
  • 🔞[temehika] tipping over
    octopath 2024. 7. 15. 17:14

    Hikari Ku, the newly crowned ruler of the kingdom of Ku, is busy staring a hole into the piece of paper in his hand. Several weeks have already passed since the date written on the letter, as Hikari belatedly found out after finally unfolding it. A meticulously written message, but rather brief: a friend was planning to visit him. If the origin of the letter hadn’t been the other end of Solistia across the sea, he doubted he could have read the letter before the sender’s arrival. 


    But it couldn't be helped, of course, that the king of Ku had mountains of paperwork to read, peruse and authorise. It couldn't be helped that personal letters were pushed further and further from the top of the pile in an endlessly growing list of urgencies. All of this Hikari told himself, but it hardly stopped him from feeling both shaken and guilty about the letter. It wasn't even as if he could have written a response to reach them on time, as the transcontinental railway remained a distant possibility. 


    Standing up rather abruptly, Hikari decides to retire to his chamber, letter in hand. 


    He waves away the servants at his door, giving them a small smile before he shuts the door behind him, making his way across the room before slumping down onto his large bed. A lamp sheds a dim light on one side of the room, and Hikari folds open the letter in his hand one more time. His eyes linger at the bottom of the small chunk of text. 


    With regards, Temenos, it reads. 




    The sun casted speckled lights all over the forest floor, coupled with a pleasant breeze blowing through the trees. The man beside him suited the atmosphere perfectly with his relaxed shoulders and small smile, and the scattered sunlight made his light hair seem radiant. 


    In contrast, Hikari’s hands were stiff at his side, one gripped firmly over the handle of his blade. His anxiousness did not go unnoticed by his companion. 


    “There's no need to be so tense. The monsters around here aren’t much of a threat, after all. I’m sure Ochette and Throné will do more than enough to scare off the majority of them while they hunt for our dinner.”


    “...Mm. You're right.” 


    But he didn't let go of his sword. The monsters he knew he could handle, but they weren’t what was making him so nervous. Keeping his grip tight on his weapon was a way to ground himself, in a sense. 




    The footsteps behind him stopped. 


    “If there's something bothering you, perhaps I could lend an ear to your troubles?” 


    “Oh. I…” The words don't seem to come to him. His hands began to feel clammy and uncomfortable. “Yes, I… do have something I’d like you to hear.” 


    The other man raised a brow, his smile the same as ever. He looked around briefly before walking towards a small uprooted log, and gestured for Hikari to join him. His staff crunched against the leaves as he leaned against it to take a seat. 


    He doesn't remember the words that came out of his mouth. He remembers seeing those blue eyes widen in surprise, then narrow in fondness as the smile spread across his face and reached his eyes. He remembers his hand atop his own as they tentatively intertwined fingers. He remembers how the whole forest seemed to go quiet when their lips touched, as his eyelids fell shut and his mind went blank. 


    He doesn't think he’ll ever forget the look on Temenos’ face when he finally opened his eyes again. 




    His guest arrives the next morning; if he had gotten to the letter any later than last night, he would have been caught completely by surprise. He feels his chest tighten just slightly as his title is announced: “The Inquisitor of the Order of the Sacred Flame, your Majesty.” 


    Temenos doesn't look like he's aged a day since they last met. Then again, he's never looked his age before, and he certainly doesn't now. Meanwhile Hikari watches the dark circles under his eyes grow by the day, and he swears that he catches a glimpse of a new crease on his face every now and then. His servants assure him it isn't the case, but they quietly pile more makeup on him regardless. 


    He stands up a little straighter as Temenos approaches his throne, giving a polite bow before glancing up so their eyes meet. Temenos smiles cordially at him, but his eyes remain steady. It nearly sends a chill down Hikari’s spine. 

    “Your Majesty. It's been too long.” 


    “Please, there's no need for formalities between us. It's good to see you again, my friend.” 


    His words completely betray what he's feeling at the moment. Hikari wishes he could jump up from his throne and embrace him, if only he knew that Temenos would return the gesture. Never before has he felt so strongly that he wanted to feel another person’s warmth against his own. 


    But Temenos only nods in response. “I’m glad to see you doing well, Hikari. I’ve come to check on the progress of the church in the castle town. I've been told rebuilding efforts are progressing apace, but my presence was requested to oversee the development regardless.”


    “Indeed, the clerics have been working with the townspeople to rebuild other parts of the city as well. I’m truly grateful for the church’s magnanimity.” 


    “That's good to hear. It would be troubling if they prioritised the construction of the church before helping the community surrounding it first. Perhaps I was too cynical in my thinking…”


    Hikari's lips curl up into a small smile, despite the situation. It was just like Temenos to have doubts about the project, even when he himself had been a part of the effort to reform the church. 


    “Now then, I wouldn't want to waste any more of your time. I must attend to my duties here. Good day, Hikari.” 


    The sight of Temenos turning his back to him almost makes his heart stop. Hikari sits up abruptly from his seat; though hopefully not as conspicuously as it seemed to him. “Is that… all that you came here to say?” If the question sounds accusatory, he doesn't mean it to be. 


    Temenos seems unfazed by his sudden outburst. “Why, yes. Unless there was something else you needed me for?” 

    “I…” His eyes dart frantically around the room. “Your accommodations. Will you be staying in the castle? I can have a guest room prepared for you.”


    Smiling, Temenos shakes his head. “That's quite alright. I believe staying in the town will make my duties easier. Now, then…” 


    It feels like he’s slipping through Hikari’s fingers like water, with him helpless to do anything about it. Before he can ask another pointless question, Temenos is already halfway across the throne room, a distance that feels insurmountable to him. 


    He crumples back onto his seat, a heavy sigh leaving his lips. In just a moment, he is back to his usual composure. Beckoning to a nearby servant, his voice is nearly at a whisper. 


    “Please see to it that the Inquisitor is treated to the finest inn the city can offer at the moment. Even if he does not reside within the castle walls, he is still our honoured guest so long as he remains in the city.” 


    “It will be done, your Majesty.”


    Hikari sighs again. It is still hours before the sun will be high in the sky, but he feels just as exhausted as he usually does around the time the sun sets . Try as he may, he just can't keep his thoughts from wandering away from his duties and towards Temenos. What is he doing now? Does he find the city welcoming enough? Are there any issues with the church? 


    It's embarrassing, how much a single visit from him unravels Hikari so. Maybe if he was able to mentally prepare himself for a little longer before he arrived… At the same time, he thinks that might have done nothing but prolong his anxiousness for much longer. It might have been easier on him had Temenos not decided to visit at all, but Hikari doesn't think he likes that option, either. 


    Though his mind is only half occupied for the rest of the day, the other half determined to remain with Temenos, the hours pass as per usual. The routine has been etched into Hikari’s body, and he is merely going through the motions at this point. He has lunch alone in the dining room, spends an hour training to keep his movements sharp, and returns to work. Dinnertime is similarly uneventful, though Hikari thinks that he prefers it to the stiff ceremonies when he dines with the officials of his court. 


    The sun has set in the desert city. The sky turns orange, then a deep red, then an all-encompassing black. As Hikari watches the moon hang above the brightened city, he reminisces. He tries not to mourn, instead.




    The lights began to dim in the large auditorium-like hall, and he could see the curtains moving to finally unveil its performance. Standing alone on the stage was a dear friend of his, and he could not help the smile that appeared on his face as she began her story. He was enthralled by the performance, having never seen such an extravagant one before. 

    Suddenly, he felt another hand placed above his own. Next to him sat Temenos, and though the shadow casted on his face obscured much of his expression, their eyes met for a moment before the two of them focused their attention back to the stage. Slowly, their hands clasped together, and Temenos’ thumb rubbed his knuckles gently, a gesture that spread a small warmth all over his body. 


    The performance was over in what felt like the blink of an eye. This was especially true as someone who had lived through the experiences described onstage, and it was impressive how concisely the story of their journey was able to be delivered. The star bowed, the curtains fell, the lights filled the room once more and Temenos’s hand left his own to join his hands together in applause. It took Hikari only a moment before he, too, joined the roar of applause. 


    A rowdy tavern. An encore. Glasses clinked against one another, spilling more drink than what ended up in stomachs. Impromptu music and off-beat clapping filled the air, then gradually died down. The night eventually overtook them, but it wasn't unpleasant. It never was—not for Hikari. 


    But these moments only remained as a blur to him. 


    He remembers Temenos reaching for his hand one more time, clasping it tight against his own, before he let go for the last time. 




    “Has the Inquisitor retired for the night? It would reflect poorly on us if we overworked him.” Hikari turns to the servant beside him, stopping him in his tracks. 


    “I received word from the inn that he has not returned to his room yet, your Majesty.”


    “...I see. Perhaps I should pay him a visit myself.”


    “Your Majesty, surely such a duty can fall upon another…”


    Hikari laughs quietly. “I’d hardly call it a duty. I’m only going to visit a friend, so cast aside your concerns. I will return shortly, regardless.”


    His servant merely bows and backs away, seemingly unconvinced—not that it mattered since he was now king. Surely his castle could survive a few hours without him. It feels like weeks since he was able to leave the castle walls, and he welcomes any opportunity to step out into the city. 


    Back in his chamber, he changes into lighter clothes and opts for an inconspicuous flaxen hood to wear over them. Not the most effective disguise, but it is just enough for his people to be unaware that their king walks among them. Satisfied, he steps out of the castle and through the large arching entrance into the city proper. He accidentally gives the fortress guard a little scare when he lowers his hood after being demanded he reveal his identity, but he is let through without a fuss. 


    The city is illuminated by its signature red lanterns, casting a warm light on the walkways. The roads are far from bustling; the city still has a long road of recovery ahead, and Ku’s nightlife has never been one that saw much activity. Perhaps that will change one day, but that is a concern for a later time. 


    He knows the city like the back of his hand, having spent three years exploring and patrolling the streets, familiarising himself with the winding streets as much as the people who resided there. But these days, he feels a sense of distance from the city. Being holed up in the castle means that the city grows and develops far from his own eyes, only visible to him through a never ending pile of permits and requests. 


    Ku is changing, but only time will tell if Hikari’s ascension to the throne served it well. Nothing exemplified the coming of a new age more than the large cathedral being built on the outskirts of town, mirroring the architecture of the eastern continent. A smaller building adorns its side, functioning as an impromptu orphanage for now. If Temenos hasn't retired for the day, this is the most likely place Hikari would find him. 


    He knocks on the door, and is promptly faced with an unfamiliar cleric, sporting the Order’s usual blue robes. “Excuse me, is the Inquisitor in?”


    The cleric stares at him warily, no doubt suspicious of any late visitors to the church. “No, he must have returned to his lodgings by now. Do you need a message delivered to him?”


    “No, that’s quite alright,” Hikari quickly replies. He's relieved that Temenos doesn't seem to be overworking himself, but this only furthers the mystery of his whereabouts. He bows and leaves before the cleric is able to realise who he is, and his steps take him aimlessly around the city's streets. 


    Could he have already left the city? He doesn't doubt that being the Inquisitor keeps Temenos plenty busy even without the threat of the Moonshade Order hanging over the church, and he did seem to rush to his duties earlier that day. If that was why Temenos refused his offer to stay in the castle, perhaps Hikari could feel a little better about the rejection, but Temenos’ reluctance to remain near him still leaves a lingering sense of disappointment in his heart. 


    A sudden voice takes him out of his thoughts. “Lord Hikari? Oh, I suppose it’d be King Hikari now, haha!” 


    Hikari blinks. He recognizes the man, a notorious drunk who had invited him to many a drink when he resided over the city. That some people still treat him without decorum never fails to put a smile on his face, even if he is rather shocked he was so absorbed in his thoughts that he lowered his guard enough to be surprised like this. 


    “It's good to see you again, Kota. Though I would appreciate it if you would not expose my identity so loudly…” 


    “So I was right! Don't need to worry ‘bout that none, your kingliness. Just an old drunk spouting nonsense on the streets,” he nudges Hikari lightly. “Mind you, I haven't actually had anything to drink yet. You could join me, for old time’s sake! If ya don't mind, of course.” 


    Hikari glances at the tavern he was pointing to. Taverns were a frequent respite during his journey, and he recalls many a lively night at the many establishments scattered throughout Solistia. He supposes it could be worth a shot. And it was a welcome distraction, if nothing else. 


    “I would be delighted. It's always a relief to see the people of Ku so full of joy.”


    “Well, booze might not fill the stomach much, but it sure fills hearts!”


    The castle town tavern in particular is one of warm memories for Hikari. When the townspeople were doubtful of such a young lord being capable of watching over the city, it was his display of strength in breaking up drunken scuffles that initially raised their respect for him. Gradually, they began to welcome him among themselves, and Hikari was all the more grateful for it. 


    The doors open to a familiar sight, of lively conversation and drink bordering on chaos. The tavern was battered from age and the fire’s destruction, but haphazard attempts to keep the roof from collapsing seems to be doing its job admirably. Hikari takes a note to see what he can do for the place when he returns to work. 


    “Would ya believe it, King Hikari's come to buy us a drink!” Kota puts a firm hand on his shoulder, and grins at him as cheers erupt from a few tables. 


    But Hikari is too busy scouring the room to have much of a reaction, and his heart skips a beat when he lays his eyes on the familiar white robes of a certain cleric. 


    “...Pray forgive me, Kota. I will have to follow up on that invitation another time.” Hikari nods and excuses himself, amidst the lighthearted complaints from Kota’s table, making his way to the only table in the room with only one customer. 

    It isn't the first time Hikari has seen Temenos collapsed on a table with drink in hand, but it certainly didn't stop it from being a jarring sight. Hunched over with his usually neat hair having a few too many strands out of place, his pure white robes and hair sticks out like a sore thumb. 


    “Temenos… are you alright?” He places a hand on the cleric’s shoulder and shakes him lightly, and the latter only groans. 


    Hikari takes a seat beside him, and lowers his hood at last. Slowly, Temenos raises his head and turns to look at him. 

    “...You're the last person I expected to see here. I thought I’d sooner be escorted out of the premises by the city guard.” He attempts a smile, but it's lopsided and terribly unlike his usual expression. 


    “Is it so unusual to see a king in his own country?” Hikari shakes his head. “More importantly, I should take you back to your room. It wouldn't do for you to fall asleep here.” 


    “I wouldn't have done that,” Temenos sniffs, absentmindedly swirling the remainder of his drink. 


    Hikari has a million questions, but he’s not sure how he feels about laying them on a barely-conscious Temenos. He’s never been good at interrogating people with the same relentless enthusiasm as Temenos, and so he bites his tongue and gently coerces the glass from Temenos’ hand. 


    “I think you've had enough for tonight. I’ll escort you to the inn,” Hikari stands up again, “by force if I need to.” 


    Temenos says nothing as he wraps his arm over his shoulder and hoists him up on his feet. The cover of the darkness and the fact that he is saddled with a drunk man on his side must have eliminated any suspicions of his identity, because none approach him on his way to the inn. 


    Temenos is uncharacteristically quiet, save for the occasional groan when Hikari had to adjust his position to keep him from slipping. They make their way to the inner part of the city, where the buildings grow more extravagant and brightly lit. The harsh segregation between the different parts of the city was always something Hikari sought to abolish, but it will take time. A nation recovering from war is undoubtedly susceptible to change, but Hikari also has to be careful not to rock the boat too much as to lose the support of his people. He sighs; even a short walk around the city reminds him evermore of the mountain of duties he has ahead of him, but it spurs him on all the same. 


    Hikari finally spots the inn and steps inside, whereupon they are immediately greeted by the attendant inside. 


    “Good evening, how may I–” The man’s eyes widen comically when his eyes drift towards Hikari. “Y-your Majesty! What brings you to our humble establishment?” 


    “Please, pay no mind to my presence. I believe I asked for a room to be prepared for the Inquisitor here?” 


    The man’s expression dulls instantly, but only enough to still maintain his hospitable demeanour. “Ah… yes, of course. The room you requested is at the end of this hallway. I can call someone to…” 


    “That’s quite alright. I’ll take him there myself,” Hikari replies flatly. 


    And so they leave a flabbergasted attendant behind, with Hikari’s mood brought down even lower. It should be no surprise to him that a closed-off nation like Ku still had reservations about foreigners, but the extent of their prejudice had hindered his initial plans to work with the church and Partitio and Roque . It pains him to see his people reject the aid of his friends, but clearly the endorsement of their king was not enough to shed them of their preconceptions. 

    He reaches the end of the hallway and pushes the door into the room there. It's unquestionably extravagant, nearly comparable to his own room in the castle when he was a young prince. There’s a small suitcase in the corner of the room, so far isolated from the rest of the decor. This was most definitely Temenos’ room. 


    Hikari sits down on the bed with Temenos in tow, and the latter remains sitting upright, though he covers most of his face with his hands. 




    A small voice comes from behind his hands. “...Water.” 


    He nearly bolts up the moment the word leaves Temenos’ lips and pours him a glass of water from a counter nearby. 

    Temenos downs the glass immediately afterwards, a drop of water falling from his chin in his haste. Hikari stares at him a little too intently, but Temenos is too preoccupied to notice. When he's done drinking, he looks back at Hikari with an unreadable expression on his face. 


    “What a pathetic sight, hm? And there I was, thinking that at the very least, you wouldn't have to see me like that.” 


    “Don't say that. You didn't return to your inn room, so I was worried that…”


    “And so you ventured into the city alone? I must say, I’m flattered the king would do such a thing for me.”


    Hikari grimaces. “I didn't do this as king . Any friend of yours would have done the same.”


    “Yes,” mumbles Temenos, sipping at the remaining drops in his glass. “Yes, you're right, of course.”


    Unsurprisingly, Temenos manages to confuse him no less while drunk than he did this morning. But although he has thoughts that are just a breath away from being uttered, he clenches his fists and stands up. He knows when he is not welcome, at the very least. 


    “I suppose I should leave you to rest. I simply wanted to ensure that you were safe and comfortable, so…”


    He remains standing awkwardly next to the bed, his legs reluctant to move. Temenos stares up at him, then back at the empty glass in his hand. 


    “...Really? Is that all you came here for?” 


    Hikari's head turns again to Temenos, his eyes wide and his brows furrowed. He has to bite his lower lip before he blurts something out he doesn't mean, and Temenos’ face softens ever so slightly as he looks back at him. 


    “...It’s not often I find myself the one being interrogated, but I can tell you have questions,” he chuckles. “Even in the garb of a king, you wear your heart on your sleeve.”


    Sitting back down, he gingerly turns to Temenos, who is looking at him expectantly. When he opens his mouth, he has no choice but to ask the same question he's posed to himself over and over these past months. 


    “Why did you not return to Ku with me that day?” Hikari clenches his fists once more, his voice straining. 


    “...You speak of New Delsta, then.” Temenos’ gaze turns downwards once more, a sadness soaking his tone. 


    “What else could this be about?” Hikari shakes his head. “When I made my feelings clear to you and you returned them in turn, I thought we would walk our shared path together.” 


    Temenos is silent. 


    “I couldn't stop thinking about what had gone wrong. What I had done wrong… I couldn't stand the thought of having been a burden to you.” 


    You? A burden?” Temenos begins to chuckle, and then lowers his voice again. “...You could never be a burden to me. It was I who couldn't bear to stand between you and your dream.” 


    “What do you…”


    “You haven't been sleeping well, have you?” Temenos remarks, causing Hikari to flinch. “And the townspeople say they haven't been seeing much of you. Of course, the city is still recovering at a good pace, but…” 


    “Precisely why I wanted you by my side. I need you, Temenos. Perhaps more than ever.”


    He gives Hikari a strained smile. “Have you given any thought to what you would be doing two, three, even 10 years down the line? No doubt your nation will desire an heir, lest you run the risk of losing everything you've built until that point. I'm well aware that your life has no place for me.” 


    “What do you know of my life?” Hikari bristles, raising his voice. “If you thought my words to be naïve, then I am here to tell you that I was entirely committed to spending my entire life with you—just as I still am today. If you truly did not share my sentiments… then why have you come here again?”


    “Merely a whim,” Temenos murmurs. “And I’m beginning to think it was a misguided one. I thought that if I saw you sitting on that throne, as strong and confident as always, I could finally accept that you didn't need me. But that isn't what happened, is it? In that throne room, for a moment, I could see myself beside you… Perhaps you would even be better off for it. But at the same time, I was terrified to hope for such a thing. And before I knew it… I had run away again.”

    “Hence the sorry sight at the tavern,” Hikari sighed. “Temenos…”


    “Haha… Even with your feelings laid bare, I can't help but feel doubtful. Even if you were to choose me today, how can I know that won't ever change?” 


    He can't stand it any longer. This is far from the first time he is on the receiving end of Temenos’ drunken ramblings, but certainly the most unpleasant one he’s had to listen to. Just as Temenos opened his mouth again – no doubt to deliver another depressing monologue – Hikari grabs a fistful of his cloak and pulls him in close. 


    Hikari’s eyes are squeezed tight, but he could posit that Temenos’ are wide open. This is completely different from their first and only kiss, with none of the tenderness of a cautious first. It is rushed, messy and awkward, but it accomplished his simple goal of shutting Temenos up. When Hikari feels him pulling away, he tightens his grip on his cloak, pressing into him more forcefully. Eventually, he feels Temenos put a tentative hand on his shoulder, but it wasn't nearly enough for all the months he'd spent yearning for his touch. 


    “...It has to be you,” Hikari gasps as their lips parted, still feeling Temenos’ breath against his own. “It's always been you, and always will be. Don't you feel the same way?”


    He catches only a trace of hesitation in Temenos’ expression before his arms wrap around Hikari so, so tightly, leaving his own arms squished awkwardly between them. It's suffocating and it hurts him just a little, but Hikari doesn't ever want him to let go. 


    “You really are…” Temenos’ voice seems to crack, “...too blinding. You make me want to reach out, but I’m afraid of getting burned… or worse, extinguishing that light.”


    “...You have me now. And I'm not going to disappear. Not anymore.” He buries his nose in Temenos’ neck. He smells like alcohol and sweat, but it's pleasant to him. It was the smell of late nights at the tavern, and shared beds drawing their bodies closer. 


    It’s nothing like their first embrace in the Leaflands. Hikari is beginning to wonder if his mind had painted the past in too much of a rosy light—they weren’t much younger back then, but it feels like they were more sure of themselves. Ready to walk into a new dawn, hand in hand… They may have succeeded in unveiling the night, but most days Hikari still feels an uncanny darkness hanging over him.


    But with Temenos by his side… even the darkness can feel comforting.


    “...You should return to the palace with me,” Hikari says after a long silence. “You’ll have no qualms about it now, I presume.”


    “Not yet,” Temenos mumbles. “Don’t…”


    He leans against Hikari so that both of them fall back on the bed behind them. Nearly all of Temenos’ entire weight is holding him down, just heavy enough to keep him down without significant effort on his part. 


    “Temenos…?” For a moment, he thinks Temenos must have fallen asleep on him. The thought only lasts a second before Hikari sees those familiar blue eyes staring back at him, sending a chill down his spine. 


    “It's rather unlike you to let your guard down like this…” Hikari gasps as Temenos presses his lips against his neck, nibbling the soft skin there. He hears Temenos sigh before mumbling, “I don't want to let you go… just yet.” 


    To be frank, Hikari had expected Temenos to come quietly back with him to the palace. Temenos’ mood when inebriated varied greatly, so the only thing Hikari is sure of is that he needed rest—whether Temenos wanted it or not. But with their bodies pressed hotly together and Temenos trailing kisses down his collarbone, he could hardly find it in him to stop him. 

    “Nn… Teme…” he breathes, Temenos’ eyes meeting his own from below. Hikari licks his lips absentmindedly, his throat starting to feel dry. Temenos blinks and shuffles upwards on the sheets until they're facing each other again, and Hikari catches his gaze flickering from his lips and back up to his eyes before pressing their lips together once again. 


    Hikari's hands find the back of Temenos’ scalp as they grab clumps of his hair, and Temenos is kissing him like nothing else matters, like he knows it's what Hikari really wants more than anything. The sound of their lips parting and meeting once more fills his eardrums, and when his mouth hangs loose for just a moment, Temenos catches the opportunity to brush his tongue against his own. 


    His feet skid against the sheets, desperately trying to ground himself in the face of Temenos’ advances. Hikari can still taste a trace of alcohol from his tongue, just barely intoxicating enough for him to want for more. He's never kissed someone like this before; he isn't even sure if he's doing it right, but being connected to Temenos like this was both embarrassing and exhilarating, and he never wanted it to stop. 


    Eventually Temenos does pull away, leaving both of them breathless. Even behind the shadow casted over his face, Temenos’ deep blush stands out against his white hair and pale skin. “You're so beautiful,” he slurs, wiping a trail of saliva from under Hikari’s lips with his thumb. “I missed you so much…” 


    “A-as did I…” Hikari shamelessly presses his cheek into Temenos’ palm, sighing as he feels his thumb tracing his lips. “I would often dream about you being here next to me…”


    His lips find Hikari’s neck again, his breath heavy. “Hmm? What kinds of dreams? Do tell.” Hikari suddenly feels acutely conscious of the sweat rolling down his skin, squeezing his eyes shut as he feels Temenos’ tongue against the soft skin under his jaw. 


    Temenos’ fingers hook his kimono collar, slowly exposing more of his chest. Moaning, Hikari’s hands find themselves curling up against Temenos’ hair once more, feeling the heat radiating from his neck. “Mm, you would touch me like this… And slowly, lower…” 


    A deep chuckle rumbles from Temenos’ throat. “Like this ?” His thumb presses into Hikari’s now-exposed nipple, the rest of his fingers wrapping around the soft skin found there. Hikari gasps, then moans quietly as Temenos rolls his thumb over the tip of his nipples, his lips inching dangerously close. 


    Hikari nods frantically, arching his back upwards to meet Temenos’ touch. Temenos wastes no time in enveloping his nipple with his lips, sucking at the tip before teasing it by rolling it over with his tongue. Hikari bites back a moan, but gets caught off guard by a pinch on his other nipple. His voice leaks out as Temenos continues to play with his chest, working his mouth over both sides until Hikari was panting breathlessly from the stimulation. 


    “Ah… T-too much…” Hikari moans as Temenos’ lips pop off his now-soaked chest, flicking his tongue over his nipple for good measure. 


    Looking down at Hikari with a satisfied grin, Temenos says, “We’re only just getting started, my dear Hikari. Surely there's more you’d like to do tonight…” His hand reaches down to Hikari’s crotch, pushing gently against his growing erection. His light kimono and cloth undergarments were hardly any protection against all the little sensations of Temenos’ touch, and he shivers when he drags a finger over his length. 


    “Did you touch yourself here when you thought of me?” Temenos wraps his hand around him, tracing the shape over the obstructing cloth. When Hikari groans in agreement, his eyes turn to slits. “Why don't you show me how you did it?”

    “Eh…?” Hikari’s face goes hot at his suggestion, his mind replaying those embarrassing nights when he suppressed his loneliness with pleasure. He gulps at the thought of doing the same with Temenos lying right on top of him, hearing all of his humiliating sounds. 


    “Oh? It looks like your body is getting more excited. Do you like the idea of being watched?” He squeezed Hikari’s crotch, making him gasp for breath. 


    Temenos looks at him expectantly, his smile tinged with a sadistic desire. He can feel his will to resist melting like ice in the desert when Temenos looks at him like that, like he has no choice but to comply. “I…” Hikari murmurs as he shifts his body over, “I’ll do it, so…” Temenos backs away slightly as Hikari moves his body over to his side and loosens his obi from behind, causing the flaps of his kimono to reveal more of his bare legs. 


    He removes his undergarments next, finally revealing his dripping cock. Gingerly placing his hand over it, he squeezes his eyes shut in an attempt to pretend Temenos isn't right next to him watching him pleasure himself. Hikari’s hand moves slowly over his length, heavy breaths leaving his lips as he feels his pleasure growing. Precum drips from his tip and encourages him to go faster, his breaths coming out as moans as he imagines Temenos being the one touching him, gently but insistently. 


    Hikari hears rustling beside him as he is suddenly reminded of Temenos’ actual presence, and his quiet breaths are mixed in with his own, urging his hand along. He wonders what kind of expression Temenos has on right now, watching Hikari like this. Perhaps Temenos was right—he does enjoy being watched, if his hardening erection is any indication. 

    His fingers are covered in precum now, and his touch tentatively wanders lower into his hole. He brings his other hand up to continue pumping his dick while his fingers rub the folds of his entrance, making sure to cover it in as much slick as possible. When his finger slips inside, he moans and adjusts his body before adding more fingers, chasing after his peak from both ends. As he feels up his inner walls, a whine escapes his lips that sounds almost like… 




    “...I’m here, Hikari.” He hears Temenos’ voice right beside his earlobe, making his heart skip a beat. “Are you about to come?”


    The shame is overtaken by his need for pleasure as he whines in agreement, moving his fingers along. Temenos still doesn't touch him, merely humming and encouraging him with little whispers in his ear. 


    “Does it feel good when you imagine me touching you?” Temenos chuckles, and Hikari gasps, his climax so near that he hardly has the mind to respond. “I can't wait to see how you’ll react when I’m actually inside you…” 


    The remark makes Hikari go over the edge, vaguely moaning Temenos’ name as his body trembles in pleasure, his cum spraying out onto his hand and belly. He finally opens his eyes, blurrily seeing Temenos with a wide smile on his face. 

    “You did well, Hikari,” Temenos says, placing a quick kiss on his forehead. “Are you ready for your reward now?” 


    Hikari’s body still feels limp from the orgasm just now, and there is so much saliva caught in his mouth that he simply swallows in anticipation while staring back at Temenos. Whatever his eyes communicated must have pleased him, because his smile somehow grows larger as he leans over Hikari’s body. 


    “You were even kind enough to prepare yourself for me… I can't let such good intentions go to waste now, can I?” Positioning himself right between Hikari’s legs, he spreads them apart and carefully places them over his own legs, subtly keeping them in place. 


    It occurs to Hikari that this isn't the first time Temenos has seen him naked, but it certainly is the first time he felt so exposed—he looks at his bare body with a quiet hunger that seems to threaten to burst out with every little taste he got of Hikari. It’s foreign to him, being eyed like this. He’s been faced with looks of admiration, respect and even uglier emotions like envy and contempt, but this is perhaps the first time someone’s gaze made him feel this way… Like his own heart is prone to burst at any moment. Part of him desperately wants to flee from this strange new feeling, but the heat coursing through every fibre of being refuses to allow him, and so he stares Temenos down with an equally burning desire. 


    Temenos’ fingers first trace his entrance, scraping every stray drop of his own cum splattered across his body into the softness found there. When he is seemingly satisfied, he pushes two of his fingers inside of him, pressing into his walls as he digs deeper. 


    It's certainly uncomfortable at first, when Temenos reaches inside of him, but the feeling soon turns into a tingling sensation that has him biting his lips in anticipation. He catches Temenos making small glimpses in his direction, adjusting his force to match Hikari’s apprehension. It's a gentle, easing gesture, but one that Hikari was quickly growing impatient with. The next time Temenos’ gaze meets his own, he gasps, “I want to feel all of you… Please…” 


    Temenos pauses for a moment before nodding curtly. His fingers push through his tightened walls, and Hikari distinctly feels him reach into a spot deeper than he could with his own fingers. A satisfied moan flows out of his lips, instinctively wrapping his legs around Temenos in an attempt to close them. 


    “Where is your favourite spot, I wonder? Do let me know…” Temenos begins to feel around him, putting extra pressure on his rubbing. When he presses into a particular place, Hikari’s vision goes white, gasping in pleasure as his legs scramble for purchase. He can hear a light chuckle rumbling in Temenos’ throat as he continues to focus his attention on his weak point. “So this is it, mm?” 


    “Hah… d-don't stop…” Hikari moans, “it feels good…” He brings his arms up to cover his face, humiliated that all he could do is keep his mouth hanging open, letting out embarrassing sounds and begging Temenos to continue. Temenos doesn't seem to mind, however, and quietly slips in another finger while spreading him out inside. Occasionally Hikari would catch a glimpse of Temenos’ focused expression when he would look between his arms, or a hint of a satisfied sigh leaving his lips that makes a shiver run through Hikari's entire body. 


    He can feel himself quickly losing what little composure he has left, with Temenos’ touch driving him crazy from the inside. He wants more —fingers may have been enough to keep his loneliness at bay, but he wants to feel more of Temenos, now that he's so close. His face burns at the thought of asking Temenos for more, when he's already the only one receiving pleasure. 


    “...Enough of this,” Temenos mutters suddenly, and Hikari can feel his heart sink like a rock. His fingers slip out from inside him and he gasps, looking frantically at Temenos’ expression for any hint of what he might mean. Has Temenos grown tired of his body already? Was he being too demanding? 


    He can only whimper as Temenos’ hands shift to his knees, pressing them down onto his chest. He lets out a deep breath and stares at Hikari with his chilling blue eyes. 


    “Do you enjoy tormenting me with your whining and moaning? I’ve been holding back for so long, so long… but I had to be sure you were prepared. But now…”


    Hikari’s legs are slightly strained at the pressure placed on them, but more than that, his ass was being pressed right up against Temenos’ tented crotch, throbbing and stretching the now stained cloth wrapped around it. 


    He attempts to squirm in his position to no avail, and only to get pants of heavy breaths escaping his lips. “Please…” he manages to squeak out, his lower body feeling so hot he could melt. “P-please… I want—” 


    At that moment, a heavy knock echoes throughout the room, making both of them freeze up on the spot. Neither of them say a word, and Hikari simply pleads that it isn't…


    “...Your Majesty? There is someone from the castle who wishes to speak with you.” 


    Hikari’s heart sinks. He then stares with horror down at the mess of cum, sweat and crumpled clothes laid out in front of him, and the unreadable expression of Temenos. 


    He tries to wipe what he can off his body and covers his body hurriedly, retying his obi around his waist. 


    “...Hikari,” is all Temenos says, in a muted voice. Don't go, he seems to be saying. The silence hanging between them speaks volumes, but Hikari squeezes his eyes shut and wraps his hands around Temenos’.


    “I’m sorry. I must…” Another knock interrupts him, and he looks at Temenos one last time before he slides off the bed, feeling a small tug at his clothes as he pulls away. 


    Hikari sighs as he presses his forehead against the wooden door, cool to the touch. He is still flushed and dishevelled and doesn't have the means to make himself more presentable at the moment, so his hand stops before opening the door. “Yes? What is it?” 


    “A-ah, there you are, Your Majesty. You see, one of the palace guards has asked for your whereabouts… it pains me to interrupt your visit, but…” 


    “Bid him to come to the door. I’ll speak with him here.” 


    “At once, Your Majesty.” 


    He can hear the sound of the attendant’s shoes walking down the hallway, the clacking growing quieter with every step. No doubt the guard has come to fetch him, since he did tell the castle servants that he would return shortly. Even as king, it was like he was chained by what was demanded of him, even down to the smallest detail. 


    Hikari sighs again. He certainly doesn't regret returning to Ku as its rightful king, but he would be lying if he said he didn't miss the days of his travels. The outer regions and people of Solistia didn't know him, and so too was he unfamiliar with both the wonders and horrors of what lay beyond Hinoeuma. Now he is home, yes, but that in itself brought with it a number of new problems to face. 


    A sickening feeling in his stomach grips him as he realises this is the exact thought that kept Temenos from him. Even after he thought he had successfully dispelled Temenos’ fears of their relationship, it is now Hikari who is faced with the reality of the situation. 


    He can hear a different set of footsteps walking down the hall this time, and braces himself for the conversation that will follow. But before either of them have a chance to speak, Hikari feels a hand wrap itself around his waist. He nearly yelps in surprise but another hand muffles the sound, hurriedly clasping over his mouth. 


    “...Stay quiet. Don't open the door,” he hears Temenos whisper, and Hikari nods slowly. The hand around his mouth softens, but remains firm on his chin. “It's too cruel of you to leave me hanging like this…” 


    Temenos presses his body against his own, and he can once again feel the heavy pressure pushing against the outline of his ass. Without even thinking, he rubs back against it, earning him a chuckle from Temenos. 


    “It's what you want too, isn't it…? After all, you were begging so sweetly for it just a moment ago…” 


    Hikari's hand jerks on the handle of the door to keep himself standing upright, but before he's able to give Temenos an answer, he hears another voice from the other side. 


    “Your Majesty! Thank the heavens we were able to find you here. You gave everyone in the castle a scare when you didn't return to your chambers after going out into the city…” 


    He couldn't possibly mistake that voice with anyone else’s. It was Benkei who had come to fetch him? His usual booming voice was brought down to a whisper by Benkei’s standards, but Hikari's face still burns at the thought of their conversation across the door being overheard by anyone in the vicinity. 


    “D-do not worry yourself, Benkei. I’ve just been… preoccupied with my visit t-to see the Inquisitor,” he breathes, exhaling as silently as he could as Temenos rolls his hips against his own. The heat in his lower body is growing nigh unbearable, but his body freezes up at the sound of Benkei’s voice so close by. 


    Temenos’ hands shift from his stomach to pulling up the kimono fabric covering his thighs, catching the clump of clothing at the halfway point until he has easy access to Hikari’s bare skin. “And how is Lord Temenos faring? We’ve scarcely heard from him since the siege on the castle…” Benkei’s voice continues to boom in its own right, but louder still is the blood pumping in Hikari’s eardrums as his heartbeat races. 


    “He’s been… w-well,” Hikari whines, feeling Temenos’ cock line up with his ass. He isn't sure if he wants Temenos to keep going or to stop, at least until Benkei has been sent off again. He couldn't deny the frustration and pent-up pressure inside of him that was just about ready to burst through the surface right when he was forced to turn away from Temenos.

    Unable to decide whether to encourage or deny Temenos’ advancements, he simply focuses his efforts on not allowing his legs to give out while he can feel Temenos slowly sliding inside of him. 


    There is no sound from the other side of the door, but Hikari knows Benkei hasn't left him. He bites down hard on his bottom lip and grabs a handful of his own crumpled kimono as Temenos pushes deeper inside of him, with every little movement threatening to pull his voice out from his throat. “That's it. Quietly…” Temenos huffs against his neck, pressing a heavy kiss on the damp skin found there. 


    “Your Majesty…” 


    Hikari's eyes blink out tears as he continues to suppress his voice, and he isn't even sure if the warmth leaking out from his lips is saliva or blood from torn skin. 


    “Is everything alright? Is there a reason you aren't opening the door?” 


    It feels like Temenos has reached the deepest part of him but he keeps pressing deeper, pushing him to heights of pleasure he's never even imagined before. 


    A brief silence passes, but it feels like an eternity to Hikari. “...Well? You don't want him to open the door, do you?” Temenos whispers to him. “Answer him.”


    “B-Benkei…” Hikari manages to utter. He takes a few ragged breaths before continuing, “I won’t b-be returning to the castle t-tonight…” 


    Another uncomfortable pause settles as the fear in Hikari’s heart rises; fear that Benkei might doubt him, might suspect something and force the door open. As he cautiously opens his mouth to speak again, he hears:


    “Ah, is that what so? You should have told us sooner, Your Majesty! Now then, I won't disturb your night any longer.” 


    His relief only lasts a moment before the dread is replaced by a painful, strained anticipation instead, at what Temenos will do now that Benkei is walking away. Hikari squeezes around Temenos and he inhales sharply as he feels Temenos’ hands slide down and rest themselves on his waist, firmly gripping him with a light dig into his skin. 


    “...No more distractions,” Temenos murmurs. “Though I think I’ll miss the way you squeezed around me every time you were spoken to. You do like being humiliated, don't you?” 


    “Ah… n-no…” His entire body seems to burn from embarrassment at the mere thought of the recent memory, but he doesn't have much time to dwell on it before Temenos starts to thrust into him again, this time with no holds barred. Hikari’s lower body feels unbearably hot with every movement inside of him, digging deeper with each thrust. 

    Temenos uses his grip to pull him in, making him resort to tiptoes to keep his feet on the ground somehow. He finds himself practically pressed up against the door as Temenos fucks him harder, acutely aware of how much of their sounds could be heard from outside. “Temenos… not here—” 


    “Yes, I suppose we should return to the bed… since you're having so much trouble staying quiet.” 


    The way Temenos’ fingertips brush over his gaping lips makes him shiver, but before he's able to grasp his bearings again he's being dragged across the room and pinned down onto the bed again. He hardly has a moment to breathe before his thighs are pressed up against his chest and Temenos is entering him again, not stopping until he's fully sheathed inside Hikari. All he can hear is his heartbeat drumming in his ears and their heavy breaths taking up the space in between them. 


    His legs hang limply near Temenos’ neck until the latter locks them in place as he leans in for a kiss. Hikari cups his face softly as it approaches, keeping their lips locked as Temenos moves harshly inside him. His rhythm is harsh and irregular, possibly indicating a growing fatigue. Despite that, he remained unrelenting in squeezing every last drop of pleasure out of Hikari’s body. 


    “A-ah, don't overexert yourself, Temenos…” Hikari gasps. “Next time when you're not exhausted from travelling, w-we can…” 


    Temenos stares at him, brows furrowed. “Next time…? You would allow me to…” 


    “But of course,” he says immediately, confused by Temenos’ words once again. 


    For a moment, Temenos just continues to look at him, almost like he couldn't understand his words in the slightest. Slowly his hands clasp over Hikari’s, clenching tightly against his knuckles. 


    “...My apologies. I still feel as if… you’ll slip away at any time.” He sighs, eyes closing in an almost pained manner. “I just want to hold you… for as long as I know you're truly here with me.” 


    Hikari smiles and returns Temenos’ grip, their hands now tightly clasped together. “I should think it is you who will slip away at a moment’s notice. After all, I will always be here… so long as you seek me out.” 


    “Believe me, I’m glad I did,” Temenos laughs breathily, leaning his forehead against his own. “Hikari…” 




    “...I love you,” he murmurs, their lips so close it’s like Hikari felt the words before registering the words in his mind.


    They’re the same words Temenos said to him so many months ago, but those words seem foreign to him now; and his words now ring in his head countless times before he can muster up a response.


    Perhaps luckily for him, Temenos doesn’t seem as interested in a response as driving him off the edge, one of his hands now clasped over Hikari’s neglected dick. Hikari can only moan as Temenos draws out waves of pleasure from his front and back, but his mind is filled with only one thing: I love you, I love you.  


    He can barely remember the moment his climax finally hits, the sensation tingling through his entire body like a shockwave. He remembers feeling Temenos’ warmth, and to him, that was enough. The feeling of Temenos’ soft hair brushing against his cheek and his arms around Temenos are all he could recall before he drifted off into sleep.




    When Hikari wakes, it takes him a few moments to make sense of his surroundings; he knows he isn’t in his room, but he can barely remember why he isn’t. He turns over to see a figure sitting upright beside him, and the sunlight creeping into the room is accompanied by a strange but familiar muttering noise. 


    The conclusion comes naturally to him, even before his mind could really comprehend it. Temenos woke up before him, then. He sits up to find his prediction confirmed, with Temenos sitting next to him with his signature hand-on-chin pose, muttering to himself. 


    He knows better than to attempt to rouse Temenos from this state by now, having witnessed its resistance to outside distractions countless times in the past. So he simply waits, only taking the time to fix up his kimono draped messily around him. Thoughts of last night come back to Hikari in pieces, each one seemingly raising the temperature in his cheeks by several degrees. He fidgets a bit in place, shuffling his legs in his usual seiza style of sitting. If he allows himself to glance at the scene from an outsider perspective, he almost chuckles at how ridiculous of a situation it looks like. 


    But he’s never been one to mind a spot of waiting, especially these days when they were the few times he had a bit of time to himself. Just as he’s glancing at the way Temenos’ eyelashes caught the light, the cleric opens his eyes and they meet Hikari’s. 




    “Good morning, Temenos,” he says simply, a shy smile on his face.


    “Hikari… I…” Temenos’ hand covers his mouth, his cheeks starting to turn pink. “I’ve… done something incorrigible, haven’t I?”


    “N-no, what are you…?” 


    His fingers pinch the bridge of his nose, his eyes squinted. “I’ve hardly any memories after my visit to the tavern last night. Between then and this scene laid out before me… I can’t think of anything that could have happened but me forcing myself on you…”


    It’s almost amusing when Temenos shows a surprisingly unconfident side of himself like this, and Hikari has to stop himself from cracking a laugh. His hands move towards Temenos’, holding it gently between his own.


    “...Do I seem like someone who will allow that to happen against my will, Temenos?” 


    Temenos looks sheepishly back at him. “...I suppose you’re right. Though it wouldn’t hurt to watch my alcohol intake more carefully… I’m not as young as I used to be.” 


    This time, Hikari does chuckle lightly at his words. “It really was no trouble at all. Just promise me you won’t drink alone like that again.”


    “Yes, I suppose that can be arranged…” 


    Hikari smiles, satisfied with Temenos’ response. 


    His skin feels comfortable against Temenos’, both their hands resting on the creased sheets beneath them. Things may have changed, but having Temenos by his side simply felt right , and he would do anything to ensure that it remains that way. There was only one thing he had forgotten to do… 


    “Speaking of which… the moon was beautiful last night.” 


    “...Is that so?” Temenos says before pausing to ponder his next words. “Though I daresay the kingdom shines the brightest under the radiant sun.” 


    Hikari leans against Temenos, their fingers slowly intertwining. “It’s the beginning of another dawn we protected, after all. And I’ll need both to smile upon Ku as it recovers.” 


    “That, too, can be arranged,” Temenos brushes a strand of hair away from Hikari’s face before placing a chaste kiss on his forehead. “Now then, do let me know how long I’ll be permitted to keep the sun in my embrace…” 


    The soft sound of their laughter fills the room as the sky outside turns from a pale blue to a yellow-tinged canvas of light. 

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