seiyasu headcanonsdragalia 2021. 5. 19. 02:39
i just want to compile it somewhere this is like miscellaneous thoughts i've had about them.. reformatted from tweets so they're easier to read i like this part of the fortune's fray event... i'm not sure how familiar the wyrmclan leaders are supposed to be with each other but the fact that ieyasu can more or less recognize seimei based on his silhouette/movements is nice.. also i'm guessing tha..
why do you ship seiyasudragalia 2021. 5. 19. 01:51
the main reason i came up with and enjoy ieyasu/seimei is because they seem to be opposites in terms of ideology and personality but at the same time they also have some similar themes and i thought it was interesting! i like thinking about their interactions even in a non-romantic context (that being said when i mention them just assume it's romantic) idealistic vs realistic ieyasu has very lof..