
  • 🔞[temehika] dusk till dawn
    octopath 2024. 7. 15. 17:27

    When Temenos swung open the door to his room, he was surprised to see that Hikari had already settled into his bed. While he had gotten used to the king’s occasional visits, it was still unheard of for him to show up without informing him in advance. Perhaps it had been a particularly harrowing day, dealing with the ministers of Ku’s court–an affair that tolled an earnest man like Hikari greatly. Temenos was content to offer his bedspace and some physical intimacies, and Hikari appeared to be satisfied with that. 


    After all, despite the distance between them narrowing ever since he had settled in Ku, there was a line neither had attempted to cross. Temenos had no intention of rushing into a relationship of that nature, and Hikari hardly gave him any encouragement nor discouragement in the matter. 


    As for whether he desired it? There were times when the young king rested in his arms, his long black hair draped over his delicate features, that Temenos felt a tug in his heart that he refused to give name to. 


    But ever since becoming more accustomed to Ku, he had realised the true burden of the responsibility that weighed on Hikari’s shoulders. He had always known he was royalty, of course, but the experience of travelling alongside a banished prince was worlds apart from seeing him trying to run a nation. With all the expectations and attention Hikari garnered, Temenos couldn't help but grimace at the thought of their sleeping arrangements being exposed–the scriveners of the New Delsta Times would have a field day.


    Sighing, he sat down on the side of the bed, loosening the buckle on his robes and letting the white fabric fall from his shoulders. He felt a shift in the bed before a chilling voice rang out. 


    You're finally back? It certainly took you long enough.” 


    Temenos turned to the source of the sound, almost doubting his own ears before seeing Hikari facing him, an uncharacteristic scowl on his face. 


    “My apologies. I wasn't aware you were awaiting my return. You ought to have informed me in advance if you needed me.” It felt off , seeing Hikari so impatient and openly expressive of it. Something was wrong. 


    No matter. You're here now, and…” Hikari shuffled across the bed to push Temenos down onto the sheets with surprising force. “...The wait will only have made this all the more enjoyable.” 


    Temenos’ body tensed up as Hikari pressed their lips together, the grip on his shoulders keeping him firmly in place. He didn't expect to be having his first kiss that night, and he certainly didn't think it would be forced upon him in such a manner. If anything, he thought he would end up being the one to make the first move. 


    If only it could have been a more joyous occasion. The man holding Temenos down undoubtedly looked and sounded like Hikari, but something was obviously different about him. Considering his sudden behavioural changes, could it be a malicious possession of some kind? Or was he simply under the effect of a strange spell or affliction? 


    He must have stopped moving for a while, as he often did when he was deep in thought, because Hikari pulled back suddenly, his expression still twisted with a kind of contempt that Temenos had never seen painted on his features. 


    I thought you would be more enthusiastic about this,” Hikari muttered, an almost animalistic growl layered onto his usual voice. 


    Temenos raised a brow, his lips curling into a grimace. “Perhaps I would have been, had it actually been Hikari who embraced me. Now, who are you?”


    Ahaha! Are you unable to recognize your own lover? ” A red glint flashed across his pupils. Now that was new. 


    “...I’ll ignore your choice of words in describing the nature of our relationship for now, but I will say I’m able to recognize that you are not he.” 


    The man continued to stare at him, then began to chuckle quietly. “...Well, you're not completely wrong about that. But this body is of the Hikari you know, and I share all his memories and thoughts. What makes you so sure I’m all that different from him?


    Temenos recalled a conversation with Hikari from a while back about one’s other selves, something that stood out to him at the time as a topic that felt strange for him to bring up. After all, he had seen Hikari be nothing but a just and honourable young man for as long as he had known him. He supposed he had the explanation for that now. 


    He couldn't deny that every part of him was perfectly sculpted to match the Hikari he knew–and he wouldn't easily mistake someone he had spent so much time with in the last few weeks. Would it harm Hikari if he fought back, then? He couldn't imagine that Hikari would want to hurt him, but if it came down to the matter of self-defence…


    Temenos sighed. “I had no idea Hikari’s inner demons would turn out to be this… literal . But why show yourself to me now?”


    Heh… isn't it obvious? I want you,” he slid his hand free from its place on Temenos’ shoulder and curled it around the base of his jaw. “Hikari wants you... And I'm here to help with that.” His touch was cold; a far cry away from the warmth of Hikari's hands when they would entangle themselves with Temenos’ own. 


    Temenos recoiled from the man’s icy touch, though he couldn't budge from underneath Hikari’s straddle keeping his body firmly in place. “...I find it difficult to believe that Hikari would hide your existence from me only for you to emerge now.” It was no surprise that Hikari could overpower him, though it would only take a few words to unleash Aelfric’s judgement upon his assailant. But as reluctant as Temenos was to admit it out loud, he found himself curious to see how the situation would unfold. Observation was the first step toward solving any mystery, naturally. 


    Can you really claim to understand him that much? There's a great deal he's kept away from your discerning eyes. A king must have his secrets, after all…” His fingers crept under Temenos’ collar, sliding across the fabric, slowly undoing the buckles down his chest. Temenos’ breath hitched as Hikari’s touch lingered before dipping lower. “ If only you knew how much he's wanted to do this…”


    His fingers pressed into the fabric covering Temenos’ crotch, the sudden pressure making him hiss. He could feel his face and the skin underneath Hikari’s palm heating up as he continued to rub against him, fingers tracing the growing outline. 


    So even our honourable Inquisitor is unable to resist the pleasures of the flesh,” Hikari snickered, flashing his crimson gaze at Temenos. “Or is it because it's Hikari that's servicing you? How many times have you imagined him like this before, I wonder?” 


    “What…? I would never…” he squeezed his eyes shut, pushing away memories of the times he had woken up in a cold sweat, with vague visions of hands clasped atop bedsheets, of long black hair spread out underneath him. There were nights when such dreams were the only thing keeping the nightmares at bay, but the effect they had on his composure was the same. 


    Never? Oh, you're breaking poor Hikari’s heart…” the chilling voice cooed as Hikari slid down from his spot atop Temenos’ thighs. “I'll just have to burn this sight into your mind, then…


    Hikari slowly spread apart Temenos’ legs, positioning himself between them. He pressed his lips against the strained heat in his trousers, eliciting a choked sigh from Temenos’ throat. Things were proceeding much faster than he had anticipated; the feeling that this wasn't something he should be allowing to happen, no matter how much not-Hikari insisted on it, was quickly gaining in his mind. “That's enough…!” he gasped out pathetically, his hand firm on Hikari's shoulder but unable to push against his strength. He couldn't muster half the firmness he had meant to use, the tremble in his voice betraying his desire. 


    A swift movement from Hikari’s deft hands were all it took for his trousers to become undone, his undergarments lowered and his growing erection exposed where Temenos could no longer deny it. Hikari seemed to smile to himself before beginning to lick the base of his shaft, moving upwards until his lips were around his tip. He wasted no time taking the length inside his mouth, enveloping him entirely. 


    When this version of Hikari was silent, his mouth preoccupied with other things, it was truly uncanny how indistinguishable he was from the Hikari he knew. With his half-lidded eyes and stray strands of hair falling from his face, he looked as effortlessly graceful as when he would fall asleep on Temenos’ shoulder. Instinctively, almost without thinking, Temenos brushed aside his hair, tucking it behind his ear. The red glimmer as Hikari looked up broke him out of his delusions. 


    His hand was soon clenched into a fistful of bedsheets as Hikari began to bob up and down on him, drawing out low moans from his throat. One of Hikari’s hands was firmly on his thigh, digging into his skin with a circular movement of his thumb. With the other, he pumped Temenos generously when his dick wasn't in his mouth, taking the time to tease his tip with his tongue. Temenos could hardly manage an utterance of Hikari’s name without being interrupted by another wave of pleasure; the loss of his composure was laughable, but his experience in the matter was sorely lacking. 


    He could feel his pleasure building up, fit to burst as Hikari ran his tongue under his dick. “Wait, I’m– Hika–” Hurriedly clasping his hand over his mouth, he released into the warmth of Hikari’s mouth, muffling a choked moan as he watched him remain firmly pressed against his crotch. Temenos saw Hikari’s Adam’s apple shift, feeling the swallowing motion more vividly than he'd have liked. 


    Hikari finally slipped away from him, wiping his chin with a flick of his thumb. He laughed again. “Enjoyed that, did you? But this is hardly the beginning. Hikari prepared himself for you, and it would be a shame if his… actions were for naught.” 


    Hikari undid his sash with what felt like a painfully slow motion in Temenos’ eyes, opening his robe to reveal that he was wearing nothing underneath. Although he had seen Hikari's body before, this was the first time it felt quite so… bared to him, his kimono framing his figure perfectly to appear even more sensual. He often forgot how small the young warrior’s frame was, and in the nude, he seemed more delicate than ever. Then Temenos’ gaze lingered at the streaks between his thighs, wet with an unidentifiable liquid. 


    In one last futile attempt, Temenos jerked his head away and began to pull away from Hikari’s hold on his legs. “No, I… I won't violate Hikari’s body like this. Not when he’s absent from making the decision himself.” 


    Violate him? Hah!” Hikari leaned over to Temenos, bringing their faces close. His hands trailed over Temenos’ arms, pulling his robes off to leave only his thin undershirt beneath. “You should see the way he touches himself, moaning your name under his breath… Temenos… ah, Temenos–!” He whined desperately, in a manner that mockingly mirrored the way Hikari normally spoke. 


    Temenos’ face was heating up as Hikari moaned his name, his breath hot on his earlobe. The image of Hikari sprawled on his bed was painfully vivid in his mind, fingers pleasuring himself as Temenos’ name dripped from his lips. He could feel Hikari’s bare thighs rubbing against his own exposed skin now. It was all too much. 


    “...Will he remember this?” Temenos managed to groan. 


    Hikari scoffed. “Why, are you worried about how he'll view you after this is over? Don't be. Hikari will be left with nothing but a vague recollection… at best. Though I can't say the same for any damage done on his body…” 


    That was all Temenos needed to know. Within a moment, he had pushed Hikari onto the bed, his hand pressed in a light grip around his throat. While he wasn’t confident in his physical strength, and even less willing to rely on it for other reasons, his experiences with the occasional rowdy heretic kept him well-equipped for times like this. As long as he had the element of surprise, that is. And given the expression this Hikari was flashing at him, it seemed he had succeeded in catching him off guard.  


    He felt every movement of Hikari’s neck as he swallowed. “Hehe, finally in the mood, are you?” His tone remained cocky, but his laughter was more restrained than before. From this distance, Temenos could already identify early signs of uneasiness–eyes widened, a stiffness in the body, increased rate of breathing. 


    “Silence, fiend. If you thought you had control over the situation, you’re sorely mistaken.” 


    ...And here I thought you were nothing but a goody-two-shoes. So you aren’t afraid of laying hands on Hikari’s body, after all.” 


    Temenos pressed his thumb harder into the enclave under Hikari’s jaw, though he was careful to not block any airflow into his throat. “I told you to be quiet, didn’t I? These are rather undesirable circumstances for me, I’ll have you know. I don’t wish for any harm to befall Hikari, but you’ve made it quite clear to me that you are not he. And I gain nothing from entertaining such a farce.”


    Hikari’s lips curved into a smile as his eyes wandered lower. “Your body seems to be saying otherwise.” 


    “Unfortunately, you’re right about that.” Sighing dramatically, Temenos shook his head. “I am only human, after all.”


    He released his grip, using his hands to turn Hikari around, with surprisingly little resistance. Either he was somehow content with relinquishing control to Temenos, or he still thought the situation was in his hands. It made no difference to him, anyway. 


    Hikari’s half-removed nightclothes had exposed his shoulders, leaving the rest of the cloth to hang down from his elbows over his body. Temenos lifted the hem of his robe, revealing his bare ass. His fingers traced over the wet marks down his thighs, pushing the remnants of the liquid into his hole. He swallowed, and heard Hikari make a short breath as he slid his fingers inside. 


    It was easy enough for him to slip inside, his fingers soon coated in the same slick and enveloped in Hikari’s warmth. He marvelled at the way his touch sank into his skin, and the wet sounds of his motions rang clear in his ears amidst his pounding heartbeat. 


    “...Didn’t I tell you he had already prepared himself? Get on with it alrea–” 


    Hikari was interrupted by Temenos’ other hand clasped over his mouth, the older man clicking his tongue in disappointment. “You really are awful at listening. Would it kill for you to mirror any of Hikari’s good graces?” 


    But Temenos only felt Hikari’s lips curling into a smile as he shifted his hips to lean into Temenos’ touch. His intent was clear. 


    His own restraint was reaching its limit anyway. Repositioning himself, Temenos slowly pressed his cock inside, earning him a satisfied moan from Hikari. Digging his thumb into the dip above Hikari’s ass, he took deep breaths to steady his breathing, his thoughts a garbled mess as the heat spread across his face once more. He had long since tossed aside any vows of chastity, thinking them trite and unnecessary, but actually being in the situation truly made him feel like he was doing something wrong, that his pleasure was somehow undeserved. Even if he was the one who was coerced into this situation, he couldn’t help but feel that the blame fell completely on him. 


    But Hikari clearly had no interest in allowing him any time to contemplate his position, bucking back into his hips. Temenos hissed as he began to reciprocate with his own movements, and the wet sounds of flesh against flesh were dizzying as they echoed throughout the room’s dull night air. He couldn’t afford to ruminate over his confused religious guilt right now; more than anything, he just couldn’t bring himself to care at the moment. It felt good, almost dangerously so, and if Hikari’s high-pitched gasps were any indication, he was feeling the same way.


    Leaning against Hikari’s back, he pressed slow kisses against the stray strands of hair sprawled over his skin, his muscles contracting in line with Temenos’ thrusts. If he just allowed his mind to wander a little, he could imagine that it was Hikari, his Hikari beneath him, focusing on the little breaths and moans that escaped his lips. Before he could be interrupted again, he brought his fingers to Hikari’s mouth again, sliding two of his fingers inside this time. 


    “If I’m to… play along with your little… game, then surely you can cooperate with me for a moment...” 


    He felt Hikari press his tongue against his fingertips, wrapping his lips around them. Temenos rewarded him with a particularly sharp thrust, feeling Hikari’s moan reverberate around his touch. 


    “...That’s a good boy,” he whispered next to his ear. The words slipped out without much thought, but beneath him Hikari tightened ever so slightly around him, flinching as his breath parted from his skin. 


    For the first time that night, Temenos felt like cracking a smile himself.


    “Was that reaction yours, or Hikari’s? I suppose it hardly matters right now…” He only received a muffled groan in response, continuing to move shallowly inside him. “If you wanted to be praised, maybe you shouldn’t have been so uncooperative.”


    Hikari seemed to protest, but no words escaped his lips, and Temenos only felt what could have been either a growl or a whine against his fingers. 


    He continued to press against Hikari, bringing their thighs to a flush as he closed the gap between them with each thrust. They had settled into a steady rhythm, with Hikari meeting each of his movements with a push backwards of his own. Temenos watched as Hikari’s hands wandered down to his crotch. Propping himself back up, he flipped Hikari onto his back as the latter lazily palmed his dick, his expression perplexed. 


    “I don't recall giving you permission to touch yourself,” Temenos hummed, gently moving Hikari’s disobedient hands away. 


    And I don't recall needing your permission for anything. If you think I’ll just meekly follow your orders–


    “Oh, I don't expect you to. You've made that quite clear already.” Temenos’ eyes wandered to the sash Hikari had discarded earlier, grabbing it and running his hands over the material; it was soft, but sturdy enough for his purposes. “But there are always other methods to make a beast yield.” 


    Wrapping the sash around Hikari's wrists, Temenos could feel him begin to resist before a heavy grind against his hips made his arms go limp. His glowing red eyes still glared at him defiantly from below, though coupled with the sweat glistening on his flushed cheeks, the expression was almost endearing. 


    The sight of Hikari bound up underneath him was not something he ever thought he would see, and yet–dark alter ego be damned–he found his heart beating faster than ever, his desire piqued beyond anything he could have imagined. His fingers wrapped gingerly around Hikari’s cock, swollen from being ignored for so long. Hikari groaned through gritted teeth as he began to pump him slowly, relishing the way his grip felt around the curve of Hikari’s shapes. 


    Gh… Can't you go any faster?” Hikari’s eyes were squeezed tight while he futilely tried to thrust his hips into Temenos’ touch, only to be grounded again by Temenos firmly pressing him back onto the bed.


    Temenos chuckled. “If that's what you would like, I’d be happy to slow down even further.” A light squeeze at the base of his cock and Hikari was a moaning mess again, his insides clasping down on Temenos once again. “You know, contrary to what you're saying, you seem to be rather enjoying this situation.”


    The same could be said for himself. He was really starting to enjoy seeing this version of Hikari slowly unravel beneath his fingertips, as if it were hitting a desire deep inside him he had never been aware of. Was this how he felt towards Hikari? Is this what he wanted to do to him? 


    Shut… your mouth… Just let me…


    Grinning, Temenos squeezed his fingers more tightly around Hikari, eliciting a choked breath from him before he could finish his sentence. The defiance had nearly vanished from his eyes, with desperation taking its place. Temenos could see small hints of tears welling up around the corner of his eyes, and never before did he think his heart would skip a beat at the sight of Hikari crying in front of him. 


    “...You're hardly in a position to be making demands,” Temenos grunted, pulling his hips away and slamming back into Hikari's warmth. “Or are you incapable of asking nicely?” 


    I… damn it, hah–!


    Temenos clicked his tongue disapprovingly. Hikari's breathing was growing more ragged by the second, and Temenos himself wasn't going to last much longer. But he wasn't going to yield until–


    ...P..please…” Hikari whimpered, his voice finally softened enough to resemble the man Temenos knew and loved. “Please let me cum… Teme–


    Before he could make any actual decision on his own, Temenos had been driven over the edge and emptied himself inside Hikari, a sharp cry from Hikari’s throat letting him know that he had reached his peak as well, the warm liquid dripping onto his hand. Taking deep breaths coupled with Hikari's more hurried panting, he let his pleasure ride out, absentmindedly stroking Hikari as he did. 


    When he had more or less returned to his senses, Temenos pulled out of Hikari, the sight of his come dripping over the smooth, flushed skin of Hikari’s ass giving him a strange sensation he had never felt before. Hikari seemed to be unconscious, though his chest was still heaving deeply with each breath he made. 


    Leaning over, Temenos carefully brushed a few strands of hair out of Hikari's face, as he had done countless times in the past few weeks. His expression was calm, like he was asleep, though there were still traces of pink on his cheeks. With brows unfurrowed and mouth just slightly open, it was the face Hikari made when Temenos was certain he wasn't going to have any more nightmares that night. It calmed him as well, despite everything.


    He had noticed embarrassingly late that Hikari’s wrists were still bound by his sash, with his arms now resting relaxedly above his head. Temenos got to work unravelling the dips and knots of the makeshift bindings, careful to not disturb Hikari as much as he could manage. The soft cloth shouldn't have left any marks on his skin, but he ran his thumb over Hikari's delicate wrists, watching for any possible fabric burns. When he found none, to his relief, his touch dipped into the shape of the younger man's palms, marvelling at the rough texture caused by his callouses. Though it was hardly noticeable unless he clasped his hand like this, Hikari's hands were smaller than his own. More importantly, his hands were warm. It was a comforting kind of warmth, pleasant to the touch even against Temenos’ own, currently sweat-stained hands. 


    Now, what to do with this situation? Any other night and he would have been content with leaving Hikari on his bed, joining him later, but he had to do something about the damning evidence of their intimacies before he settled into sleep. Glancing over Hikari’s bare body, his arms the only thing covered by his kimono, he grimaced as he shakily stood up to approach his closet and get himself somewhat clothed again. First things first, he needed something to wipe their bodies with. 


    Within just a few seconds of rummaging his closet, he heard a shuffling of sheets behind him, which could only mean one thing. He turned around and saw Hikari sitting up, hastily covering his body with his kimono, looking like he couldn’t decide between looking flustered and horrified. Temenos hurried over to him, but before he could speak–not that he knew what to say–Hikari’s hands were grabbing his shoulders while he frantically looked over his body.


    “Are… are you alright? Did I… hurt you?” 


    Somehow, Temenos hadn’t expected that to be Hikari’s first concern. 


    “I’m unharmed, Hikari. But more importantly, you should be resting. Any… explanations can wait until morning.” He wasn’t looking forward to that part himself, as he wasn’t entirely blameless in the situation. Perhaps he should be relieved that Hikari seemed more worried about what he had done.


    “No, I… but we…” Hikari’s priorities must have flipped in his head, because his face was now flushed pink again, his hands tightening the kimono around his chest even more. Softly, he whispered, “...I want to talk about it now. I believe I owe you that much.”  


    Temenos merely nodded, taking a seat beside him. He couldn’t deny that his inquisitive side demanded answers, though he wasn’t going to try to push any out of Hikari after the strange possession he had just gone through.


    Hikari opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. His hand was clenching the bedsheet below them, his knuckles turning white from the force of his grip. Wordlessly, Temenos placed his hand above it, feeling the tension slowly fade beneath his touch. Hikari took a deep breath and tried again.


    “I’ve… been keeping a few things hidden from you. Though it’s no doubt you’re aware of them now… it’s entirely my fault this happened. If I had only told you sooner–”


    Temenos raised a hand in front of him. “I’m not pointing any fingers at you, Hikari. All I’m interested in is the truth,” he winked at him, eliciting a small chuckle from Hikari. 


    Hikari told him of his family’s curse, the Shadow that lurked behind the Ku royalty. The truth of his mother’s death, of his battle with his brother were laid bare between them, and Temenos kept his hand firmly on Hikari’s trembling one throughout it all. 


    “After Ku was reclaimed… I stopped hearing his voice in my head. I saw it as a sign of the peaceful times ahead, of a life freed from bloodshed,” his voice grew quieter again, his gaze averting Temenos’. “But that changed again a few weeks ago. The more I thought about… you, the greater the contradictions in my heart became, and the shadow’s voice grew louder. I hadn’t realised it had grown so powerful until…”


    Temenos couldn't help but chuckle to himself. He knew love could drive people to all sorts of lengths, based on the confessions he had heard during his time in Flamechurch, but never had he heard of something of this calibre. 


    “I wish I could have been the one to tell you, but I feared what your response might be… My inaction resulted in something much worse instead.” He looked up at Temenos again, cheeks dusted in pink. “Will you… still accept these feelings of mine?”


    Smiling softly, Temenos brought his other hand over Hikari’s face, cupping his cheeks as he slowly leaned over to press his lips against his forehead. “Of course I will. I feel the same, after all.”


    Hikari beamed at him with that joyful expression Temenos loved to see gracing his features, when he was not a king nor a mighty warrior, but a kind young man who deserved every happiness in the world. 


    “And really, you needn’t apologise for what happened tonight,” Temenos smirked. “I found your shadow self rather adorable.” 


    “A-adora–?” Hikari’s mouth gaped as his blush deepened, causing Temenos to laugh out loud.


    “Not to worry, I still think nobody can best your cuteness.” 


    Temenos took advantage of Hikari’s little pout to bring their lips close, revelling in how Hikari slowly opened up his mouth to let him in, their tongues gingerly pressing against one another as their breaths mixed. Hikari’s hands had moved to the back of Temenos’ neck, fingers dipping beneath his collar. 


    The kiss seemed to last an eternity, the little subdued moans coming from Hikari’s throat making Temenos want to never break apart from him, just to keep him in his arms and taste his sweetness forever. But alas, he felt Hikari pull away, and his eyes blinked open to see Hikari staring longingly at him, and he truly wondered why he waited this long for a chance to witness such a sight. 


    “You know, I had planned to give my first kiss to you,” Temenos hummed, tapping a finger on Hikari’s lower lip. “A shame it was stolen away from me earlier tonight.”


    Hikari furrowed his brows, looking slightly displeased. “...I’ll just have to kiss you more to make up for it, then.” He pulled Temenos in again, a smile plastering the latter’s face as their lips met again, and again, until Hikari seemed satisfied about his victory over his shadow self.


    It really was rather adorable; he didn’t think Hikari was capable of feeling something like jealousy. To think that he would be envious of himself was something entirely unprecedented.


    Eventually, Hikari buried his face in Temenos’ chest instead, nuzzling into his shirt. After a moment he heard a small voice: “I…I want you to hold me… too.” He held onto him tighter, and Temenos could see even the tips of his ears burning red. “I was thinking about it earlier, on your bed… About you touching me, and, um…” 


    Hikari had always been honest to a fault, but hearing the admission from his own lips made Temenos’ desire flare up again. The only problem was…


    “Oh, Hikari, I…” Temenos started sheepishly, holding Hikari closer. “...I’m just not sure if my stamina will hold up, frankly. My lack of fitness has come back to bite me in the most unprecedented way…”


    Looking back up at him, Hikari’s eyes widened. “Oh,” was all he said for a moment. “What if you just laid down? And I could…”


    He was clearly too flustered to describe any of the details, but Temenos had a pretty good idea of what he was implying. It was surprising to see Hikari act so insistent with something he wanted, given how selfless he usually was. And if he desired it of him, who was he to deny the king of Ku?


    “Heh, your wish is my command, your Majesty.” Temenos kissed Hikari’s cheek softly, and proceeded to sit against the headboard of the bed, settling against the plush pillows adorning it. 


    Hikari let out a small sigh, turning once again to him. “You know I don’t wish for you to call me that. I hear enough of it from everyone else, despite my insisting they drop the title.” 


    Temenos just smiled as he watched Hikari climb atop him, just like he had earlier that night. It was clear to tell that Hikari was attempting to adjust his weight so that less of it was placed on his body, something that his shadow hadn’t had the courtesy of doing whatsoever. Hikari’s weight was now much more pleasant on his lap, grounding him yet still sufficient enough to remind him he wasn’t the one in control. 


    As if reading his mind, Hikari asked him cautiously: “...I’m not too heavy, am I?” 


    “Not at all,” he replied, letting his hands settle behind Hikari’s back. It was a different kind of thrill looking up at Hikari seated on his lap, seeing his lips tremble and the thinly veiled lust dripping from his gaze. He found himself wanting to paint the sight into his mind forever, capturing the moment between them and keeping it hidden from the world; a side of Hikari for his eyes only.


    His eyelids fell naturally when Hikari drooped down to kiss him again, wasting no time in demanding more from him as he opened his mouth and leaned deeper, eliminating the space between them. One of his hands was placed firmly behind Temenos’ neck, keeping his head in place. The other cheekily crept under his shirt, gingerly sliding his fingers over his frame, making him shiver. He could also feel every little buck of Hikari’s hips as he awkwardly pressed their thighs closer together; a reminder, also, of the fact that there was very little covering up Hikari’s body. 


    He could do nothing but accept all of Hikari’s insistent advances, and amusingly, found himself unsurprised at the way his shadow self had thrown himself at Temenos. Or perhaps this was another attempt of his to triumph over the shadow’s foul play, but fortunately Temenos’ own cravings hardly paled in comparison.


    Breathless, Hikari pulled away from him, his lips now slightly swollen and glistening with saliva. “Is… this too much?” he breathed, and his expression was simply mesmerising. 


    “...It isn’t nearly enough,” Temenos responded, reaching up to kiss him again, this time pressing his hands into the dip of Hikari's back and feeling him arch inwards like a cat. Hikari took the opportunity to pull off Temenos’ shirt, revealing his much less toned body. His arms wrapped around Temenos’ neck as their lips parted once more, and Temenos’ lips found their way on Hikari’s jawline, tracing kisses down to his nape. 


    His eyes narrowed as he saw a darkened spot near the back of Hikari’s neck; his own doing from earlier, no doubt, but the sight of it gave way to a confliction inside of him. He didn't want Hikari to be seen with such marks, to stir up gossipmongers within the castle town–as if Temenos’ presence in the city wasn't mysterious enough to garner attention. But there was some part of him that felt a twisted sense of joy at the idea of the king carrying a mark of their night together, scarcely hidden by the thin collar that hung gently over his skin. What expression would Hikari make, seeing traces of him reflected on his body? What thoughts would he have?


    In his absentmindedness, he had already been lazily mouthing at the flushed skin of Hikari’s collarbone, his nightclothes falling from his shoulders once more. Temenos’ gaze hung over his exposed chest, humming to himself as he pressed his thumb into his nipple. Hikari gasped and held onto him more tightly, thus bringing Temenos’ face close enough to give his other nub a light kiss. 


    “Nngh, Temenos…” Hikari seemed to protest, but the desperation in his voice only spurred him on.


    “Is this another one of your weaknesses?” He smiled as he rolled his thumb around the soft mound of flesh. “It won't do for a warrior to leave himself so wide open…” 


    When Temenos’ tongue circled around the sensitive skin there, Hikari let out a breathy whine, his heavy breaths quickening the more he assaulted his weak spots. Temenos was practically squeezed against Hikari’s torso, but he kept his mouth and fingers moving, drawing out all the pleasure he could from Hikari's admittedly lacking chest.


    “Hah… no…no more teasing…” Hikari's hands were desperately pawing at the edge of Temenos’ trousers now, and his untouched hard-on was now fully in view, the kimono all but removed from his body. 


    Temenos breathed in deeply as he unbuttoned his trousers; “Well, I suppose you’ve waited long enough…”


    Hikari's eyes widened when he saw Temenos exposed, his mouth slightly hanging open. It was nothing short of amusing for him, especially when he had watched Hikari take his entire length in his mouth just earlier. Temenos’ hands gently stroked the back of Hikari's legs as he rose on his knees to position himself, placing a tentative hand on Temenos’ cock to guide it. He could feel Hikari's entrance prodding against his tip as Hikari buried his face in his neck, his other arm wrapped tightly around his back. 


    “...Take it slowly, p-please…” 


    Temenos nodded, as if he had any control over the pace at this point. With both arms around his back, Hikari lowered himself steadily back onto Temenos’ lap, his breath getting more ragged by the second. He moaned sharply and dug his nails into Temenos’ back, but he could hardly feel the pain; all of his senses were concentrated on the feeling of Hikari slowly enveloping him, every little sound that came from his lips only serving to make him lose his mind a little more. 


    Perhaps it was silly of Hikari to be so cautious about this, when Temenos had clearly been able to fuck him earlier, but Temenos’ own behaviour was even more inexplicable. This was the same man he had embraced once already, yet this time each passing second threatened to consume him completely with the intensity of the physical and emotional sensations. 


    Wrapping his arms around Hikari, he expressed this tumult in the only way that felt appropriate. “...I love you,” he whispered. He couldn't remember the last time he said these words, but they flowed so naturally now. 


    Hikari pulled back to look at him, the most precious expression painted over his features. “Ah… I, I also…” 


    Their lips met once more, much more hastily and sloppily than before. Hikari weakly moaned and slid further down, his back arching again as he seated himself completely on Temenos’ lap. As Temenos continued to peck him lightly on the corner of his mouth, and his cheeks, he let his mind focus entirely on the sound of Hikari's breathing; impatient, short breaths that eventually turned into deep, slow exhales, though his voice could still be heard shaking just slightly. 


    “Are you alright?” Temenos asked, gently brushing a strand of his hair behind his ear. His long black hair swayed as he nodded and stared back at him, and he could see himself reflected in Hikari’s deep brown eyes. 


    “It’s different… from what I had expected,” Hikari breathed. “It’s… you're… so much more.”


    Temenos had to resist the urge to kiss him again, for fear that he would never let him go this time. “...As are you.” He chuckled, “Why didn't we do this sooner?”


    He knew his own answer, of course. He knew the moment he admitted Hikari was special to him, that he cared for him more than he cared for his own safety, the world would take Hikari away from him. As it had taken his family. But there were also times he knew Hikari’s light to be so blinding that he felt ridiculous for even attempting to suggest that it would ever be snuffed out. His shine would expose much of even Temenos himself, and his first instinct had always been to shade himself from it. 


    Only tonight did he realise he could hold that blinding light in his own two hands… and that Hikari would also choose his arms to rest in, of all people.


    “...I was afraid to take the first step,” Hikari said, grinding against his thighs slowly. “I thought doing so might drive you away… The stronger my feelings became, the more difficult it became to express them.” 


    Temenos sighed lovingly. “You could never drive me away, Hikari. Reluctant as I was to admit it myself, I find myself hopelessly drawn to you.” His hands rested comfortably on Hikari's hips, gently pushing and pulling him along. “The night my legs brought me to Ku saved me.”


    Hikari just smiled at him sheepishly, his eyes closing as he gave in to the pleasure of rocking back and forth on his lap. Temenos just watched, enthralled, as he began to pick up the pace, raising his hips and sliding back down on him over and over. He urged him along with a squeeze of his hand, his fingers carving deep creases in his skin. 


    “Temenos… I’m…” Hikari whined, his movements growing more haphazard and rough. 


    His own chest felt tight from feeling his peak approaching again; he held Hikari tighter as the heat threatened to smother him. “I’m here,” Temenos murmured. “I’m here.”


    Temenos’ mind went blank for a moment, and the next thing he knew, Hikari was curled into his embrace, wrapped in his arms. Sighing, he bent down a little and pressed a small kiss on Hikari’s forehead. 


    Never mind the fact that both of their bodies were drenched in sweat and come, or the fact that Hikari's body now weighed on him slightly too much for him to be comfortable; Temenos wanted to do nothing but close his eyes and drift away, knowing that when he wakes, his Hikari will still be in his arms. So that was what he did. 




    When he opened his eyes once more, he could see Hikari apologetically looking down at him. His body felt stiff and sore, but the sight of Hikari was always a welcome one. And both were proof, he might add, that last night wasn't a complete figment of his imagination. 


    “Did I wake you? My apologies,” Hikari said, his hand brushing aside Temenos’ hair oh-so softly. “It's still quite early. I thought I would leave you to rest a little longer.” 


    “Not at all,” he replied groggily. “Where are you going at this hour?” 


    “I’ve asked the servants to prepare my bath. I had planned to have another one drawn up for you when you woke, but…”


    To avoid suspicion, Temenos thought to himself. After all, Hikari still looked a deal more dishevelled than he usually did after last night. And even if they had been sharing a bed every now and then, the king would still take baths alone. 


    “...Now that you're awake, I was hoping you could join me.” 


    Temenos blinked. He had almost forgotten how straightforward Hikari can be, and it never failed to remind him how much he might be overthinking things. 


    “A hot bath does sound lovely right now,” Temenos smiled. “Though I may have to borrow your shoulder on the way there… I can hardly feel my legs.”


    Hikari’s cheeks turned a little pink. “I apologise, I didn't think…” 


    “There's no need to apologise. Though perhaps we should wait a few days before trying this again, hm?” 


    “Ah… of course.” His face had a deep blush now, no doubt from remembering last night's events. “I’ll be looking forward to it…” he added quietly. 


    Temenos smiled, and proceeded to painfully lift his body from the bed. He needed a hot soak for more than just hygiene reasons, it seemed. 


    “Come to think of it,” he said suddenly, placing a finger on his chin in his usual manner. “Have you heard from your shadow since?” 


    “...Only briefly. Though it appears to be quite… averse to you now. I've never seen it act that way.” 


    Temenos chuckled. “Is that so? It seems to have learned its lesson.” 


    Hikari looked at him with a puzzled expression, but Temenos merely hummed and clothed himself. Beckoning towards the door, he smiled softly back at him. 


    “Shall we, then?”


    “Of course,” Hikari returned his smile with a much larger one and a nod, “lead the way… my love.”

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