin’ the other customers and asked me to leave…

    Hikari: ……

    Agnea: ……

    Hikari + Castti + Agnea: Never a Dull Moment

    Castti: It seems they have a rare liquor in stock. The bartender said it’s a bit on the strong side.

    Hikari: I would be happy to give it a try.

    Agnea: None for me, thanks. I’ll have raspberry juice!
    Hikari: I hope you don’t mind us partaking in alcohol in your presence, Agnea.

    Agnea: Not at all! I don’t drink, but I’m happy to spend time with folks who do.

    Agnea: Everyone I know becomes so cheerful when they’re drunk.

    Agnea: And you get to see a side of them you don’t usually see!
    Castti: Hehe. You see the good in everything, don’t you, Agnea?

    Hikari: Now then, shall we raise our glasses in a toast?

    Hikari: Cheers!

    Castti: Cheers!

    Agnea: Cheers!
    Castti: Mmh… What a delectable flavor.

    Hikari: Indeed. I think I’ll have another.

    Hikari: I never took you for much of a drinker, Castti.

    Agnea: Me, neither. I thought you’d consider it poison for your body.

    Castti: Hehe. Everything in moderation, even alcohol.

    Hikari: But…perhaps you’ve had a little too much. You have a distant look in your eyes.

    Castti: That’s not true, Hikari… Hehehe.

    Agnea: …!

    Agnea: Are you all right, Castti? Seems like you get pretty giggly when you’re drunk…

    Agnea: C-Castti? Where are you going?

    Castti: It’s so hot in here… Hehehe… I think I’ll get some fresh air outside…

    Agnea: Don’t wander off, Castti!

    Agnea: Help me, Hikari!

    Hikari: …You needn’t worry, Agnea.

    Hikari: On my honor…I swear no harm shall befall you or Castti this night.

    Agnea: H-Hikari? Is it the liquor that’s gotten you more serious than usual?

    Agnea: Heh, there’s never a dull moment in a tavern!

    Ochette + Throné + Agnea: Table Manners

    Agnea: You’ve got such good table manners, Throné!
    Throné: Why, thank you.

    Throné: I suppose we can thank my expertise with knives for that.

    Ochette: Hmm?

    Ochette: What do you need a knife for when you’ve got teeth to chew everything up?

    Throné: It’s bad manners. One should cut their food into bite-sized pieces first.

    Ochette: I don’t get you humans…

    Throné: Why don’t you give it a try, Ochette?

    Ochette: …What’s all this? Don’t people usually just use one knife and one fork?

    Agnea: In the city, people use different utensils based on the dish they’re eating.

    Ochette: This is making my head hurt…

    Agnea: It’s simple. You start from the inside, then move outward.

    Ochette: Ohh, you sound like a city lady, Aggie!
    Agnea: Hehe, I’m not so sure about that.

    Throné: Who taught you that, by the way?

    Agnea: The folks back home.

    Agnea: They taught me all sorts of things so I wouldn’t embarrass myself out here.

    Throné: Is that so? They sound like kind people.

    Ochette: …How is anyone supposed to eat like this? Can’t I just use my hands?

    Agnea: Don’t give up just yet. Huh? This is harder than I thought…

    Ochette: You dropped something, Aggie.

    Agnea: Ack! But I practiced so hard…!

    Throné: ……

    Throné: (Their table manners could use some work, but…that’s a lesson for another day.)

    Ochette + Castti + Throné: Mosquito

    Castti: DId you see that? It’s a mosquito.

    Ochette: Really? Where? I get so itchy whenever they bite me…

    Throné: If you’re worried, I can kill it for you.

    Ochette: No! You can’t kill things you won’t eat!
    Throné: I’ve heard that mosquitoes kill the most humans of any animal.

    Throné: If it’s kill or be killed, I’d rather be the former. I consider it self-defense.

    Castti: No, I agree with Ochette.

    Castti: I heard they can cause diseases, but they certainly don’t mean to.

    Ochette: All right, then. I’ll chase it away!

    Ochette: *deep breath*

    Throné: !

    Castti: !

    Castti: Wait, Ochette!

    Castti: You can’t shout in the middle of a tavern! You’ll disturb the other patrons.

    Castti: Come here, little mosquito…

    Throné: What are you doing, Castti? Putting your arm out like that…

    Castti: I can’t risk the other folks in here getting sick.

    Castti: But at the same time, I understand where Ochette is coming from…

    Castti: So I’ll let the mosquito have my blood instead.

    Ochette: …!

    Throné: Extending a helping arm even to mosquitoes in need…

    Hikari + Castti + Temenos: Another Self

    Hikari: There is something I would like to ask you, my friends…

    Hikari: Do you ever feel…like you aren’t yourself?

    Temenos: Hmm… I’m not sure I understand.

    Temenos: Do you mean to ask if the entity currently perceiving the world around you…isn’t you?

    Hikari: By that logic, there would be another inside of me other than myself.

    Hikari: But that other isn’t someone else.

    Hikari: However, it isn’t me, either… Or at least, that’s how it feels.

    Castti: I’ve had a similar experience.

    Castti: I felt the me of my memories—the ones I had lost—was a different person.

    Hikari: ……

    Temenos: I think I’m starting to understand what you mean.

    Temenos: I feel like there’s more than one of me when I must differentiate my feelings as a person from those as a cleric.

    Hikari: I see… So I’m not the only one who struggles with this.

    Castti: Hardly. Few people possess only one facet.

    Castti: I think you have no cause for concern.

    Castti: We must accept the other sides of ourselves and learn to coexist with them.

    Castti: In the end, it’s not who we are, but how we choose to live our lives that is most important.

    Hikari: ……

    Hikari: Perhaps the “self” is something…indefinite.

    Hikari: In which case…we should strive to become the person we want to be.

    Castti: Hehe. I’m sure you can do it, Hikari.

    Hikari: Thank you, Castti.

    Hikari: My apologies for bringing such a complicated topic to the table. Please pay it no mind.

    Temenos: …Hm? What were we talking about again?

    Temenos: I seem to have forgotten… I believe I’ve had too much to drink…

    Hikari: …Thank you, my friends.

    Osvald + Throné + Agnea: My Goulash

    Agnea: This goulash is delicious!
    Throné: It warms you from the inside.

    Osvald: I didn’t know they served goulash here. I think I’ll order some for myself.

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: …What’s that? You’ve run out?

    Throné: How unfortunate, Professor.

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: My goulash…

    Agnea: Don’t worry, Osvald! There are lots of other tasty dishes here!
    Osvald: ……

    Agnea: W-would you like some of mine? I only had a little bit…

    Osvald: ……

    Agnea: O-Osvald…?

    Osvald: ……

    Throné: …Aren’t you a little too old to be sulking like a child?

    Throné: Cheer up, Professor. Meals are meant to be enjoyed.

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: …I see. There is no answer.

    Throné: What’s that?

    Osvald: …I’ve been wracking my brain, hoping to find a way to create goulash.

    Osvald: But I suppose it’s not possible. After all, nothing begets nothing.

    Throné: …I didn’t know you liked it that much.

    Agnea: D-don’t worry, Osvald. I’ll make some for you sometime!

    Osvald: …Thank you.

    Hikari + Temenos + Throné: Gambling

    Throné: Are either of you interested in a game of poker?

    Temenos: Hm? This is quite sudden…

    Throné: We have some time on our hands, so why not?

    Hikari: I have heard of the game, but would be reluctant to gamble.

    Throné: Is that so? I find the skill quite useful in battle…

    Hikari: Do you…?

    Throné: To win a serious bout, you must exploit your opponent’s weaknesses.

    Throné: You need to create an opening without making yourself vulnerable.

    Throné: Gambling is the perfect way to practice doing just that.

    Temenos: I see… I suppose that makes sense.

    Hikari: If these skills will truly help me on the field…I shall play.

    Throné: Hah. That’s the spirit, Your Highness.

    Throné: Poker is a mental battle. The one with the most resolute heart wins.

    Hikari: …Understood.

    Temenos: I wonder which of us will keep their composure until the very end…?

    Throné: ……

    Throné: By the way, Temenos, I noticed you’ve been sprouting more white hairs lately.

    Temenos: Haha, of course I have.

    Temenos: All my hairs are white, Throné.

    Throné: Tch… I suppose you’re right, Detective.

    Temenos: Oh my… That woman has quite the beautiful necklace.

    Throné: Hah. Good try. 

    Throné: But I’ve already seen every patron and their belongings.

    Temenos: Grr… I suppose there’s no fooling you.

    Throné: What an intriguing match this is turning out to be… Your turn, Hikari.

    Hikari: ……

    Hikari: “Blades crossed on a sandy plain. Wounds healed by falling rain.”

    Hikari: “We dream of home, a land safe to roam.”

    Temenos: ……

    Hikari: “Fear not for us, mothers and fathers. For we shall return with our sisters and brothers.”

    Hikari: “We press on through the sun and storm with memories of home to keep us warm.”

    Throné: ……

    Hikari: “Once ambitions are sated and done are deeds, the day shall come for us to lead.”

    Hikari: “Our hope, shining bright. Our home, bathed in light.”

    Throné: ……

    Temenos: What song was that…?

    Hikari: One of Ku. One sung for my friends.

    Temenos: For your friends…

    Throné: Temenos… Are you crying?

    Temenos: …No, no. My heart is merely…sweating.

    Temenos: Though you look like you’ve got something in your eyes, Throné.

    Throné: …I’ve always despised my home for all its filth.

    Throné: But when I think about it now…something inside of me aches.

    Throné: …I think I’ve had enough of this bout.

    Temenos: …As have I. You win, Hikari.

    Hikari: ……

    Hikari: Nay, for there is no winner in a battle amongst friends.

    Hikari: I wish not to fight my comrades…not even in a game of poker.

    Hikari + Throné + Osvald: Attire

    Throné: Is that your prisoner’s uniform beneath your coat, Professor?

    Throné: I think it’s high time you removed that shabby garment, don’t you?

    Osvald: …I don’t.

    Osvald: It serves its purpose of covering my body well enough.

    Throné: *sigh* Hikari, say something.

    Hikari: It does not bother me. They do not seem to be constricting his movement.

    Throné: How awfully dull of you both… Don’t you care at all about your appearance?

    Osvald: Why should I? Is there a meaning in dressing up?

    Throné: Well…it feels nice, for one.

    Th And it gives you the freedom to change the way others perceive you.

    Hikari: A fascinating outlook.

    Hikari: But I’ve never chosen my own garments…

    Throné: I’m not surprised, Your Highness.

    Hikari: There are many people who keep their distance at the sight of my royal vestments.

    Hikari: Do you think altering my clothing might change this?

    Throné: But of course. It’s quite simple to deceive people with your appearance.

    Throné: Choose softer fabrics and lighter colors. It will give you a more approachable image.

    Hikari: I shall give it a try.

    Hikari: Why not seek her help as well, Osvald? An opinion alone will not hurt.

    Osvald: ……

    Throné: For a man like yourself…

    Throné: I suggest leaving your long hair as is and adding a silk hat on top.

    Throné: A wine-red scarf wrapped neatly around your neck should pull the look together.

    Hikari: Ah, yes! That would suit him perfectly.

    Throné: Wild, yet refined. Perfect for a city scholar like yourself.

    Osvald: Hmm… A novel approach.

    Osvald: But your hypothesis shall go untested all the same.

    Ochette + Castti + Partitio: A Healthy Diet

    Ochette: *munch munch* 

    Ochette: This meat is sooo delicious!

    Castti: Ochette, a purely carnivorous diet isn’t good for you. You need to eat your vegetables, too.

    Ochette: I will! If there’s any room after the meat, that is. 

    Partitio: Hey now, a young cowgirl like you can’t be picky about food if you wanna grow up to be big ‘n’ strong!

    Ochette: You sound just like my parents…

    Castti: You leave me no choice…

    Castti: Bartender! Might I use the kitchen?

    Ochette: Mama…?

    Castti: Here. A special stew made with medicinal herbs.

    Ochette: Whoa! It smells delicious!

    Castti: I use these herbs when concocting medicines, but they’re also good to eat on their own.

    Ochette: This is incredible! I could eat this every day!

    Partitio: Thanks, Castti! I haven’t had a meal this good in a while.

    Partitio: This dish is tastier ‘n’ a tater pie, and you used your ingredients like a master.

    Partitio: Where’d you learn to cook like this?

    Castti: I taught myself. I decided to learn after examining a patient one day.

    Castti: I noticed that people will recover faster or slower based on their diet.

    Castti: Vegetables and medicinal herbs are essential to our health.

    Partitio: I’m sure there’re lots of folk out there who can’t stand vegetables, though.

    Castti: You’re right. But that doesn’t mean they taste bad.

    Castti: You can make a delicious dish with any vegetable or herb so long as you cook it right.

    Castti: And when you do, you can enjoy a tasty, healthy meal.

    Partitio: I guess that means…

    Partitio: …you’re healing people from the inside out, too!
    Castti: Hehe, I guess you could say that.

    Ochette: Heh heh. You look after everyone just like a mother hen, Castti!

    Castti + Agnea + Osvald: Memories of Family

    Osvald: *gulp gulp*

    Castti: What a rare sight. I hardly ever see you drink, Osvald.

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: I just feel like it today…

    Osvald: You’ll forgive me, won’t you? For drinking on your birthday, Rita…

    Castti: Rita…?

    Agnea: I think he’s mistaken you for his wife, Castti…

    Agnea: Are you all right, Osvald?

    Osvald: Ah, Elena. Have you found the solution to that problem?

    Agnea: Huh…?

    Agnea: It looks like he’s confused me for his daughter…

    Castti: I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this drunk before…

    Castti: Shall we humor him…?

    Agnea: …Yeah…

    Agnea: After all, Osvald looks so happy right now…

    Osvald: Do you remember, Rita? Elena’s first word…

    Osvald: “Pretty.”

    Osvald: She said it while looking at the flowers you’d been growing…

    Agnea: What a precious memory.

    Osvald: Do you remember what I said before Elena was born?

    Osvald: That I wished for our child to have a beautiful heart…

    Osvald: …To think her first word would be an observation of the beauty around her…

    Osvald: It’s all thanks to you, my dear.

    Castti: Osvald…

    Osvald: And yet all I can do is teach her math.

    Osvald: I’m sorry I’m not a better father to her…

    Castti: No, Osvald. I think you’re a wonderful father.

    Agnea: I think so, too.

    Osvald: Rita… Elena…

    Osvald: Thank you.

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: ZzZzZ…

    Agnea: He’s asleep…

    Castti: We can’t have him catching a cold. Let’s put a blanket on him.

    Agnea: Good idea. Quietly now…

    Castti + Partitio + Temenos: A Healer’s Job

    Partitio: Ow ow ow…

    Castti: What’s wrong, Partitio? Did you get into another fight?

    Castti: Sit still while I bandage you up, all right?

    Partitio: Will do… Thanks, Castti.

    Temenos: Goodness… You never learn, do you?

    Partitio: You’re a healer, aren’t you, Temenos? Can I ask you to patch me up from time to time, too?

    Temenos: You certainly cannot. When I mend wounds, I am merely doing my job.

    Temenos: I don’t waste my time on those who indulge in fights without a good reason.

    Partitio: And here I thought clerics were meant to be kindhearted…

    Temenos: There’s no cure for the contentious.

    Castti: Don’t be cruel, Temenos.

    Temenos: Haha… So then? What sparked the argument this time?

    Partitio: I saw some mean folk cornering a pup and stepped in.

    Partitio: The poor thing was fine in the end, but I’ve sure seen better days…

    Temenos: I see…

    Temenos: So you risked life and limb for a dog you’ve never seen before…

    Temenos: Your heart burns warm like the Sacred Flame.

    Partitio: Heh, you think? Lifts my spirits to hear you say that.

    Castti: Phew. That should do it.

    Partitio: Thankee kindly, both of you! My body ‘n’ soul’s feelin’ right as rain now!
    Castti: Hehe. Looks like you did your part to patch him up, too, Temenos.

    Temenos: Did I now…? I don’t recall doing anything of the sort.

    Ochette + Partitio + Agnea: Heavenly Food

    Ochette: Mmm! This meat is sooo juicy!

    Agnea: Hehe. A tasty meal really perks up the soul, doesn’t it?

    Partitio: Sure does!

    Ochette: We beastlings have a saying, you know! “Good meat is a special treat.”

    Ochette: It means that eating heavenly food is a once-in-a-lifetime experience!
    Ochette: Have you two ever eaten anything like that?

    Agnea: Heavenly food, huh…

    Partitio: I have. Happened when I was just a chickadee…

    Partitio: See, the saloon back home serves up some incredible dishes, so my friends and I went all the time.

    Partitio: But after that, our town got hit by some real hard times, so we couldn’t go as often.

    Partitio: Things were so bad, we had to split breadcrumbs among ourselves.

    Ochette: You mean there was no meat? That’s so sad…

    Partitio: Then one day, as we were passin’ by, we caught the most delectable scent…

    Partitio: And our stomachs started rumblin’ somethin’ fierce. It sounded like a thunderstorm!
    Agnea: A storm of starving stomachs…?

    Partitio: That’s right. Guess the owner must’ve heard because he came right out and gave us heaps of skewered meat!

    Partitio: …We were blubberin’ like waterfalls as we devoured all that heavenly grub.

    Partitio: The owner just grinned at us.

    Partitio: Said nothin’ made him happier than seein’ his customers smile when eatin’ his food.

    Ochette: He sounds like a nice man.

    Partitio: After that, I went back to help clean, and guess what I found?

    Partitio: …The poor place had gone under!

    Agnea: Wh-wh-whaaat!?

    Partitio: I guess I should’ve seen it comin’. The recession hit all of us hard, includin’ that saloon.

    Partitio: I think that old man just wanted to see his customers smile one last time.

    Agnea: That’s a wonderful story, Partitio.

    Agnea: And that man was a true shining star!

    Partitio: Heh, I couldn’t agree more. Thanks, Agnea.

    Ochette: So I guess that tasty meat really was once-in-a-lifetime…

    Partitio: Sure was.

    Partitio: You beastlings got it right. Good meat really is a special treat!

    Hikari + Partitio + Temenos + Osvald: Four Students

    Osvald: Now then, my students…

    Osvald: Let us explore every possibility in our search for the seventh source.

    Osvald: I would hear your ideas. Please, speak frankly.

    Hikari: Friendship is the seventh source.

    Hikari: One can overcome any difficulty with allies at their side, for their mere presence is an endless spring of power.

    Hikari: There is no greater source out there…or so I believe.

    Partitio: Hahaha! Good try, but I got the answer right here!

    Partitio: The seventh source…is money!
    Partitio: No matter the time or place, money reigns supreme.

    Partitio: It’s got the power to move the world and all the people in it!

    Hikari: I beg to differ. Money cannot buy one friendship.

    Hikari: Nor does it have the power to swat even a single fly.

    Osvald: …You have a point.

    Temenos: Oh dear… You poor souls have a long way to go to find the right answer.

    Osvald: Oh? Let’s hear your thoughts on the matter, then.

    Temenos: The answer is…sheep.

    Partitio: Sh-sheep!?

    Temenos: You count sheep to go to sleep, do you not?

    Temenos: It stands to reason, then, that they have a hidden power. The power to put one to rest.

    Temenos: And the more sheep you count, the greater this power grows.

    Temenos: In other words…one could count infinite amounts of sheep to attain an infinite amount of power.

    Osvald: …A fascinating theory.

    Hikari: Indeed. It is an unorthodox perspective.

    Partitio: But can you prove it?

    Temenos: It wouldn’t be much of a theory if I couldn’t. Let’s count them together, shall we?

    Temenos: I’ll start. One little sheep…

    Osvald: Two little sheep…

    Hikari: Three little sheep…

    Partitio: Four little sheep…

    Temenos: F-five little sheep…

    Osvald: S-six…little sheep…

    Hikari: S-seven…little…sheep…

    Partitio: E-eight…eight little…

    Temenos: ZzZzZ…

    Hikari: ZzZzZ…

    Partitio: *snore*

    Osvald: *snore*

    Partitio: …Osvald?

    Partitio: H-hey! Wake up, Osvald!

    Osvald: *snore*

    Temenos: Oh dear… He’s fast asleep.

    Hikari: We probably should not have offered him drink.

    Partitio: B-but it was just a sip…

    Osvald: ZzZzZ…

    Hikari: But…he seems to be smiling, even while asleep.

    Temenos: Haha. I suppose he’s having himself a nice dream. 

    Ochette + Castti + Throné + Agnea: Falling in Love

    Ochette: Aggie!
    Ochette: The man over there asked me to give this to you.

    Agnea: A letter? I wonder what it says…

    Agnea: “I never believed in love at first sight until I saw you.”

    Agnea: “Would you like to have dinner with me? I know where they serve the finest meat in town.”

    Castti: Why, this is…

    Throné: A love letter!

    Ochette: The finest meat in town… You’re going, right, Aggie?

    Castti: You’re drooling, Ochette…

    Throné: Everything is an experience, Agnea.

    Castti: But not every experience needs to be had. Men can be wolves, but you’re no sheep.

    Ochette: Awooo!

    Agnea: H-hold on just a moment!

    Agnea: I am flattered, but…I think I need to refuse.

    Agnea: We’re in the middle of a journey. I doubt I’ll have much time for romance.

    Castti: A wise decision. You have a good head on your shoulders, Agnea.

    Agnea: I…I didn’t know people actually sent love letters…

    Castti: I’m surprised. I would’ve thought you’d have gotten piles of them back in your hometown.

    Throné: You mentioned you were close with a certain tavernkeep, didn’t you?

    Agnea: G-G-Gus!? But he’s just a friend!

    Throné: Perhaps to you. But are you sure he feels the same?

    Throné: You’ve fallen in love before, haven’t you, Agnea?

    Agnea: L-love, huh…

    Ochette: Huh? How do you fall into love?

    Castti: It’s hard to explain, but…you’ll know when your heart starts to flutter.

    Ochette: Hmm… I don’t get it…

    Throné: By the by, what is romance like for beastlings?

    Ochette: Well, my ma and pa bonded over their love of meat!
    Throné: I…I see.

    Agnea: If we’re talking about when our hearts flutter, mine certainly has!

    Agnea: In fact, it just won’t stop whenever I make someone laugh or smile with my dancing.

    Throné: Hah, you truly were born for the stage, Agnea.

    Agnea: What makes your heart flutter, Castti?

    Castti: Hmm… I suppose whenever someone shows me their vulnerable side.

    Castti: It makes me want to protect them.

    Ochette: You’re a real mother hen, Castti!

    Throné: I can’t stand weaklings.

    Castti: Oh? Then what makes your heart flutter, Throné?

    Throné: ……

    Throné: …When they wag their tail.

    Agnea: Are you talking about…dogs?

    Throné: Hah, of course I am. They’re so adorable and they love me, too.

    Ochette: Ohhh, I get it now!
    Throné: You do…?

    Ochette: Falling in love is like…when you see someone you like and your tail won’t stop wagging!

    Ochette: Heh heh. It’s pretty embarrassing, isn’t it?

    All: …!

    Castti: Could it be…

    Agnea: …Ochette’s fallen in love, too?

    Castti + Partitio + Temenos + Agnea: New Paper Plays

    Castti: By the way, Temenos, who wrote those paper plays of yours?

    Temenos: Why, yours truly, of course.

    Agnea: Wh-wh-what!? Did you draw the pictures, too?

    Temenos: I certainly did. Is that so surprising?

    Agnea: N-no… It’s just that…those drawings are so cute…

    Temenos: Yes, well, children won’t pay attention to lifeless drawings or tedious tales.

    Castti: Children are so very honest, aren’t they? 

    Partitio: I get it. You adjusted your product to fit the needs of your client.

    Partitio: You’ve got the makings of a merchant, partner. Something tells me we’d make a killin’ together.

    Temenos: I’ll have you know I have no interest in coin.

    Temenos: This is simply what I do.

    Temenos: Not to mention I made these paper plays ages ago…

    Castti: Oh? You don’t ever think of making new ones?

    Temenos: To be perfectly honest…the thought never really crossed my mind.

    Agnea: Say, why don’t you write a play about us? You can talk about our travels!

    Temenos: …You want me to create a play about our journey?

    Castti: I think it’s a wonderful idea. That way, we’ll have something to remember our adventures by.

    Partitio: Draw me all handsome like. Make me the sharpest merchant in the land!

    Temenos: It is unbecoming of a cleric to lie…

    Partitio: All right, then! I’ll work so hard it’ll become the truth! Just you wait ‘n’ see!

    Agnea: Me, too! I’ll practice my steps until I can step no more!
    Castti: I wonder if your beautiful dances can be captured in a picture…

    Agnea: Then why don’t I dance beside them so people can see the real deal?

    Temenos: I must ask you to refrain. If you do, no one will pay attention to my plays.

    Partitio: What if we said our own lines during the play?

    Agnea: Oh, and if we use puppets, we can recreate my dances!

    Temenos: Then it would be a puppet show and not a paper play.

    Castti: Hehe. That’s not a bad idea. We could become a puppet theater company.

    Partitio: I like the sound of that! I’ll be the impresario!

    Agnea: And I’ll find us an audience! I can sing songs during the show, too.

    Castti: Then I’ll take charge of everyone’s health. We could even start a traveling clinic.

    Temenos: That’s all fine and well, but what about the story? You’ll need to keep your audience entertained.

    Partitio: And we will! After all, I’m gonna be the best merchant in the land!
    Agnea: And I’ll be a star!

    Temenos: *sigh* Ignorance truly is bliss, isn’t it? After all…

    Temenos: Would the world’s greatest merchant have the leisure of becoming an impresario?

    Temenos: And would anyone allow a bright, shining star to venture into the streets and draw in her own audience?

    Temenos: Not to mention I must someday return to the cathedral.

    Partitio: I suppose you’re right…

    Agnea: Yeah…

    Temenos: …I apologize. I didn’t mean to ruin the mood.

    Temenos: It seems the drinks have hit me harder than usual today…

    Castti: …You know, Temenos, you never can tell what the future holds.

    Temenos: Castti…

    Castti: Before I lost my memories, I never once thought I would get amnesia.

    Castti: Nor did I think I would end up on a journey with a dancer, merchant and cleric, and sharing drinks with them at a tavern…

    Castti: That’s why I think anything’s possible. Even the most far-fetched dream can come true.

    Partitio: She’s right! Maybe it’ll happen after Agnea and I retire!

    Agnea: B-but that might be decades away…

    Temenos: …Haha. That will give me ample time to prepare my new paper play.

    Partitio: It’ll be your greatest masterpiece!

    Temenos: Your part certainly will be. The audience will be in tears…from laughing.

    Partitio: Th-that’s not what I meant…!

    Castti: Let’s toast. To the unpredictable future.

    Agnea: To Temenos’s incredible plays!

    Partitio: To our promisin’ journey!

    Temenos: To exciting and beautiful friendships…!

    Hikari + Ochette + Osvald + Throné: Noble Phantom Thieves

    Throné: Hmm… I see…

    Hikari: You’ve been reading that newspaper for some time, Throné.

    Ochette: *sniff sniff* It smells like you’re scheming something…

    Throné: I just happened across an interesting article. Have a look.

    Throné: “The art prodigy Holm’s eagerly awaited painting has been stolen.”

    Ochette: Huh? What’s so interesting about that?

    Osvald: I’ve heard of Holm. He is touted as a wealthy man of mystery.

    Osvald: Rumor has it there is another side to him… What exactly is your aim, Throné?

    Throné: Hah. It’s simple, really.

    Throné: …I think we should take this painting for ourselves.

    Osvald: What…?

    Ochette: But you can’t eat a painting…

    Throné: Hunting will fill your belly, but treasure fills your heart.

    Ochette: I can fill up my heart, too? I can’t imagine what that’s like!

    Hikari: No. I refuse to be party to thievery.

    Hikari: Besides, hasn’t the work already been stolen?

    Osvald: Hold on. There’s something you’re not telling us, isn’t there?

    Throné: You’re sharp as ever, Professor.

    Throné: There is, indeed, another side to the story.

    Throné: You see, this article is nothing but a hoax.

    Throné: According to my fellow thieves, the one who stole the painting is Holm himself.

    Ochette: But why would he steal his own painting?

    Osvald: Hmm… The article states that the Sacred Guard was meant to be on patrol.

    Osvald: “If the stolen painting is not found…”

    Osvald: “...the Sacred Guard must pay Holm a handsome sum in reparations, as per their agreement.”

    Hikari: So Holm has hidden his painting in an effort to collect indemnities…

    Ochette: What!? That’s horrible!

    Hikari: THen why not simply alert the Sacred Guard? There is no need for us to steal the actual painting.

    Throné: You just don’t get it, Your Highness.

    Throné: Do you really think anyone would believe the claims of a shady bunch like us?

    Osvald: I see now.

    Osvald: You mean to steal the painting and make it seem like the Sacred Guard did it.

    Throné: Precisely.

    Hikari: I see… But why would you go to such lengths, Throné?

    Throné: …I thought it might be fun.

    Osvald: Be honest.

    Osvald: Public order would be threatened if people found out the Sacred Guard had been outwitted by bandits.

    Osvald: And such a turn would put the children here in danger. Isn’t that right?

    Ochette: You have a soft spot for kids, don’t you, Throné?

    Throné: …So are we doing this or not?

    Hikari: I suppose we are.

    Osvald: But if we’re going to do this, you’ll need to tell us everything, Throné.

    Throné: Like I told you, Holm has the painting. It’s been stored in his personal vault.

    Throné: He’s been holed up in there since the work went “missing,” but…

    Throné: …word has it, he’s been summoned by some nobles, leaving his nest empty.

    Hikari: …It seems like a fine opportunity to claim the painting, but your expression suggests otherwise.

    Throné: I’ve heard that his mansion is nigh impregnable.

    Osvald: …Then allow me to formulate a plan. First we must figure out how to dispose of the guards…

    Hikari: I would rather not resort to violent means. I see no need to shed any blood here.

    Osvald: Hmph. In that case, I will leave the guards to Ochette.

    Ochette: All right! Shall I befriend them with some jerky?

    Osvald: …I meant to provoke them.

    Ochette: Oho, I can do that too! Awooo!

    Osvald: The guards may be used to fending off other humans, but…

    Osvald: …against a beast in the city, I imagine they would turn tail and run.

    Hikari: I see. You’ve put quite some thought into this…

    Ochette: Then what next?

    Throné: I heard that only the master of the house and his maids know the combination to the vault.

    Osvald: But Holm is away, which leaves us with only one choice.

    Osvald: Once we know the code, we will need a way to keep our identities a secret.

    Hikari: Please leave that to me.

    Hikari: I do not wish to fight. Instead, I hope to buy their silence.

    Throné: After the vault is open, I can take it from there.

    Osvald: …Then we have our plan. I’ve made note of it here.

    Ochette: Ooh! Can I see? …Did you draw some earthworms, Pops?

    Osvald: …It’s a cipher.

    Ochette: Hey, can I draw in here, too?

    Osvald: …On the edges, I suppose.


    Throné: Hah… That went well.

    Hikari: Here’s today’s newspaper. The front page is emblazoned with the Sacred Guard’s feat.

    Osvald: …Our plan went perfectly, and public peace has been maintained.

    Ochette: So this is what it means for your heart to be full! I like it!


    Final Chapter

    Hikari + Castti + Partitio + Throné: In Search of Clues

    Partitio: We’ve been waitin’ a while, and the sun still ain’t risin’. What in the world is goin’ on?

    Throné: I don’t know. But it’s nothing good, that’s for sure.

    Hikari: If those strange monsters earlier were a product of this darkness, then…

    Hikari: We must figure out the cause of this long night, and soon.

    Castti: I couldn’t agree more. First, we search for clues.

    Partitio: Now you’re talkin’! So, where do we start?

    Hikari: ……

    Castti: …….

    Partitio: C’mon now. You must have some idea, right?

    Throné: ……

    Throné: Why don’t we look for places like this one?

    Castti: What do you mean?

    Throné: I mean other areas shrouded in the Shadow.

    Hikari: There are more?

    Throné: I can’t say for sure, but it’s the only heading we have.

    Castti: A fair point. Standing still will get us nowhere.

    Castti: Let’s start by searching for other places blanketed in darkness.

    Partitio: All right! Looks like it’s time to hit the dusty trail once again!

    Temenos + Osvald: The Shadow and the Endless Night

    Temenos: ……

    Osvald: What’s wrong, Temenos?

    Temenos: Nothing. I just happened to recall a bit of scripture.

    Temenos: One that refers to both the Shadow and an endless night.

    Osvald: …I see. A situation much like this one.

    Temenos: ……

    Osvald: Perhaps that means we might find a clue at the cathedral.

    Temenos: I was just thinking the same. 

    Osvald: Then let us make haste for Flamechurch.

    Hikari + Ochette + Temenos + Agnea: Places of Truth 

    Agnea: …Hey, Hikari.

    Hikari: Is something the matter, Agnea? You seem to be deep in thought.

    Agnea: Well, to be honest…I feel like I saw the Tranquil Grotto in my dreams.

    Hikari: …!

    Hikari: I did as well.

    Hikari: I saw the Sacred Flame within the cavern doused.

    Temenos: My, what a coincidence.

    Temenos: I, too, saw a flame extinguished in my dream.

    Agnea: R-really, Temenos!?

    Temenos: Yes, except mine was in the Fellsun Ruins.

    Ochette: If we’re talking about dreams, I had one too!

    Ochette: It was in the Tombs of the Wardenbeasts.

    Ochette: The frieze was broken, and the flame beside it went out.

    Agnea: …I don’t think this is a coincidence.

    Hikari: Nor do I.

    Ochette: How so?

    Temenos: There must be some connection between the Tranquil Grotto, the Fellsun Ruins, and the Tombs of the Wardenbeasts.

    Temenos: And it is up to us to find the truth. 

    Throné + Temenos: The Children Awaiting the Dawn

    Throné: So this is the “night”...?

    Temenos: ……

    Temenos: Could this darkness she spoke of…

    Temenos: …be Vide?

    Throné: Vide?

    Temenos: Legends portray him as a god of fear and destruction.

    Temenos: Which means that the dawn must be…

    Throné: ……

    Throné: I spoke with the children of this village not long ago.

    Throné: It seems there’s going to be a concert tomorrow.

    Throné: Dolcinaea is coming to entertain everyone with her dancing.

    Temenos: ……

    Throné: Those children were waiting for the dawn with stars in their eyes.

    Throné: …It was a beautiful sight, like gemstones glittering in the dark.

    Temenos: They see nothing but hope.

    Throné: …Indeed.

    Throné: That’s why I made a promise to them.

    Throné: A promise that I would steal back the dawn.

    Temenos: You truly are Aeber come again.

    Throné: Is that meant to be a compliment?

    Temenos: But of course.

    Temenos: Now then. Shall we get to work, Aeber?

    Throné: Hmph… There certainly is a lot of work to be done. More than I’ve ever done before.

    Osvald + Partitio: Ori’s Fate

    Partitio: ……

    Partitio: …Ori…

    Osvald: ……

    Osvald: I heard from an apothecary in town…

    Osvald: A woman was found collapsed near the Sacred Flame and brought there for treatment.

    Partitio: Hmm…?

    Osvald: She had brown hair and wore a cap, much like a scrivener.

    Osvald: After she regained consciousness, she simply…vanished.

    Partitio: That’s Ori… It’s gotta be.

    Partitio: But if that’s true, then…what saved her?

    Osvald: It appears her wounds fell just short of being fatal.

    Partitio: ……

    Partitio: She must’ve changed her mind…just in the nick of time.

    Partitio: She saw the worth in walkin’ toward the dawn.

    Osvald: …Well, I can hazard a guess as to why she hesitated.

    Osvald: I believe it was thoughts of you that saved her life.

    Partitio: Me…?

    Partitio: Now don’t be ridiculous! Like I’d have anythin’ to do with that!

    Partitio: …Well, no matter. As long as she’s alive, all’s well.

    Partitio: But just where did she wander off to…?

    Osvald: ……

    Partitio: Heh… I sure am lucky that you’re around to cheer me up, eh?

    Osvald: Our journey isn’t over. We’d do well not to waste time in idle conversation.

    Osvald: But if you must talk, then perhaps a different topic of conversation would suffice.

    Partitio: Osvald…

    Partitio: Thankee kindly.

    Castti + Ochette: The First Flame

    Ochette: So that was the First Flame, huh?

    Castti: Have you heard of it before?

    Ochette: Yeah, it came to life inside me.

    Ochette: It was comforting…and warm.

    Ochette: It was then that I decided I wanted to protect the island.

    Castti: I always felt you had a heart warmer than most.

    Ochette: Heh heh… Now I think I’m ready to take on something even bigger.

    Ochette: I’m ready to protect the whole world!

    Ochette: That’s what a hunter should do, after all.

    Castti: I feel the same way as you do.

    Castti: I want to extend a helping hand to everyone in need during this endless night.

    Ochette: Heh heh, you’re an apothecary everyone can count on.

    Ochette: Then let’s do it together! Let’s keep everyone safe!

    Castti: Gladly, Ochette. I’m honored to have you by my side.

    Agnea + Hikari: Kazan’s Plans

    Hikari: ……

    Hikari: Kazan…

    Agnea: ……

    Hikari: Mugen’s rebellion… The razing of the city…

    Hikari: …Even my ascent to the throne.

    Hikari: Were they all just more of your plots?

    Hikari: Were we all playing into your hands…?

    Hikari: How many of my friends died because of you…?

    Agnea: Hikari…

    Hikari: Ever since I was a child, I spoke with him about the future I envisioned…

    Hikari: A future without bloodshed.

    Hikari: Were our ideals so different?

    Hikari: Why did he do this…?

    Agnea: ……

    Hikari: He aims to bring an end to the world.

    Hikari: We have to stop him…together.

    Agnea: We will.

    Agnea: We’ll lead everyone toward the dawn.

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